Konkrete [Fabric] by KeksuccinoJust another boring library mod.9277689727.63 KB1.20.2October 31, 2020September 22, 2023API and Library
Dirt2Path [FORGE] by mallrat208Dirt2Path lets you convert Dirt Blocks into Path Blocks when using a Shovel92747115.93 KB1.12.2April 8, 2017August 30, 2019Armor, Tools, and Weapons
CaveBiomeAPI [Forge] by blackgear27This mod works as a bridge so modded cave biomes can be compatible and generate together9269356144.25 KB1.16.5January 30, 2021November 7, 2021API and LibraryBiomes
Oculus by Asek3Unofficial Fork of "Iris", made to work with FML92331912.68 MB1.20.1February 19, 2022September 23, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
WTHIT by badasintendedWhat the hell is that? A fork of Hwyla which is a fork of Waila.9182938599.51 KB1.20.2January 28, 2021September 7, 2023API and LibraryCosmeticEducationMap and Information
LagGoggles by Terminator_NLA minecraft forge mod which profiles and visualises lag in the world.9181505175.13 KB1.12.2December 15, 2017April 15, 2023Map and InformationServer UtilityUtility & QoL
More Overlays Updated by RiDGo8Adds NEI-like light overlay for mob spawns, a chunk border overlay and a JEI item search overlay. (updated for 1.15.2, 1.16.5, 1.18.2, 1.19)917598892.30 KB1.20.1June 23, 2020September 21, 2023AddonsMap and Information
HelpFixer by matthewprengerFixes the /help command91724296.62 KB1.12.2August 28, 2014September 12, 2017Server Utility
Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone by telepathicgruntFixes deadlocks caused by https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-246262916433514.45 KB1.18.2December 25, 2021March 1, 2022Server Utility
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended by pamharvestcraftThis mod adds over 400+ new foods to Minecraft (REQUIRES PHC2 - CROPS and TREES mods)91416821.86 MB1.16.5August 14, 2020September 23, 2023Food
Primitive Mobs by Daveyx0A small mod that adds mobs with "Minecrafty" feel.9129858579.83 KB1.7.10November 22, 2017January 9, 2019Mobs
Ender IO Endergy by tterrag1098Balanced because it takes effort to install9105561115.25 KB1.12.2October 7, 2018July 30, 2023AddonsEnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportOres and ResourcesTechnology
Immersive Posts by TwistedGateExtendable treated-wood, aluminium, steel posts and more for ImmersiveEngineering.9091277491.79 KB1.19.3February 16, 2019April 1, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Infernal Expansion by InfernalStudiosExpanding the Nether beyond its official update with tons of new mobs & blocks, all while staying true to the Vanilla feel!908233813.95 MB1.19.2July 12, 2020September 23, 2022BiomesCosmeticMobsStructures
Druidcraft by VulpTheHorseDog2Ever wanted to explore druidry? Now you can!90820631.42 MB1.16.5September 10, 2019April 4, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesMagicOres and Resources
ME Capability Adapter by rfctksSparkleAdds capability adapter blocks for AE2.907843079.83 KB1.12.2November 11, 2017September 26, 2021Applied Energistics 2
GottschCore by gottschThis is a new base library of code that is used in all of my other mods.9068302176.84 KB1.20.1July 19, 2017September 7, 2023API and Library
YUNG's API (Fabric) by YUNGNICKYOUNGA library mod for some of YUNG's Minecraft mods (Fabric version)90471351.16 MB1.20.1November 22, 2020September 25, 2023API and Library
Mutant Beasts by ChumbanotzThe mutants are back90420331.18 MB1.15.2August 18, 2019December 10, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMobs
Cloth API (Fabric) by shedanielGeneralized API for Fabric 1.149036051103.84 KB1.19March 11, 2019June 29, 2022API and Library
Future MC by thedarkcolourAdds things from 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, and 1.16.898355913.58 MB1.12.2December 29, 2018August 7, 2022Adventure and RPGCosmeticCraftTweakerMiscellaneousMobs
Back Tools by ohaiiChunDisplays the last used tool of the player on their back895766822.49 KB1.16.5March 31, 2015May 22, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Item Highlighter [Forge] by Grend_GHighlights newly picked-up items. Simple and convenient.8950334967.26 KB1.12.2August 28, 2021August 11, 2023Map and InformationMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
YUNG's Bridges (Forge) by YUNGNICKYOUNGAdds beautiful naturally generated bridges throughout the world8918315133.04 KB1.20.1October 14, 2021September 25, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesStructuresWorld Gen
