Minecraft server NationsMC
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1827 | NationsMC | Nationsmc.join-mc.net:9216 ![]() | Economy PvP Roleplay Survival Towny Vanilla | 0/50 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1827 |
Title | NationsMC |
Version | 1.18.2 |
Server IP | Nationsmc.join-mc.net:9216 |
Status | Online |
Tags | Economy PvP Roleplay Survival Towny Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/50 |
Server Description | NationsMC - Worldbuilding [PVP] [Roleplay] {1.18.2} {Worldbuilding} What is NationsMC?: The NationsMC server is a community-driven Minecraft server with a focus on roleplay and worldbuilding. It is also the first BEDROCK COMPATABLE worldbuilding server. Our goal is to build an interactive, fun atmosphere where people can come together to create their own path! We have a new world coming out with amazing custom map generation and fun structures to find and explore! What Can You Do In NationsMC?: In NationsMC the world is really yours for the taking. Become a warmonger, diplomat, president, acolyte or anything in between! We also are always adding new things and taking suggestions to help better our server and make the community more engaged! We also have a ton of fun and exciting plugins for players to mess around with such as the lands plugin, a custom weapons plugin, and much much more! If you decide to join, feel free to ask a staff or player for help if you need it! Information: Version: 1.18.2 (Java Edition & Bedrock) IP: Nationsmc.join-mc.net Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 25565 |