Angel Block by tfarecnimAdds a block that can be placed in midair for easier building14.75 KB1.16.5July 29, 2019January 20, 2021Miscellaneous
Useless Reptile by Nord_ActAdds a dragon that you can tame and ride1.77 MB1.20.2September 18, 2022September 15, 2023MobsPlayer Transport
Fluidlogged (Forge/Fabric) by LeximonAllows waterlogging with any fluids such as lava64.86 KB1.19.3May 5, 2022September 13, 2023Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportUtility & QoL
Sky Resources 2 by Bartz24The ultimate companion skyblock mod supporting a ton of other mods! Obtain everything from nearly nothing.1000.02 KB1.12.2March 30, 2016August 9, 2019MagicOres and ResourcesProcessingTechnology
Blocky Stone Doors by LothrazarAdd 28+ Stone Doors that can hide in plain sight, identical to normal blocks185.58 KB1.20.1March 4, 2021July 2, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Staff of Building by Draylar1Staff of Building adds in new staffs which can be used to speed up building109.71 KB1.18.1May 11, 2020December 22, 2021Miscellaneous
Scavenge by SpeigerApply a custom Rightclick behavior to any block!599.61 KB1.19.2December 4, 2017April 14, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGOres and Resources
Double Jump Mod [Fabric] by TurtleArmyMcAdds an enchantment for boots that allows you to jump mid-air.28.58 KB1.20.1August 11, 2020June 6, 2023Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Pick Your Poison 🐸 by doctor4tPoison dart frogs, new potion effects and poison darts!498.28 KB1.19.2March 20, 2022October 29, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFoodMobs
Campful by lumpazlAdds new campfires for all wood types!1.10 MB1.16.5December 20, 2020March 6, 2021Cosmetic
Item Recycler by LatvianModderAdds a simple recycler block that lets you recycle items into their components51.44 KB1.16.5August 9, 2021August 21, 2021KubeJSTechnology
Gnumus Settlement by mongoose_artistAdds new mobs, blocks, items, small structures and settlements to the game778.01 KB1.19.2December 4, 2022May 23, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Simple Barrels by workshopcraftAdds simple barrels to minecraft111.44 KB1.10.2June 27, 2016January 12, 2017Storage
LightningCraft by SBlectricHarness the raw power of lightning to shape the world to your whim!1.25 MB1.12.2October 27, 2015January 30, 2020Adventure and RPGDimensionsEnergyProcessingTechnology
Naruto Shippuden by FishyHard_nespitMod based on Japanese anime "Naruto Shippuden"21.59 MB1.16.5April 21, 2021July 24, 2023Adventure and RPGFoodMCreatorMagicMiscellaneous
Butcher's Delight by onuadanThis is a mod that complements animal processing2.97 MB1.20.1December 2, 2021September 28, 2023CosmeticFoodMCreatorMobs
Scanner by EladkayScans void chunks for terrain!241.56 KB1.12.2September 8, 2016October 30, 2020BiomesDimensionsOres and ResourcesStructuresTechnology
TooManyOrigins by MerchantPugOrigins addon that serves as an extension to the original mod.894.60 KB1.20.1April 10, 2021August 30, 2023Addons
Trick or Treat by SameDifferentSpooky Halloween candy with fun effects! Made for MMD SpookyJam 202184.49 KB1.16.5October 10, 2021November 2, 2021FoodMagicMobs
Weapons of the Apocalypse by jeffisnothappyA small mod that adds apocalyptic weaponry and food268.64 KB1.12.2February 23, 2020July 30, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFood
Shulker Tooltip by ZephaniahNoahMove your mouse cursor over a shulker box to see what's inside.11.52 KB1.20.1April 28, 2018June 28, 2023CosmeticMap and Information
FTB Ranks (Fabric) by FTBAdds ranking system that lets you give certain players permissions, username formatting, etc.76.14 KB1.19.2April 16, 2021June 18, 2023Map and InformationServer Utility
JumpOverFences by MartmistsThis mod allows the player to jump over fences and walls.3.84 KB1.20.1December 4, 2019August 20, 2023Player Transport
Figura by Francy_ChanA client-side mod that lets you customize your Minecraft Avatar... Extensively3.82 MB1.18.2February 28, 2021August 10, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
Multiblocked by KilaBashAn extremely flexible yet vanilla-esque multiblock mod, that embraces aspects of MultiblockTweaker and Modular Machinery.1.13 MB1.18.2April 2, 2022September 15, 2023API and LibraryCraftTweakerMagicTechnology
Touhou Little Maid by TartaricAcidA mod featuring maids and Touhou Project, adding Touhou Project style maid models.7.05 MB1.20.1December 17, 2019September 26, 2023Miscellaneous
