Minecraft server EternalCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1082 | EternalCraft | play.eternalcraft.co ![]() | MCMMO Survival Towny | 0/50 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1082 |
Title | EternalCraft |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | play.eternalcraft.co |
Status | Online |
Tags | MCMMO Survival Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/50 |
Server Description | BRAND NEW 1.19.4 World ADDED ONLY TODAY! We offer a place where you can come on to have fun, relax and play with your friends. We are a very friendly community, with staff members that will make sure it stays like this forever! We meet all 2023 standards, we strive to create a community where players interact with one another on the basis of friendship and love the game as much as we do! We are a semi-vanilla Minecraft server, however we have come up with some awesome plugins that will compliment the gaming experience! EternalCraft is a server that has been created by a group of friends that has spent the past 10 years playing and having fun on different minecraft servers. As such we have decided to open our very own server, which was launched on the 14th of January 2021! We want to bring what we have learned and put it all in one server to give all of you out there the best experience that any minecraft server can provide.We offer the ability for you to branch out into any sort of Minecraft player you want to be. Whether you want to build an empire or grind to reach the top. |