Minecraft server Camp SwiftCraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1829 | Camp SwiftCraft | camp.swiftcraft.net ![]() | Survival | 0/8 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1829 |
Title | Camp SwiftCraft |
Version | 1.16.5 |
Server IP | camp.swiftcraft.net |
Status | Online |
Tags | Survival |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/8 |
Server Description | **Welcome to Camp SwiftCraft!** This is a community based Minecraft server, where all players extend the main town by building their own bases, shops, trade posts, and whatever they think is fit as an extension to the main town. We have a unique "chapters" system where we will start with a specific world border and have it increase as the town expand. This increase will happen based on preferences of the camp members during every month's campfire meeting. Note that border can only increase if the previous increase was 1 months or earlier. Every increase of world border will increase the chapter number. Every month, we will host a campfire meeting where we will discuss matters related to the camp, and we will occasionally have challenges in store for the members! We will also have camp occupations, where campers can sign up for jobs that they can work at. These jobs are all aimed to make the camp a better place! Example of these are: Police Department - Catches rule breakers and jails them, Town Designers - fitting non-user builds to holiday themes. **Votifier** Receive 1 diamond everyday for voting! |