Wolves With Armor by Draylar1Wolves With Armor adds special armor items for wolves (and a few extra utilities) that keep them nice and safe.8052137159.54 KB1.19.1April 15, 2020June 29, 2022Miscellaneous
Minerva Library by zabi94A shared modding library for all of my mods8045576130.17 KB1.12.2January 16, 2019June 22, 2019API and Library
Architectury API (UNUSED) by shedanielAn intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods.8017185558.98 KB1.18.2November 13, 2020May 6, 2022API and Library
TelePastries by MrbyscoPastries that teleport players to other dimensions8004284193.36 KB1.19.2April 15, 2019June 26, 2023FoodPlayer Transport
Global Packs by JTK222A small helper mod for Modpacks, adding a global Datapack.800390918.91 KB1.20.2March 11, 2019June 7, 2023Map and InformationServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Pig Pen Cipher by DarkhaxDevAdds the pigpen cipher to Minecraft80026305.22 KB1.20.1July 17, 2020August 20, 2023CosmeticMap and InformationMiscellaneousServer Utility
Builders Crafts & Additions (Forge) by MRHminerPanels, Pillars, Storage & Furniture!79564662.31 MB1.20.1June 14, 2020September 28, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneousStorage
Lighting Wand 🌟 (Forge) by Snownee_Wand that can place invisible light source! also supports Colored Lighting793824457.15 KB1.20.1June 15, 2018September 9, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Customized Dungeon Loot by XxRexRaptorxXAdds vanilla items with special abilities to the dungeon chests, like enchantments, custom names, attributes and more cool features! - Adds no new items and blocks!7935781809.61 KB1.20.2February 6, 2017June 23, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsServer Utility
Mob Dismemberment by ohaiiChunSeveral mobs will break apart to gibs when killed!791868121.80 KB1.12.2March 31, 2015October 3, 2017CosmeticMobs
Rope Bridge by lordcazsiusEver wanted to build a rope bridge to an inaccessible area? With Rope Bridge, you can!7886930638.41 KB1.12.2November 18, 2015June 3, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticPlayer TransportStructuresTechnology
Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated by AOCAWOLAn Adventure & Exploration mod like no other with unique, magical, realistic, and detailed biomes!787219336.82 MB1.19.4June 23, 2020June 21, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
MineMenu by GirafiMine Menu - Radial menu, 'nuff said7859845236.38 KB1.20.1July 15, 2014August 1, 2023Miscellaneous
Dungeons Mobs by the_infamous_1A port of Minecraft: Dungeons mobs to Minecraft: Java Edition.784417911.84 MB1.16.5December 16, 2020April 21, 2023MobsWorld Gen
Expanded Equivalence by ZeitheronAdding EMC to different mod's items and crafting mechanics for ProjectE.782970287.12 KB1.19.2June 3, 2018January 26, 2023AddonsApplied Energistics 2BuildcraftThaumcraftThermal Expansion
Inventory Profiles Next by mirinimiTake control over you inventory. Sort. Move matching Items. Throw all. Locked slots. Gear sets! And much more.78277541.31 MB1.16.5June 18, 2021September 14, 2023StorageUtility & QoL
L_Ender 's Cataclysm by mcl_enderAdd Dungeons and Bosses781894930.28 MB1.20.1December 1, 2021September 22, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMobsStructures
Crafting Station by tfarecnimAdds only the crafting station from tinker's and nothing else780412773.04 KB1.20.1April 1, 2019September 26, 2023Miscellaneous
oωo (owo-lib) by gliscowoA general utility, GUI and config library for modding on Fabric and Quilt7794848884.20 KB1.20.1September 30, 2021September 11, 2023API and Library
Traveler's Titles (Forge) by YUNGNICKYOUNGEpic, RPG-like titles when entering biomes & dimensions!7791930214.46 KB1.20.1July 18, 2021September 5, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsMap and Information
Reese's Sodium Options by FlashyReeseAlternative Options Menu for Sodium778469470.79 KB1.20.2August 4, 2021September 20, 2023Miscellaneous
Simple Void World by modmuss50This is a very simple mod that adds a block that takes the player to a void world.776856519.49 KB1.18.2December 2, 2016March 4, 2022Dimensions
Cable Tiers by UltramegaaaAdds better Exporter, Importer, Constructor, Destructor, Disk Manipulator, Requester from Refined Storage and RSRequestify7745479269.97 KB1.20.1March 7, 2021August 29, 2023AddonsTechnology
