Minecraft server Globcraft
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
3281 | Globcraft | globcraft.com ![]() | Economy PvP Survival Towny | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 3281 |
Title | Globcraft |
Version | |
Server IP | globcraft.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Economy PvP Survival Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Welcome to Globcraft! Towny/Economy We’ve been in Minecraft server hosting longer than most. We like to focus on creating a fun experience for players! We’re constantly improving! We know what we’re doing! Here at Globcraft, you have a dedicated staff team and a great community. We provide quick updates when new versions of Minecraft come out. Unlike many servers, we’re knowledgeable in managing servers. We’ve been around for over a year and plan to be here plenty longer! Smooth! We stride to provide a stable, low lag, Minecraft experience. We try to rollout fixes as quickly as possible and extensively test our setup before adding any new features. We want you to have the smoothest experience possible! Feature packed! We use the popular plugins that you’re familiar with: Towny, McMMO, and so on. We also use some lesser known plugins as well as custom plugins to make for a well-rounded and unique experience! Globcraft has a lively and functional player to player Economy. We've also just recently launched an OP Factions server! Growth! We like growing! Plans are in place to expand to add a Creative Server! There are also plenty of updates to come for the Towny Server! We’re lucky to have such a great community and look forward to seeing it grow. |