Open Terrain Generator (OTG) by team_otgA data-driven world generation tool for Forge and Spigot that gives you full control over Minecraft’s world generation.89174084.35 MB1.12.2April 22, 2017June 26, 2023BiomesDimensionsMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Super Sound Muffler: Revived by FirstnecronRevival of the 1.12 Super Sound Muffler mod!887370378.95 KB1.12.2February 21, 2020February 20, 2020Miscellaneous
Miner's Helmet by ModdingLegacyA mod that simply adds a helmet with dynamic lighting.8867848103.91 KB1.19.4November 18, 2019March 16, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Forge) by TheGrimseyUnderground Villages. Love villages? Wonder why none settled underground in a sort of inhabited Stronghold? Well, you can stop wondering because now they do.8861383255.58 KB1.18.1March 26, 2021January 19, 2022StructuresWorld Gen
Real Filing Cabinet by BlueNeenjaA strangely resourceful storage system.8843963406.79 KB1.12.2November 14, 2016March 12, 2020MagicStorage
MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod by MrCrayfishAdds in vehicles that you can drive!88306423.24 MB1.16.5February 2, 2018November 5, 2020CosmeticEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportFarmingPlayer TransportTechnology
Potion Rings by ShivaxiAdds simple bauble rings with potion effects. REDUX version for RLCraft.882857911.05 KB1.12.2September 29, 2019November 9, 2019Magic
Signpost by GollorumSignposts for teleportation and decoration8818392954.15 KB1.20.1February 28, 2017August 13, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticPlayer Transport
RevampedWolf by bagu_chan500This mod aims to revamp the wolf mob875692586.35 KB1.20.2August 4, 2020September 26, 2023CosmeticMobs
The Outer End by BlueDuckYTAn End Expansion mod that improves the lackluster End Dimension875454654.67 MB1.16.5December 22, 2020July 27, 2021Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsMobsStructures
FancyMenu [Fabric] by KeksuccinoMinecraft menus, but much more fancy! Customize menu screens with animations & more!87541831.32 MB1.20.2October 31, 2020September 23, 2023API and LibraryMiscellaneous
TerraForged by won_ton_A worldgen overhaul mod87518851.62 MB1.16.5February 21, 2020October 22, 2022BiomesWorld Gen
Visuality by PinkGoosikLittle visual improvements by adding a bunch of new particles.874995165.72 KB1.20.2August 27, 2021September 19, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Unloader by UnnoenUnloader is a small utility mod that unloads dimensions that aren't in use.87415766.25 KB1.12.2January 27, 2018June 13, 2018Server Utility
Demagnetize by comp500Stop item magnets from destroying your automation!870737960.82 KB1.12.2August 21, 2018October 23, 2020RedstoneTechnology
Illuminations 🔥 by doctor4tA client mod that adds fireflies and various glow-in-the-dark ambient particles to your world.8703312378.64 KB1.19.2April 28, 2018November 7, 2022CosmeticMiscellaneousMobs
Hardcore Darkness by Lumien231This mod removes the minimum light that's always present in minecraft869748931.57 KB1.12.2December 2, 2014November 11, 2017Cosmetic
Libnonymous by davenonymousA library mod for mods by Davenonymous8693768292.89 KB1.18.2January 6, 2020March 5, 2022API and Library
Falling Leaves (Fabric) by RandomMcSomethinMakes leaf particles fall from leaf blocks8673797150.05 KB1.20.2November 4, 2020September 4, 2023Cosmetic
Vic's Modern Warfare Mod by Vic4GamesTwitch3D Firearms || HD animations || HD Warfare867282533.16 MB1.12.2April 8, 2016February 27, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
MegaLoot by Winter_GraveLoot for RPG style gameplay86689501.19 MB1.12.2January 30, 2018July 15, 2019Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Cardinal Components by UpcraftLPAPI for data-driven content8663776216.70 KB1.20.1March 30, 2019August 3, 2023API and LibraryEnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportMap and Information
Chat Heads by dzwdzSee who are you chatting with! Now for Forge too!866346049.09 KB1.20.2September 9, 2020September 23, 2023CosmeticMap and Information
Balm (Fabric Edition) by BlayTheNinthAbstraction Layer (but not really)™ for Blay's multiplatform mods8643238368.38 KB1.20.2July 4, 2021September 26, 2023API and Library
Iceberg [Fabric] by Grend_GA modding library that contains new events, helpers, and utilities to make modder's lives easier.8634431119.86 KB1.20.1October 23, 2021August 14, 2023API and Library