Guntopia Legend of the Guns by _ForgeUser16806030Introduces guns into minecraft, RPG style, 3d models, 30 gun effects, 9 weapon styles6.73 MB1.8.9July 18, 2016February 10, 2017Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagicTechnology
Recycle Items Plus by _ForgeUser8181592You can get 33% of precious material from smelting that item.110.19 KB1.7.10December 18, 2013February 13, 2015Ores and Resources
Ender IO Base by HenryLoenwindBase module for a modular Ender IO installation4.75 MB1.12.2July 1, 2018July 30, 2023API and LibraryArmor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
ExtrabiomesXL by annysia63ExtrabiomesXL is a mod for Minecraft which adds new biomes that enhance game play and make exploring fun and interesting.869.89 KB1.7.10June 24, 2013December 31, 2015BiomesMobsOres and ResourcesStructures
More Gems [FABRIC] by kwpughAdds (10) sets of armor, tools, weapons, enchants, juju and more669.40 KB1.19.3April 20, 2020December 1, 2022Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Basic End Ores [Forge/Fabric] by cScotPlaySpawns Vanilla and Modded Ores in the End589.11 KB1.20.1October 12, 2021September 3, 2023DimensionsOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
Requious Frakto by BordListianThis is a techmod. It contains whatever you configure it to contain.490.15 KB1.12.2August 21, 2019February 26, 2021Technology
Enchantment Transfer (Fabric/Forge) by treekicker4Move enchantments from item to book using an anvil, on Fabric or Forge!59.95 KB1.20.1January 15, 2022July 15, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL
My Hero Academia by R3TR0stA mod that will bring the content from the Anime,Games,OVAs and Movies into a My Hero Academia Minecraft mod6.90 MB1.16.5February 6, 2020October 2, 2021Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMCreatorMobs
Better Recipe Books (+ Brewing Stands) by marshycityAdds quality of life changes to the recipe book.157.39 KB1.20May 26, 2021July 1, 2023Utility & QoL
Christmas Festivity by The_MillmanThis mod adds new Christmas themed decorations and foods.4.46 MB1.19.2November 26, 2017December 13, 2022CosmeticFoodStorage
Happiness (is a) Warm Gun by cybercat5555Simple but nice gun mod1.60 MB1.20.1February 18, 2021September 25, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMobs
OpenSecurity by MichiyoRavencroftSecurity addon for OpenComputers599.37 KB1.12.2June 16, 2015January 11, 2023AddonsTechnology
Shield mechanics by someaddonMake shields more interesting by changing how they work27.13 KB1.20.1April 28, 2021June 22, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
Zoesteria by valoegheseJust a regular 1.12 biomes mod797.33 KB1.12.2October 29, 2018June 29, 2019Adventure and RPGBiomesOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
MultiBeds by ShetiPhian::Design Your Bed:: Pick the style, block texture, blanket pattern and color (or use a banner). Dye your sheets and pillow case. Choose an embroidery or create/use/share a custom one.921.11 KB1.20.2May 8, 2016September 25, 2023Cosmetic
CTMLib by tterrag1098Contains the core code Chisel 2 uses for CTM and other texture types. Shipped with Chisel 2.29.10 KB1.7.10June 29, 2015January 2, 2016API and Library
BobLib by BobsansProvides basic GUI for Bobsans mods23.55 KB1.19.3June 14, 2020February 1, 2023API and Library
Traveller's Gear by BluSunrizeRPG Inventories! Armorstands! Cross-Mod Interaction! Woohoo!305.39 KB1.7.10September 21, 2014October 11, 2015API and LibraryAdventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Tinkers' Skyblock by bonusboniUtilities for a less grindy start in Skyblock maps, based on TiC32.09 KB1.12.2September 23, 2017December 15, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTinker's Construct
Apple Shields Mod by vadis365NEW Custom Shields536.00 KB1.11.2July 4, 2016July 11, 2017Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
Sneak Through Berries by TrikzonLets you sneak through Sweet Berry Bushes without taking damage15.78 KB1.20.1June 21, 2019June 28, 2023Miscellaneous
Steve's Addons by _ForgeUser16618358Adds additional functionality to Steve's Factory Manager260.30 KB1.7.10December 9, 2014January 11, 2016AddonsEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorage
Gamma Utils (Fullbright) by SjouwerFully client side Gamma / Brightness / Night Vision mod, making it easy to see in the dark. Basically Fullbright for Fabric.61.32 KB1.20.2June 9, 2021September 21, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL