Minecraft server KenzoPrison
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1985 | KenzoPrison | kenzoprison.apexmc.co ![]() | Prison | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 1985 |
Title | KenzoPrison |
Version | 1.18.2 |
Server IP | kenzoprison.apexmc.co |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Prison |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | In addition to its focus on LGBTQIA+ inclusivity, a Minecraft prison server with custom plugins is designed to offer a unique and engaging gameplay experience. The server may have custom plugins that enhance the prison gameplay mechanics, such as unique crafting recipes, custom items, and new prison jobs. The server may also have its own economy system, where players can earn in-game currency by completing tasks or selling items, and use that currency to purchase upgrades, cosmetics, or other items. The prison server may have various different blocks and areas, such as cell blocks, common areas, and work areas, each with their own unique gameplay elements and challenges. The custom plugins may also include unique events or challenges that players can participate in, such as boss battles, scavenger hunts, or obstacle courses. Furthermore, the server may have a ranking system that allows players to progress through different levels based on their performance in the game, such as completing tasks, earning money, or participating in events. As players progress through the ranks, they may unlock new areas or perks, such as access to better jobs, larger cells, or unique items. Overall, a Minecraft prison server with custom plugins and an LGBTQIA+ inclusive community is a welcoming and engaging virtual space that offers a unique and entertaining gameplay experience for all players. |