Minecraft server Civcraft MC
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
4199 | Civcraft MC | www.civcraft.webs.com ![]() | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 4199 |
Title | Civcraft MC |
Version | |
Server IP | www.civcraft.webs.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Welcome to CivCraft official page! Civcraft MC is a player friendly server with a great community. We are a roleplay server that doesn't shove the lore down your throats, like many other servers. Lore You were born to a nation of takers, not givers. With the impending force of economic collapse and more, can a society too selfish to do otherwise, withstand future impact? Plugins and Server This server is a 1GB SSD, SpartanHost server with several plugins to enhance RP as well as survival. The server has a wonderful, at the moment, small community with several good staff members. We have a fully functional player economy, and a player run government and political system which enhances RP even further. Roleplay This server doesn't force you to participate in ANY RP Events, we try to make them as fun as possible, though. We take roleplay very seriously, and very lightly. We make RP events relevant to the time and events that make you think. The RP is a life of a person who just immigrated, or was born to a nation. We try to expand on that by giving people nicknames, jobs, etc. |