First Join Message by Serilum💬 Sends players who join a world for the first time a configurable message.24.95 KB1.20.2June 19, 2020September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMap and InformationServer Utility
Dragon Survival [Forge] by BlackAuresArtPlay as Dragon11.48 MB1.18.2November 18, 2020August 15, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMagicMobs
Steve's Workshop by _ForgeUser7319596Adds a production table that contains multiple modular crafting tables and/or furnaces.222.66 KB1.7.10August 9, 2014September 9, 2014Processing
FTB Structures (Forge) by FTBAdds barrels, loot crates, new biome source type and randomly spawning structures in world299.97 KB1.16.5August 22, 2021December 12, 2021StructuresWorld Gen
Spiky Spikes by FuzsDon't step on it! Hurts almost as much as stepping on LEGO... ouch115.92 KB1.18.2September 1, 2022August 15, 2023Farming
Charset (1.10.x) by asiekierkaThe Charset Project842.40 KB1.10.2June 25, 2016February 9, 2018CosmeticRedstoneStorageTechnology
Infused Foods by ApexMdrInfuse edible foods with any Potion Effect814.74 KB1.20.1May 31, 2022August 12, 2023FoodMagicProcessingStorageTechnology
Path Under Gates by cyberslasLets grass paths exist under fence gates.251.02 KB1.19.2January 14, 2020January 8, 2023Cosmetic
Stats Keeper (Forge) by TerrailsSaves stats on death & modifies default health55.88 KB1.19.3January 28, 2017January 2, 2023FoodMiscellaneous
Campsite Structures by ner07caImproves exploration by adding naturally spawning campsites!241.88 KB1.19.2November 18, 2022December 19, 2022Adventure and RPGMCreatorStructuresWorld Gen
Reinforced Barrels by atonkishFabric mod to add reinforced barrels1.04 MB1.20.1September 20, 2021June 17, 2023Storage
YDM's Allay by YourDailyModderxThe Allay mob from 1.1933.41 KB1.20.1October 21, 2021July 4, 2023MobsWorld Gen
Harder Natural Healing by MacTsoControl healing in your game. Rate, Hunger Cost, Hunger Minimum, Healing On Waking, Peaceful Hunger60.39 KB1.19.4November 18, 2020June 15, 2023Adventure and RPGFoodServer Utility
Dimensional Cake by insaneauDelicious Travel for all24.84 KB1.8.9October 12, 2015June 4, 2016Adventure and RPGFoodMagic
Funnels by ShadowfactsDevFantastic Fluid Funnels16.04 KB1.11.2June 15, 2016May 19, 2017Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
MegaParrot by SkylorBeckAdds super-sized, rideable, parrots!328.06 KB1.19.2December 29, 2021September 30, 2022CosmeticFoodMobsUtility & QoL
Plain Grinder by LothrazarGrind ores to dust and double your output98.29 KB1.20.1March 1, 2021August 14, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsOres and ResourcesProcessing
Extra Armor by BailymAdds a bunch of new armor sets. Includes special effects and set bonuses.985.06 KB1.20.1August 25, 2020June 19, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Wooden Bucket by thecech12A Wooden Bucket for all bucketable fluids, entities & blocks! (Forge)16.82 KB1.20.1March 2, 2022August 8, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
Vulcanite by Insane96MCPAdding a new balanced ore found in the Nether. Tools have special abilities and Armor has special protection for hot sources (lava, fire, etc.)191.05 KB1.16.5August 19, 2017September 16, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsOres and Resources
Industrial Renewal by CassioKFIndustrial objects to minecraft3.69 MB1.12.2August 3, 2018June 5, 2021CosmeticEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportPlayer TransportRedstoneTechnology
Artisan Automation by codetaylorAn automation solution for Artisan Worktables.198.67 KB1.12.2April 5, 2020June 30, 2020AddonsProcessing
Netherite Horse Armor Mod by TensorFlow719Adds a netherite horse armor into minecraft 1.16215.27 KB1.17.1June 29, 2020July 27, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Time in a bottle Curio Support by MangoRageMakes it so you can use Time in a bottle in a curio slot!41.11 KB1.20.1March 10, 2023September 10, 2023AddonsUtility & QoL
VE-FluidHandling by QueenOfMissilesFluid module for Voltz Engine172.37 KB1.12.2March 14, 2017April 2, 2019API and LibraryArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticServer Utility
