End's Delight by foggyhillsideAn addon mod for Farmer's Delight based around adding culinary content to the end!254.59 KB1.18.2August 20, 2022August 3, 2023Food
Hunger Overhaul by ProgWML6Ever thought hunger should be more integral to surviving? Harvest vanilla crops without having to replant? Tooltips on food items And more...!132.34 KB1.12.2September 23, 2014May 23, 2018Food
Fzzy Core by fzzyhmstrsAPI used in fzzyhmstrs mods that provides various utilities for Kotlin mods332.89 KB1.20.1February 3, 2023August 20, 2023API and LibraryUtility & QoL
lazy-language-loader (Fabric) by chachylmaolazy-language-loader improves loading times when changing your language by only reloading the language instead of all the game resources!24.62 KB1.20.2September 11, 2021September 23, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Diamond Auction House by IAmTheSneakFabric Auction House Addon for Diamond Economy171.22 KB1.20.2May 23, 2022September 20, 2023Server Utility
ChickenChunks by Chicken_BonesChunkloading, chickenbones style104.20 KB1.7.10April 7, 2015April 6, 2015Server UtilityTechnology
Furnace Mk2 [Forge/Fabric] by VapourDriveLogical follow-up to the vanilla furnace(s) - provides a way to retain and manage experience.94.54 KB1.19.2May 22, 2021April 8, 2023AutomationProcessingTechnology
Bookworm by SoggyStacheAnimation/GUI tools5.23 MB1.17.1September 14, 2018September 25, 2021API and Library
ExtraTiC by GlazzmakerExtra tools & weapons for tinkers' construct11.02 MB1.7.10January 18, 2014May 10, 2016Ores and ResourcesTinker's Construct
MovingWorld by darkevilmacA core mod to let modders have collections of blocks as entities.1.14 MB1.12.2May 14, 2015July 17, 2020API and LibraryEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportPlayer Transport
CoFH Lib by TeamCoFHLibrary/API required by all CoFH mods. It's also meant as a resource for other modders!298.52 KB1.7.10May 9, 2014March 3, 2017API and Library
Amethyst Core by fzzyhmstrsLibrary for constructing magic-themed mods in the style of Amethyst Imbuement.497.36 KB1.20.1July 4, 2022September 8, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGMagicUtility & QoL
Useless Sword by Furti_Two🔪 It's a mod that adds 76 new USEFUL swords to the game2.52 MB1.20.1October 16, 2019August 26, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorOres and Resources
Set World Spawn Point by Serilum🌎 Allows setting an exact custom spawn point for (newly) created worlds and spawn tweaks.33.87 KB1.20.2March 12, 2020September 21, 2023Map and InformationServer Utility
Diamond Economy by IAmTheSneakSimple diamond-based economy for fabric9.44 MB1.20.2October 6, 2021September 20, 2023Server Utility
'Slight' Gui Modifications by shedanielAllows 'slight' gui modifications7.31 MB1.20.1May 2, 2020June 17, 2023CosmeticMap and Information
Gobble Core by TurkeyDevCore mod for Turkey's various projects61.27 KB1.12.2June 15, 2017January 8, 2018API and Library
Stoneworks [Forge & Fabric] by FuzsVanilla stone types in plenty of variations for all your building needs.2.32 MB1.18.2April 20, 2023August 11, 2023Cosmetic
Better Beds by MotschenChanges the renderer of the bed to use json models instead of a block entity renderer!49.04 KB1.20.2February 6, 2021January 27, 2023Cosmetic
Storage Cabinet by AshIndigoA simple storage cabinet131.16 KB1.18.2October 15, 2018March 29, 2023Storage
Fancy Lamps by a_frosted_oneThe fanciest lampiest mod you'll ever see. Probably.591.28 KB1.12.2December 24, 2018January 17, 2020CosmeticMagicThaumcraft
JourneyMapStages by DarkhaxDevAllows the JourneyMap mod to be staged with GameStages21.10 KB1.12.2March 8, 2018March 14, 2019CraftTweakerMap and InformationServer Utility
Macaw's Bridges - Biome O' Plenty by Samlegamer_A compatibility between Macaw's Bridges and the different woods and stones of Biome O' Plenty494.85 KB1.20.1October 3, 2021July 24, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Overweight Farming by agentmhkskgOverweight Farming is a small mod that aims to depthen and expand on minecraft's farming.371.12 KB1.20.1March 10, 2022September 12, 2023BiomesCosmeticFood
Dung Pipe by BordListianAdds a pragmatic solution to pulling from the side instead of the top.20.96 KB1.12.2July 28, 2017May 24, 2018Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportRedstoneStorage
SteveKunG's Lib by SteveKunGA common library used by SteveKunG's mods1.01 MB1.12.2June 15, 2018March 8, 2023API and Library
