Fix Race Condition by settingdustFix the race condition may related to Canary785616.66 KB1.18.2April 7, 2023April 6, 2023Utility & QoL
Wolves Of Other Furs by itsmineblock11An expansion to wolves in a vanilla style.668.01 KB1.20.1July 31, 2022July 1, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMobs
Spartan and Fire: RLCraft Edition by fonnymunkeyCompatibility between Ice and Fire and Spartan Weaponry, forked for RLCraft693.98 KB1.12.2September 14, 2022March 12, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and Weapons
RLMixins by fonnymunkeyRLMixins is a tweaking utility for the modpack RLCraft to make many changes and patches.1.92 MB1.12.2November 26, 2022September 2, 2023MiscellaneousServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Hit Indication by hamesterfoxxoAdds indicators to show where you where damaged from, with optional config options.141.76 KB1.20.1April 10, 2023August 9, 2023Utility & QoL
Aether: Lost Content Addon by ModdingLegacyA mod that brings back a lot of scrapped, unused, and even concepted content, from Aether I, and Aether Legacy.19.32 MB1.20.1April 2, 2019September 27, 2023AddonsMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Endless Biomes by MadoctheHadocA mod improving the End dimension2.73 MB1.20.1September 3, 2022August 20, 2023BiomesDimensionsMCreatorStructuresWorld Gen
Eidolon Patches by EndangeredNaylaDark magic mod for minecraft.2.49 MB1.19.2August 28, 2022July 12, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicWorld Gen
Traveler's Titles (Fabric) by YUNGNICKYOUNGEpic, RPG-like titles when entering biomes & dimensions!329.14 KB1.20.1March 8, 2022September 5, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsMap and Information
Vic's Modern Warfare Mod [Discontinued] by Vic4GamesTwitch3D Firearms || HD animations || HD Warfare33.16 MB1.12.2April 8, 2016February 27, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Colorful Azaleas by kekie6Adds color to your Azaleas and more!607.25 KB1.19.2March 31, 2022May 18, 2023CosmeticWorld Gen
FullStack Watchdog by telepathicgruntMake Watchdog crashes show all the code that was running for all threads14.20 KB1.20.1April 13, 2023April 12, 2023Server Utility
Exordium by tr7zwRender the GUI and screens at a lower framerate to speed up what's really important: the worldrendering.318.20 KB1.20.2September 26, 2022September 21, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Bedspreads (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) by TheIllusiveC4Allows players to add banner patterns to their beds! Formerly Cosmetic Beds.123.32 KB1.20.1December 9, 2018June 19, 2023Cosmetic
Audio Extension for FancyMenu [Fabric] by KeksuccinoAdd audio elements to FancyMenu layouts.82.25 KB1.20.2April 15, 2022September 22, 2023Miscellaneous
ImmediatelyFast Reforged (Unofficial) by ccr4ft3rSpeed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft106.72 KB1.19.2March 19, 2023April 10, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Create Sifting by oierbravo_mcSifter for create274.69 KB1.20.1August 18, 2022September 24, 2023Ores and ResourcesProcessingTechnology
Durability101 Forge/Fabric 1.12-1.19 by シェインA remake of Durability101 from RedBanHammer4.16 KB1.19.4June 22, 2019March 22, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Befixment by TheWinABagelSmall fixes to a few unmaintained mods19.06 KB1.19.2March 30, 2023April 7, 2023Utility & QoL
Nullscape by StarmuteVanilla End expansion for Fabric and Forge. More varied terrain - same barren, unforgiving void.310.74 KB1.20.2January 20, 2022September 23, 2023BiomesDimensionsWorld Gen
Extended Slabs + | Now on 1.19.3 and 1.19.4 by RealBlackout03A mod that adds extra slabs, stairs and most importantly Vertical Slabs!!!1.78 MB1.19.4April 9, 2020May 12, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
Item Obliterator [Fabric/Quilt] by ElocinDevJSON based item removal. Disable any item from any mod.16.72 KB1.20.1March 10, 2023August 25, 2023Utility & QoL
Bedspreads (Fabric 1.16.1 - 1.19.2) by TheIllusiveC4Allows players to add banner patterns to their beds!121.53 KB1.19.2August 6, 2020August 9, 2022Cosmetic
Awesome Dungeon - Forge by jtl_elisaThis mod adds structures/dungeons to your world.404.50 KB1.20.1September 25, 2021June 20, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesStructuresWorld Gen
Chef's Delight [Forge] by redstone3gameAdd-on for the Farmer's Delight mod. Adds 2 new professions to villagers.82.09 KB1.20.1March 2, 2023September 13, 2023CosmeticFoodStructures
