Minecraft server Gifted Minecraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1231 | Gifted Minecraft | server.gifted-minecraft.com ![]() | Economy PvE Survival Vanilla Whitelist | 1/20 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1231 |
Title | Gifted Minecraft |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | server.gifted-minecraft.com |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy PvE Survival Vanilla Whitelist |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 1/20 |
Server Description | GiftedMC is a greylisted Vanilla SMP server. It was founded by neurodivergent people (i.e. giftedness, ADHD, autism, etc.). We are a safe haven for both neurodivergent (ND) people and friends of the community. We also have a connected Discord server where we meet regularly for events and to chat about Minecraft and mental health. Gifted MC welcomes anyone who is friendly, honest and respectful. The server is open 24/7 and has no game altering mods. The core is Paper and we use some QoL plugins. You are allowed to use non-advantageous client side mods such as (Distant Horizons, Lazydfu, Betterbiomeblend, Entityculling, Fabric, Litematica, Phosphor, Sodium). If you are a content creator (proof might be necessary) you are allowed to use Replay Mod. If we encounter cheaters/x-rayers, that is an immediate and permanent ban. We are a community funded server. It is no requirement to donate but anyone who can and wants to is welcome to become a Patron. There are cosmetic benefits (such as hats and particle effects) as well as a dedicated chat channel for supporters. To make playing easier and relaxed, we also have land ownership as a concept so you can claim your own piece of land and nobody will harm, grief or trespass your stuff. We are looking forward to meeting you! Hope to see you soon! |