Minecraft server The Earth Factions
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1284 | The Earth Factions | TheEarth.Factions.ws ![]() | Earth Economy PvE PvP Raiding Roleplay Towny | 0/500 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1284 |
Title | The Earth Factions |
Version | 1.19.4 |
Server IP | TheEarth.Factions.ws |
Status | Online |
Tags | Earth Economy PvE PvP Raiding Roleplay Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/500 |
Server Description | The Earth Factions is a PvE, PvP, Earth Minecraft server with a roleplay aspect. Create towns, nations, brewery and much more to become the richest and take over the Earth. Fight wars with other towns win custom items and make history. |