Ad Tetra! by faermindedAdds compat between Tetra and Ad Astra!8.23 KB1.19.2February 15, 2023February 17, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Wavey Capes by tr7zwThe cape shouldn't be a static slab321.29 KB1.20.2August 29, 2021September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmetic
Main Menu Credits by XanderIsDevAdds a way of adding information to the user's title screen.14.00 KB1.20.1April 28, 2022April 26, 2023API and LibraryUtility & QoL
Timeless and Classics Guns by TheRealClumsyAlienA modern gun mod with a huge selection of weapons of well built and modeled firearms, full customizability, addon support, and a whole lot more!36.15 MB1.16.5June 6, 2021September 14, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticTechnology
Ender Trigon by nonamecrackers2A mod that makes the Ender Dragon fight more difficult95.21 KB1.20.1August 19, 2022July 2, 2023Adventure and RPGDimensionsMobs
NoFog by Tommeh2A highly configurable client-side Forge&Fabric mod that removes all fog63.14 KB1.20.1June 21, 2018June 20, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Spawn Balance Utility by MacTsoAllow you to control spawn weights and group size of mobs by Biome48.10 KB1.20.1May 27, 2021August 1, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Advanced Shulkerboxes by henkelmaxThis mod makes the Shulker Box more portable.129.64 KB1.20.2November 19, 2016September 21, 2023Storage
Shulker Box Slot (Fabric 1.16.1 - 1.19.2) by TheIllusiveC4Adds trinket support for Shulker Boxes for easier access and management. Formerly named Trinket Shulker Boxes.72.55 KB1.18.2July 14, 2020August 16, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
Awesome Dungeon The End edition - Fabric by jtl_elisaAdd a structure in your dimension the END !!!208.31 KB1.20.1February 1, 2022June 20, 2023AddonsAdventure and RPGStructures
Despawning Eggs Hatch by Serilum🥚 Chicken eggs on hay blocks hatch safely into chicks just before they despawn.49.26 KB1.20.2October 12, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Regrowth by MacTsoCreatures eat and regrow plants. Villagers improve their villages.97.09 KB1.18.2May 7, 2020September 27, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesWorld Gen
Armourer's Workshop by RiskyKenCosmetic weapon and armour skins.3.37 MB1.18.2April 12, 2015August 20, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Mobs Properties Randomness by Insane96MCPRandomize mobs properties. Add Potion Effects, apply Attribute Modifiers, add Equipment and more!128.56 KB1.20.1January 8, 2018September 21, 2023MiscellaneousMobsServer Utility
Full Turtle Armor by Jackbusters1Completes the turtle armor set. Forge & Fabric76.59 KB1.20.2July 23, 2021September 23, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
No Nether Portals by Seneschal_LuwinDisables the creation of nether portals5.40 KB1.12.2June 15, 2018June 5, 2023DimensionsMiscellaneousServer Utility
Biome Bundle by mc_pitmanA custom overworld replacement made with Open Terrain Generator (OTG)13.15 MB1.12.2February 7, 2016November 30, 2017BiomesDimensionsServer UtilityStructuresWorld Gen
Lucky Ores by 0Slashking0A mod, that adds lucky ores, similiar to lucky blocks, that generate random events once mined!90.44 KB1.15.2August 8, 2019February 16, 2020Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobsOres and Resources
Corn Delight by sz0999312A Corn Addon for Farmer's Delight134.35 KB1.20.1February 9, 2022July 11, 2023AddonsFarmingFoodTechnology
Better Lily Pads by MehVahdJukaarAllows placing torches, candles and any other blocks on to lilypads127.61 KB1.19.2May 22, 2022August 29, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Hardcore Questing Mode [FORGE/FABRIC] by LordDuskHardcore Questing Mode1.38 MB1.20.1March 28, 2014August 22, 2023Adventure and RPG
TickCentral by Terminator_NLA future proof coremod for control over in-game ticking52.30 KB1.12.2April 19, 2020December 15, 2020API and Library
Eyes in the Darkness by gigaherzA small spooky mod for the MMD Spookyjam272.70 KB1.20.1October 12, 2018August 25, 2023Adventure and RPG
CMDCam by CreativeMDBe camera & actor at the same time - Smooth camera paths127.85 KB1.20.1September 19, 2016June 9, 2023Miscellaneous
SeasonHUD by IanAndersonDisplay the current season on the HUD or under the minimap262.93 KB1.20.1October 23, 2022September 26, 2023CosmeticMap and InformationUtility & QoL