Entity Texture Features - [Fabric & Forge] by traben_0Custom, Emissive and Varied mobs like Optifine and so much more.. +Player skin features!)5666971439.20 KB1.18.2January 17, 2022June 16, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
Tiny Skeletons by FuzsTeeny, tiny skeletons, send shivers down your spine...565871888.37 KB1.20.1November 20, 2021June 26, 2023Mobs
Void Totem (Fabric) by AffehundA mod that adds a totem that prevents you from dying in the void.5654376137.09 KB1.20.1March 12, 2021June 22, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsPlayer TransportUtility & QoL
No Villager Death Messages by MutantGumdropRemoves the console spam from villager deaths56314785.50 KB1.20.1February 28, 2021September 27, 2023Server Utility
Worley's Caves by super_flukeA complete cave generation overhaul with Worley noise561727969.88 KB1.16.5August 2, 2018December 28, 2021World Gen
Golden Hopper by MrCrayfishThe easiest and most simple way to filter items!5607987199.09 KB1.20.1April 10, 2020June 21, 2023Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportRedstoneStorage
Better Mods Button by FuzsYour mods button, your way. Placed where you want it, customized how you want it!560537353.51 KB1.19.4October 26, 2021May 18, 2023Utility & QoL
PackagedAuto by TheLMiffy1111Enhancing Autocrafting with Packages5582353324.28 KB1.20.1December 5, 2018September 24, 2023Applied Energistics 2AutomationEnergy, Fluid, and Item Transport
MidnightLib by TeamMidnightDustCommon library with a built-in configuration system557580555.33 KB1.20.2-SnapshotMay 31, 2021September 15, 2023API and Library
The Graveyard (FORGE) by finallion_13A mod that adds structures, mobs and blocks themed aroung the graveyard.556288812.94 MB1.20.1September 25, 2021September 8, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesMobsStructuresWorld Gen
CobbleForDays by LexManosSimple cobblestone generators556045342.29 KB1.20.1October 27, 2019July 18, 2023MiscellaneousProcessing
ToolTipFix by KyrptonaughtFixes tooltips that are too long to be displayed555796912.14 KB1.20.1October 6, 2020June 9, 2023Cosmetic
Cat Jammies by Buuz135Cats do be jamming to music555773810.45 KB1.16.5December 24, 2020March 26, 2021CosmeticMobs
Fossils and Archeology: Revival by _ForgeUser18449974Adding dinosaurs and archeology into Minecraft!554897445.19 MB1.12.2September 1, 2014August 26, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsGeneticsMobsOres and ResourcesStructures
Medieval Music[Forge/Fabric] by someaddonAdd medieval music to your world5548842290.31 MB1.20.1August 29, 2021June 27, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmetic
Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals by Mari_023An addon for Applied Energistics 2 that adds wireless versions of several Terminals5545266205.97 KB1.20.1March 20, 2021September 21, 2023Applied Energistics 2Technology
Combustive Fishing by TheIllusiveC4Have you ever wanted to try fishing in lava? Now you can!5519673110.29 KB1.16.5October 10, 2017October 3, 2020Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsFood
Shrines Structures by silverminer007A customizable structure generation mod that provides new structures like shrines, temples, houses, and more for Minecraft Forge5512345761.41 KB1.20.1November 10, 2020August 23, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
Farmer's Delight Cookbook Addon [0.4 is the last update] by dalummaThis mod adds a simple Cookbook that explains everything you should know about Farmer's Delight54975502.35 MB1.16.5February 28, 2021May 13, 2021AddonsFoodMap and Information
Magnum Torch by FuzsPowerful torches to prevent mob spawns around your home in a large area.548236378.56 KB1.18.2March 15, 2022August 10, 2023MobsUtility & QoL
FTB Guides (Forge) by FTBImproved version of the previous mod, now using markdown instead of json5449006266.19 KB1.12.2March 17, 2019November 13, 2019API and LibraryMap and Information
Fabric Seasons by D4rkness_KingA simple mod that adds seasons to the game, dynamically changing biomes as you play.5446973418.36 KB1.20.1October 17, 2020August 11, 2023Miscellaneous
Pam's Simple Recipes by pamharvestcraftThis mod adds several crafting and smelting recipes to the game.54456566.82 KB1.12.2June 30, 2014January 15, 2018Adventure and RPG
MattDahEpic Core (MDECore) by MattDahEpicCommon code for all MattDahEpic mods. Adds helpful commands too.543829722.38 KB1.19.2April 15, 2015April 22, 2023API and LibraryServer Utility
On Soul Fire by MoriyaShiineMakes soul fire actually have unique properties5436000153.20 KB1.20.1July 10, 2020June 12, 2023Cosmetic
World Utils by masadySeveral commands to edit or fix Minecraft worlds5434045243.11 KB1.12.2November 28, 2016September 21, 2017Server Utility
The Graveyard (FABRIC) by finallion_13A mod that adds structures, mobs and blocks themed aroung the graveyard.543345313.03 MB1.20.1August 11, 2021September 8, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Broken Wings by quat1024Disable flight per-dimension.543338438.49 KB1.12.2May 11, 2018March 21, 2021Miscellaneous
Just A Raft Mod by MrbyscoBasically it adds not boats but rafts. You know, the logs that are tied together.543273662.93 KB1.19.3August 13, 2017August 8, 2023Player Transport
MaLiLib by masadyA library mod required for masa's client-side mods5431237532.57 KB1.20.1September 16, 2018August 25, 2023API and Library
Fix Experience Bug (now with FABRIC and FORGE versions) by MacTsoFixes bug: Experience disappears when dimension hopping.54245343.13 KB1.20.2May 27, 2021June 14, 2023CosmeticDimensionsMiscellaneous
Wopper by EllpeckA mod that adds a wooden hopper542292216.65 KB1.12.2June 8, 2017July 26, 2017Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportRedstoneStorage
Bigger Packets Please by ElNounchExtend compressed packet size limit540889929.94 KB1.7.10December 16, 2018January 3, 2019Miscellaneous
Guard Villagers (Fabric/Quilt) by MrSterner_Guards that help with village pest control54070062.99 MB1.20.1January 23, 2022September 13, 2023MobsWorld Gen
Auudio [Forge] by KeksuccinoLibrary mod to easily play background sound in menus and worlds.540341126.91 KB1.20.2April 6, 2022December 18, 2022API and Library
Mo' Structures (Fabric) by ffrannnyMo' Structures is Fabric's best structure mod, adding new lore and adventure to your world!5393943675.96 KB1.19.2April 24, 2020March 31, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
Roots Classic by LothrazarCreate magic wands and perform druidic rituals5390956640.92 KB1.20.1June 11, 2018July 18, 2023Magic
Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) by Orca_san_Japanese anime "Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba)" mod538919920.90 MB1.16.5April 15, 2021June 9, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorMagic
AEInfinityBooster by hexeptiondevAdded Infinity Range Card and Dimension Card to AE2538741824.43 KB1.20.1December 22, 2021August 7, 2023AddonsApplied Energistics 2Storage
Fish's Undead Rising by fish0016054Fill your world with all kinds of mobs, undead-related or not.53812865.20 MB1.12.2May 8, 2019September 14, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFoodMobs
Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR) by shedanielYour options shall be respected.537310516.97 KB1.20.2April 8, 2020June 11, 2023Map and Information
Tome of Blood by ToxicMintTeaAdds a new way to play with Blood Magic and Ars Nouveau536777272.89 KB1.16.5January 20, 2021December 26, 2021Blood MagicMagic
Bamboo Blocks by TeamAbnormalsA mod that adds more building opportunity through Bamboo!5367014426.25 KB1.16.5October 17, 2019December 3, 2021Cosmetic
Ordinary Coins by flametaichouSimple currency for server economy536495246.13 KB1.12.2November 6, 2017November 3, 2019Adventure and RPGServer Utility
Ping by GirafiInspired by Portal 2, this mod brings the Ping tool into Minecraft535282576.17 KB1.20.1August 1, 2014June 10, 2023Miscellaneous
Epic Fight by maninthe_homeChange the combat of Minecraft into Dark souls53500423.97 MB1.16.5August 28, 2020March 19, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Neko's Enchanted Books by Nekomaster1000Gives each and every Enchanted Book a unique texture!5338366287.86 KB1.19.2January 29, 2021October 3, 2022Cosmetic
Nether's Exoticism by Furti_Two🥭 New exotic fruits, potion and effect for the Nether !53368442.81 MB1.20.1May 25, 2021August 13, 2023DimensionsFoodMCreatorWorld Gen
Little Logistics by SveidWater and rail transport mod, automated boats & trains!5324460736.72 KB1.18.2January 19, 2022July 15, 2023AutomationEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportTechnology