Minecraft server Obtain the Grain OTG
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1593 | Obtain the Grain OTG | play.otgmc.com ![]() | Economy Hardcore KitPvP Parkour PvE PvP Roleplay | 0/98 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1593 |
Title | Obtain the Grain OTG |
Version | 1.19.3 |
Server IP | play.otgmc.com |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy Hardcore KitPvP Parkour PvE PvP Roleplay |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/98 |
Server Description | - We use a custom resource pack on OTG that requires you have OPTIFINE downloaded and installed before joining. - Resource pack includes: 200+ Unique Item/Weapon Textures; which includes, 50+ Armor Textures, 13 Custom Elytra's, 12+ Custom Hats. - 9 Unique Themed Islands to explore and loot. Each Island has 2-5 Points of Interests for fast travel with a dungeon to delve into that has a boss at the end and a mine to gather resources from. - NPCs with Leveling/Daily Quest's and a Main Adventure Quest. - /Rankup system to make your kit equipment stronger. Climb through 14 ranks! - Attribute system, the longer you stay alive the more your attributes climb. - Mines for resources. (Building and breaking of blocks is limited to mines and plots.) - Dynamic /shop in Spawn Kingdom, prices fluctuate!- Player Plots for Rent in spawn and on every island! - PvPvE, 1 Safezone per Island. - Custom Monsters/Bosses with unique drop tables. - Loot Chests (Crafting of most items is disabled, you'll have to loot!) - Built in economy with an emphasis on a player market. - /Party up with friends! |