Minecraft server FrozenMines
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2993 | FrozenMines | ms.frozenmines.xyz ![]() | Skyblock | 2/500 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 2993 |
Title | FrozenMines |
Version | 1.20 |
Server IP | ms.frozenmines.xyz |
Status | Online |
Tags | Skyblock |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 2/500 |
Server Description | Welcome to FrozenMines, the ultimate Minecraft server where the captivating world of spawners takes center stage! Step into a realm where spawners unleash a constant stream of blocks, which dedicated minions diligently break for your benefit. As the blocks shatter, precious drops cascade into your eager hands, ready to be sold for lucrative profits. But the journey doesn't end there; immerse yourself in the serene art of farming and fishing to provide nourishment for your hardworking minions, ensuring their sustained productivity. Additionally, embark on thrilling quests that will challenge your skills and reward you with invaluable treasures. In FrozenMines, the possibilities are as vast as the terrain itself, offering an extraordinary gaming experience for all adventurous souls. Join us now and carve your path to riches and adventure! |