Minecraft server FroglightMC
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
1479 | FroglightMC | play.froglightmc.com ![]() | Cross-Play Economy PvP Raiding Survival Vanilla | 1/200 | online |
Server Information
Rank | 1479 |
Title | FroglightMC |
Version | 1.20.1 |
Server IP | play.froglightmc.com |
Status | Online |
Tags | Cross-Play Economy PvP Raiding Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 1/200 |
Server Description | Welcome to FrogLight-MC! We are a fun Semi-Vanilla survival server that focuses on our players! Our goal is to build a strong community where people can play and be them selves while having fun. The Owners will be constantly looking to make sure our server is the best place to be part of a community and always take player suggestions into account when working on any major gameplay changes. A custom dungeon has been opened and is constantly being developed allows all players to proceed to become a powerful member of the economy through simply grinding rather than having to purchase any keys or ranks. Our staff are attentive and active in the discord and in game, constantly updating and fixing anything that requires it! |