bspkrsCore by bspkrsA set of shared classes used by all mods released by bspkrs.65.07 KB1.12.2June 15, 2013July 3, 2020API and Library
Spoorn Armor Attributes [Fabric/Forge] by spoornAdds randomized attributes to Armor Items, fully configurable123.75 KB1.20.1June 28, 2022July 6, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Apex Guns by acherlinsAdds some Guns from Apex Legends601.34 KB1.16.5August 2, 2022October 21, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Horse Stats Vanilla (Fabric) by TeaJ4yThis mod adds the statistics of horses, mules and donkeys to the HorseScreen in a vanilla way.1.49 MB1.20.1November 13, 2019June 14, 2023Map and InformationMobs
Solar Helmet [FORGE] by canitzpEvery helmet can be solar!33.48 KB1.20.1December 20, 2019July 3, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergy
Useful Nullifiers by Bartz24Nullifiers for getting rid of those useless items, fluids, and energy. Also includes an item similar to the dev/null.118.20 KB1.12.2July 13, 2016July 20, 2018EnergyStorageTechnology
Knob Control by KashdeyaGiving modpack makers more choices!178.31 KB1.12.2June 18, 2016December 21, 2017Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticFoodMobsOres and Resources
ChocoCraft 3 (MC 1.12.2) by TheSlayer5934This Mod is the continuation of ChocoCraft 3, which adds a rideable creature called a Chocobo.396.70 KB1.12.2July 10, 2018July 30, 2023CosmeticFoodMobsPlayer Transport
OpenBlocks Elevator (Fabric) by farruchooThis mod adds the famous 1.12.2 Elevator block, fully functional so you can teleport up and down in your world.36.01 KB1.20.1September 2, 2022July 6, 2023AutomationCosmeticPlayer TransportRedstoneServer Utility
Content Creator Integration (Forge) by ohaiiChunDo practically anything you want when a stream event happens. Subs/cheers/tips/hosts/etc. Anything.1.51 MB1.19.3September 3, 2018February 8, 2023Server UtilityTwitch Integration
Idolizing by witcher_vadimA new Boss, the greatest determination of the Illagers246.15 KB1.16.5November 29, 2021November 28, 2021Adventure and RPGMCreatorMobsStructures
Chat Emotes (formerly EiraMoticons) by BlayTheNinthTwitch Emotes in Minecraft.94.83 KB1.12.2May 24, 2015February 17, 2020API and LibraryMap and InformationTwitch Integration
EasierVillagerTrading reForged by AbsolemJackdawClient Side mod that allows one click trades with villagers40.61 KB1.19.2May 27, 2022August 24, 2022CosmeticMiscellaneous
Hopo Better Mineshaft by hoponopono1111More and better mineshafts to explore2.54 MB1.20.1May 15, 2022June 23, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
MobiusCore by profmobiusCore mod for ProfMobius' mod collection55.11 KB1.7.10March 23, 2014April 1, 2015API and Library
More Shears by KashdeyaAdds More Shears184.88 KB1.10.2July 11, 2016February 21, 2017Armor, Tools, and Weapons
SpoornPacks by spoornAPI Library for automagically generating Resource files and injecting them as a Resource Pack2.08 MB1.20.1February 8, 2022July 16, 2023API and LibraryUtility & QoLWorld Gen
Custom Window Title by chylexClient-side mod to change window title (including special tokens) and window icon. Supports Forge & Fabric.15.13 KB1.20January 31, 2020June 12, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
Bagginses by LordDuskAdds 2 Tiers of bags, and a void bag.173.73 KB1.10.2August 2, 2014November 9, 2016Armor, Tools, and WeaponsStorage
IC2 Tweaker by tttuskCraftTweaker (for Minecraft 1.12.+) support for IC2-experimental44.84 KB1.12.2January 20, 2019December 5, 2022CraftTweakerIndustrial Craft
Armor Statues by FuzsUnlock the full potential of armor stands! Works on vanilla servers, too.201.42 KB1.19.2September 29, 2022January 16, 2023Utility & QoL
Mine and Slash by mcrobertx22Turn Minecraft into a hack and slash looter!8.46 MB1.15.2November 7, 2018September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsDimensionsMagic
Endless Ocean: Aquatic Adventures by theNyfariaA Mod that Expands the Ocean to be similar to Endless Ocean493.37 KB1.19.2March 18, 2022November 14, 2022MobsStructuresWorld Gen
Cave Spelunking[Forge/Fabric] by someaddonPrevents ores from spawning not exposed to air/fluids/other ore blocks14.67 KB1.20.1April 7, 2021September 24, 2023Ores and ResourcesWorld Gen