Minecraft server Fish On MC
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
114 | Fish On MC | play.fishonmc.net ![]() | Economy Factions Parkour Prison PvP Survival | 26/120 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 114 |
Title | Fish On MC |
Version | 1.19.3 |
Server IP | play.fishonmc.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy Factions Parkour Prison PvP Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 26/120 |
Server Description | Minecraft fishing has been revolutionized with Fish On MC, a brand new fishing simulator with new fishing mechanics and over 200 new fish species. You are able to participate in fishing tournaments and competitions throughout the day! Not only is there fishing, but crews which you can join with your friend. You gain access to your own crew island and get special buffs by leveling up your crew. Furthermore, there is also PVP events such as KoTH and the Oil Rig (a pvp fishing area).The PVP is custom with a different health system as well as new armor sets, weapons, and pets you can obtain to become stronger than your opponents. There are also custom fishing rod textures with epic cosmetic looks! This server was handcrafted by DatZebra, an avid fisherman in real life who also loves minecraft. After realizing there was no minecraft fishing server like the one he envisioned, he decided to make one himself. He built, textured, and coded the entire server to perfection. |