Minecraft server Arius
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1722 | Arius | arius.mc-node.net ![]() | Roleplay Survival Whitelist | 0/20 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1722 |
Title | Arius |
Version | 1.19.2 |
Server IP | arius.mc-node.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Roleplay Survival Whitelist |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/20 |
Server Description | WHITELIST Are you looking for something different from bland vanilla but don't like mods? Arius might be for you! We offer a unique expansion on vanilla without using mods or changing the core gameplay. So what do we add to the experience? - new custom mobs and bosses - new items and crafting recipes - magic system and spells - npcs and custom villager shops - dungeons - unique events - a storyline - a long and rich history - but most importantly, a friendly community! |