Minecraft server Chunky Monkey
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
428 | Chunky Monkey | chunkymonkey.fun ![]() | Cross-Play Economy MCMMO Roleplay Survival Survival Games Vanilla | 4/35 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 428 |
Title | Chunky Monkey |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | chunkymonkey.fun |
Status | Online |
Tags | Cross-Play Economy MCMMO Roleplay Survival Survival Games Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 4/35 |
Server Description | We are ChunkyMonkey! A SMP server with a global economy, custom god items, McMMO and much more! This server is geared towards survival with ton of fun expansions! We're heavily focused on the economy, bringing you a unique experience with the ability to turn almost every item into cash! You can also buy almost every item in the game, plus god items like a fortune 6 pickaxe! Sell almost every block for cash! Everything has a buy and sell value! Grind your favorite aspect of the game and easily turn your surplus of items into useful cash! Players love being able to turn their hard earned crops or spawner loot into building blocks or rank upgrades This server also provides a FREE ranking system available in the shop GUI! |