No Chat Reports by AizistralMakes chat unreportable (where possible)7739923295.34 KB1.20.2June 16, 2022September 26, 2023CosmeticServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Shear Madness by AtomicBlomChisel - For Sheep7735383255.31 KB1.16.4August 21, 2016November 18, 2020AddonsCosmetic
Explorer's Compass by ChaosyrExplorer's Compass is an item that allows you to locate structures anywhere in the world.7734108151.32 KB1.20.2June 7, 2021September 23, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMap and InformationStructures
The Mighty Architect by simibubiDesign elaborate buildings within a minute!7719022691.35 KB1.18.2March 20, 2019July 11, 2022CosmeticMagicStructures
PlaneFix by Shadows_of_FireFixes AE2 Identity Annihilation Planes77169547.18 KB1.12.2April 26, 2019April 25, 2019Applied Energistics 2
Better Badlands by team_aurora_moddingExpanding upon the lackluster badlands biome, Mojang-style.7700449365.86 KB1.16.5November 22, 2020February 6, 2021Cosmetic
Friendermite by CreativeMDEnderman will not attack Endermite76928103.00 KB1.20.1November 3, 2019June 9, 2023Adventure and RPG
Silent's Gems by SilentChaos512Customizable tools! Colorful building blocks! Handy gadgets!7672165960.35 KB1.19.4May 9, 2014August 10, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagicOres and Resources
More Shearables by Lellson8Shear Pigs, Cows and Chickens!767007284.78 KB1.12.2February 14, 2016June 21, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingMobs
ChineseWorkshop by cityofskytcdBest friend of architecture dumb.7656962445.38 KB1.16.5March 30, 2018March 12, 2021Cosmetic
JourneyMap Integration by frankv_Adds some mod integrations for our favorite map mod765295569.21 KB1.20.1September 7, 2021July 29, 2023AddonsMap and Information
Domum Ornamentum by OrionOnlineMillions of unique block variants and all stairs/slabs/walls/fence and more vanilla Minecraft forgot7650783922.94 KB1.20.1September 14, 2021September 24, 2023API and LibraryCosmetic
RealBench by PrototikMakes vanilla workbench usable762829216.70 KB1.12.2October 27, 2015November 30, 2017Miscellaneous
Ender Crop by DrManganeseA crop that grows ender pearls761553072.90 KB1.20.1February 27, 2016August 25, 2023Farming
Elenai Dodge by ElenaiDevThe best balanced dodge mechanic in Minecraft!7607520222.73 KB1.12.2April 4, 2020December 20, 2021Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicPlayer Transport
Animalium by vadis365A mod that adds some wild animals7577214336.45 KB1.16.3March 23, 2017November 5, 2020Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFoodMobs
Better Biome Blend by FionaTheMortalImproves and fixes biome color blending757121648.38 KB1.19February 13, 2021June 14, 2022Cosmetic
More Axolotl Variants Mod by AkashiiKun69Adds more axolotl variants!7567610774.09 KB1.19.2June 28, 2021June 18, 2023MiscellaneousMobs
Terralith by StarmuteA 1.18+ overworld expansion for Fabric and Forge, with tons of new biomes and caves!75627002.62 MB1.20.2August 9, 2021September 23, 2023BiomesStructuresWorld Gen
Polymorph (Fabric) by TheIllusiveC4No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more than one is available.7545300614.63 KB1.19.2July 23, 2020November 26, 2022Miscellaneous
Faster Ladder Climbing by maddachshundQuickly climb up or down ladders by looking in the direction you want to go.75403767.28 KB1.19.3February 5, 2017March 10, 2023Miscellaneous
Restrictions by McJtyRestrictions, attract/push/move entities around752529946.22 KB1.19.4November 30, 2017September 5, 2023Technology
V-Tweaks by oitsjustjoseAdding New Mechanics without New Items!7516121144.81 KB1.20.1November 18, 2015July 30, 2023Adventure and RPGMiscellaneous
Farmer's Delight [Fabric] by NewHoryzonFabric port of the Farmer's Delight mod. This is a mod that gently expands upon farming and cooking in Minecraft.75144902.58 MB1.19.2May 16, 2021August 19, 2023CosmeticFarmingFood
Server Tab Info by black_dog20A client and/or server mod that gives nice a way to view the mean tick time and ticks per second (TPS) of the game7510693101.21 KB1.20.1April 8, 2018June 17, 2023Map and InformationServer Utility
Matter Overdrive: Legacy Edition by Buuz135Legacy Edition of the Matter Overdrive Mod749604517.38 MB1.12.2December 2, 2018April 13, 2019Technology
Pedestals by MowmasterDisplay's Items, Transfers Items, Energy, Fluids, Exp, and makes other item gathering tasks easier!7493908889.11 KB1.20.1June 26, 2020August 23, 2023CosmeticEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportFarmingProcessing