Farmer's Tea by burritoeatinghamsterAdds new Simply Tea! recipes to Farmer's Delight cooking pot.11.53 KB1.16.5February 24, 2021August 24, 2021AddonsFood
Better Animal Models by cybercat5555Makes many of the vanilla animals look a bit nicer817.15 KB1.19.2February 15, 2018June 12, 2022Cosmetic
MrCrayfish's More Furniture Mod by MrCrayfishA compatibility mod to support modded wood variants of furniture!5.85 MB1.16.5May 27, 2021June 9, 2021CosmeticStorage
Soul Shards: The Old Ways by SgtPunishmentEver wanted to create your own mob spawners? Now you can!261.29 KB1.12.2January 14, 2015April 3, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagic
Checklist by LCLC98Create a checklist for players to follow63.21 KB1.20.1August 29, 2020September 6, 2023Cosmetic
Loot Overhaul by TmtravlrExtends the vanilla loot system with more loot conditions, functions, and types of loot222.90 KB1.12.2July 29, 2018May 15, 2019API and LibraryServer Utility
Additions Mod by TmtravlrA mod that lets YOU mod! Add items, blocks, recipes, and many more things to the game, without using code!1.57 MB1.12.2May 16, 2019July 9, 2020API and LibraryArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticFoodOres and Resources
Auditory by SydokiddoA mod that expands and improves upon the sound and audio aspects of Minecraft!663.04 KB1.19.2June 23, 2022May 2, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Ore Stages by DarkhaxDevAllows blocks like ores to be hidden and staged with Game Stages31.06 KB1.12.2March 16, 2018November 22, 2018Adventure and RPGCraftTweaker
Ghost's Explosives by ghostgamingpeAdds new TNTs, C4, Landmines, Bazookas and much more!853.68 KB1.12.2September 4, 2018November 28, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMiscellaneousOres and ResourcesRedstone
No See, No Tick by VishnuConfigurable performance mod that increases entity performance by stopping ticks based on distance150.45 KB1.20.1March 3, 2023June 18, 2023Server UtilityUtility & QoL
Dual Riders by Flytre7Allows 2 players to ride one horse! (Like boats)!12.41 KB1.19.3January 13, 2021July 2, 2022MobsServer Utility
Random Loot Mod by milomaz1It's looting like you've never seen it before! Mobs, chests, and bosses drop new loot cases!378.80 KB1.16.5August 26, 2018September 9, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagicStructures
Worldshape by simibubiPlaces your schematics as generated structures in the world49.38 KB1.16.5October 23, 2021October 22, 2021StructuresWorld Gen
Magnesium by someoneelsewastakenUnofficial Port of CaffeineMC's "Sodium" Mod From Fabric to Forge528.41 KB1.16.5October 1, 2021December 9, 2021Miscellaneous
More Crafting Tables for Forge! by DaveDuartThat each wood has its own crafting table !!257.48 KB1.20.2November 3, 2020September 28, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Better With Minecolonies [Forge] by KreezxilRecipes that allow you to get hard to acquire blocks with slightly less difficulty. Great for level 2 schematics that want prismarine blocks!33.35 KB1.19.2September 30, 2019September 13, 2022Miscellaneous
BuildCraft|Core by Covert_JaguarBuildCraft Core Module1.09 MB1.7.10June 6, 2015October 28, 2022Buildcraft
Netherending Ores by ic_trabVanilla and Modded Ores in the Nether/End359.08 KB1.12.2August 17, 2017September 1, 2020Ores and Resources
Pet Cemetery by TeamAbnormalsAllows you to respawn your fallen pets!274.96 KB1.19.2January 7, 2022March 31, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMagicMobsUtility & QoL
Jumbo Furnace by CommobleA forge mod that adds a multiblock furnace that can smelt multiple items at once182.84 KB1.20.1June 20, 2020August 5, 2023Processing
Easier Sleeping by GeheimagentNr1Only a percentage of players has to sleep.101.19 KB1.20.1June 7, 2020July 5, 2023Server Utility
Origins Extra Keybinds by thatrobin3001Adds extra keybinds to the origins mod!19.93 KB1.20.1April 22, 2021June 20, 2023Addons
