Minecraft server Effortless Synergy
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
4192 | Effortless Synergy | EffortlessSynergy.com ![]() | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 4192 |
Title | Effortless Synergy |
Version | |
Server IP | EffortlessSynergy.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Thank you for taking interest in Effortless Synergy Gaming! This 24/7 server is relatively new yet quickly expanding. Encompassing many hours of hard work we are finally available for all to see. The server also contains a fully operational town. Serving the purpose of both adding to atmosphere and functionality for our players. What makes us Unique? The most interesting note about our server should include the fact that we include an almost daily livestream at the URL "Twitch.tv/placidity". Which our members are more then welcome, in fact encouraged to join in and contribute on. The Livestream allows us to organize and coordinate large scale builds efficiently and consistently allowing for both a more in depth experience between community members and offering a sometimes much needed break from the survival experience. The server also includes a Mumble voice chat server (IP Address & Website EffortlessSynergy.com in addition to popular plugins/games such as Spleef, Mob Arena, Pvp Arena. As well as our own private plugins in development for future use on the server! |