Minecraft server KryptoKraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1491 | KryptoKraft | ![]() | Skyblock Survival Vanilla | 0/50 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1491 |
Title | KryptoKraft |
Version | 1.19.4 |
Server IP | |
Status | Online |
Tags | Skyblock Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/50 |
Server Description | Hello! my name is KryptoKnight17 I am the [Owner] Of my new server called KryptoKraft! Do you want a awesome survival/skyblock server to play on? Do you want a friendly and worry free server to play on? Then look no further than Shadow Realm. My server offers Multi-World access so you can play in different worlds while on the same server! I currently have a Skyblock world that is open and also i have 2 survival worlds. The first survival world is a normal default world and the other is a Custom Terrain survival world ran by my Terra plugin. The Terra world offers unique terrain and custom biomes for you to survive in! I have a skills plugin that lets you gain better skills by mining and growing crops for example! Also i have Factions installed aswell so feel free to set up your very own Faction! There is a Plot world coming soon for you players seeking a creative world to play in! I will set that up when I can. This entire server is up to date running 1.19.4 and does Update automatically. I have multiple ranks to get promotions on at no cost every rank is free you just have to earn it! I am currently the only staff member and I will need staff soon to help me monitor the server while I'm offline. Please come by and check out the server and hey invite your friends too! Thank You All! |