Minecraft server Ridgeston County
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
328 | Ridgeston County | mc.ridgeston.cc ![]() | Earth Economy Prison PvP Roleplay Towny | 10/150 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 328 |
Title | Ridgeston County |
Version | 1.18.2 |
Server IP | mc.ridgeston.cc |
Status | Online |
Tags | Earth Economy Prison PvP Roleplay Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 10/150 |
Server Description | Welcome to Ridgeston County, a roleplay server set in the year 2006, where the town is nestled amidst the stunning mountains. Our server offers a dynamic and immersive roleplaying experience, where you can create your own character and live out your desired story. Located in the heart of the United States, Ridgeston County is a small, quaint town that offers a range of opportunities for its residents. From its historic downtown area to the scenic hiking trails, there's always something to do in Ridgeston County. Our server is dedicated to providing a realistic roleplaying experience, and we have worked hard to create a detailed and accurate depiction of life in the mid-2000s. Our community is friendly and welcoming, and we encourage everyone to participate in our events and storylines. Whether you're looking to join a jock, start a business, or simply explore the town and its surroundings, Ridgeston County has something for everyone. So come join us and start your journey in this vibrant and exciting world! |