Harder Spawners by MacTsoSpawners harder to Disable with Light and Limited Lifespan54.11 KB1.19.4August 1, 2020July 26, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Snow Real Magic Potato Edition by potato_____boySnow Gravity & Accumulation | Snow-covered blocks | Compatible with Rubidium117.42 KB1.16.5February 28, 2023June 5, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoLWorld Gen
Macaw's Fences - Oh The Biomes You'll Go by Samlegamer_Add wood variants from Oh The Biomes You'll Go to Macaw's Fences.741.95 KB1.19.2May 4, 2022June 16, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Simple Backpack [FABRIC] by kwpughProvides backpack, void pack, ender pack and bundles73.01 KB1.19.3May 17, 2020December 1, 2022Storage
Inductive Logistics by Cd4017beAdvanced transport, sorting & storage for items & fluids314.85 KB1.12.2September 30, 2017September 2, 2020Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorage
Embersified by TheRealp455w0rdAdds support for Embers to convert to and from Forge Energy30.05 KB1.12.2September 24, 2018September 27, 2018EnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportMagic
Gobber Delight (A Farmer's Delight Add-on) by nocubeytAdds Gobber and Farmer's Delight compatability. Vanilla style.86.35 KB1.19.2May 18, 2022August 20, 2023AddonsFarmingFoodMCreator
Despawning Spawners by Buuz135Limiting the amount of spawns a spawner can do in it's lifetime.12.10 KB1.12.2August 12, 2017June 22, 2018Miscellaneous
TwerkItMeal - Twerk To Grow All The Things by TicTicBoooomGrow Crops, Trees & more by Spamming Crouch12.14 KB1.18.2October 22, 2020November 28, 2022Miscellaneous
Shulker Box Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) by TheIllusiveC4Adds curios and trinkets support for Shulker Boxes for easier access and management. Formerly named Curious Shulker Boxes and Trinket Shulker Boxes.421.44 KB1.20.1March 8, 2019June 20, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
Library of Exile by mcrobertx22Library mod that allows all my Exile related mods to connect.217.80 KB1.16.5July 29, 2020September 19, 2023API and Library
Custom Loading Screen by AlexIILAllows you to completly customise the loading screen with json files. (Formally Better Loading Screen)954.19 KB1.12.2April 7, 2015April 25, 2022Miscellaneous
Cursor Mod (Fabric/Forge) by ATE48(Client side) Change your ingame cursor149.26 KB1.19.2September 21, 2017December 3, 2022API and LibraryCosmetic
Macaw's Roofs - Biomes O' Plenty by Samlegamer_Add wood variants from Biome O' Plenty to Macaw's Roofs.507.30 KB1.20.1December 19, 2021June 15, 2023AddonsCosmetic
[SBM] Bone Torch by BuiltBrokenSimple mod to create torches from bones11.63 KB1.20.1December 9, 2015June 9, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagic
Quarry Reborn by TED_incThis mod add Quarry (Miner) to Tech Reborn for Fabric111.48 KB1.19.2August 4, 2021December 11, 2022Industrial CraftTechnology
World Pre Generator by GeheimagentNr1Provides a pre-generator for Minecraft worlds.1.09 MB1.20.1June 6, 2020July 9, 2023Server UtilityWorld Gen
Default World Type [Forge] by MelanXChange the default world type for creating a new world9.42 KB1.16.5April 3, 2020September 15, 2023Map and Information
Playdate by FrogipherA vanilla-style mod adding many decorative toys!814.93 KB1.20.1February 9, 2022August 24, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Stupid Things by FurgleStupid Things adds a bunch of random, stupid items. Enjoy!1.15 MB1.12.2May 20, 2017September 1, 2020Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticFarmingTechnology
Davincis Vessels by darkevilmac(Formerly Archimedes Ships Plus) Sail a boat, Fly in the skies, or Plunder the depths of the oceans.525.68 KB1.12.2February 23, 2015July 10, 2020Adventure and RPGPlayer TransportTechnology
Too Many Efficiency Losses by ItsPonksFixes that nasty efficiency loss in Extra Utilities 2 that makes large farms impossible and more.21.12 KB1.12.2December 12, 2018July 15, 2019EnergyMiscellaneous
DarkBindings - 100+ Recipes to Craft by GamerPotionRotten Flesh to Diamonds and more recipes to craft53.80 KB1.20.1August 11, 2022August 23, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsOres and ResourcesServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Macaw's Fences - Biomes O' Plenty by Samlegamer_Add wood variants from Biome O' Plenty to Macaw's Fences.382.45 KB1.20.1April 4, 2022June 11, 2023AddonsCosmetic