Presence Footsteps [Forge] by Paint_NinjaAn unofficial port of Presence Footsteps from Fabric to Forge6.83 MB1.18.2January 2, 2021May 21, 2023Cosmetic
Stylish Effects by FuzsStatus effect display overhaul: Display them in any menu! And way more compact.117.78 KB1.20.1November 2, 2021June 27, 2023CosmeticMap and InformationUtility & QoL
Storage Racks by RaycomsSimple but Powerful Storage Mod506.00 KB1.20.1May 18, 2021September 22, 2023Adventure and RPGAutomationCosmeticEducationStorage
Not Enough Items 1.8.+ by covers1624Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more459.80 KB1.12.2July 19, 2016August 5, 2019API and LibraryMap and InformationServer Utility
Better With Lib (BWM - Core) by primetoxinzAn optional coremod to allow BetterWithMods to do some extra things.20.51 KB1.12.2May 20, 2018October 5, 2018API and Library
The Splash Milk by DragonsPlusMilk splash potion should exists.81.54 KB1.20.1January 4, 2022June 12, 2023FoodMagic
Macaw's Roofs - Oh The Biomes You'll Go by Samlegamer_Add wood variants from Oh The Biomes You'll Go to Macaw's Roofs.1.19 MB1.19.4February 7, 2022June 16, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Athenaeum by codetaylorThis is my Minecraft mod library. There are many like it, but this one is mine.325.19 KB1.12.2December 30, 2017July 8, 2023API and Library
What Did You Vote For? 2022: Sniffer, Rascal and Tuff Golem by alexandersfunandgamesFormerly What Are You Voting For? 2022, this mod adds the mobs from the 2022 Minecraft Mob Vote to the game!348.24 KB1.19.2October 7, 2022February 22, 2023Mobs
Dense Ores by RWTemaAdds Dense variants of ores (includes support for numerous mods)71.20 KB1.11.2October 17, 2014May 20, 2017Ores and Resources
Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames by DaFuqsyBetter advancements screen67.87 KB1.20.1April 28, 2022June 29, 2023Map and Information
Guidebook by gigaherzCustom books with formatting and pictures254.22 KB1.20.1November 20, 2016September 19, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGMap and Information
Red Bits by magistermaksVanilla style redstone additions and improvements3.27 MB1.19.3August 22, 2020August 15, 2023Redstone
CompatLayer by McJtyCompatibility layer to help make mods compatible between 1.10 and 1.1139.77 KB1.11.2November 17, 2016February 16, 2018API and Library
Open Glider by gr8pefishAdds a hang glider to Minecraft!107.06 KB1.12.2October 17, 2016August 13, 2017CosmeticPlayer TransportTechnology
ZeiyoCraft by heinairA mod which improves Minecraft with various additions339.54 KB1.12.2July 14, 2016April 8, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticFarmingFoodOres and Resources
Werewolves - Become a Beast! by CheaterpaulWerewolf addon for Vampirism - Become a vampire!1.71 MB1.19.2November 5, 2020August 17, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobs
Seals by Buuz135Display your biggests achievements with style38.05 KB1.19.2October 24, 2019August 18, 2023Cosmetic
Creeper Confetti by SR2610No more Kabooms261.15 KB1.19.2July 20, 2014December 7, 2022CosmeticMagicMobs
Dark Loading Screen by Neecko5b84Makes the loading screen darker50.66 KB1.20.2March 4, 2020May 28, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
TexFix by SpeigerReduce the memory footprint of your textures6.30 KB1.8.9December 11, 2017March 10, 2018Miscellaneous
Brazier by possible_triangleBeacon-like multiblock structure to prevent mob spawning270.37 KB1.20.1August 16, 2020August 12, 2023Miscellaneous
DrawerFPS by someaddonImprove storage drawers fps10.11 KB1.19.2May 10, 2021August 13, 2022CosmeticStorage
Compat O' Plenty by tdstressIntegrates Biomes O' Plenty with Quark, Farmer's Delight and Buzzier Bees.1.79 MB1.18.2December 20, 2021November 24, 2022AddonsCosmeticStorage
Treasure2: Twilight Forest Loot Pack by gottschThis is an addon mod for Treasure2, that adds/injects items from Twilight Forest into Treasure2 chests.70.79 KB1.16.5June 14, 2021September 15, 2022AddonsAdventure and RPGStorage