MARG by JTK222Material and Automatic Resource Generation99.39 KB1.16.5June 16, 2019March 28, 2022API and Library
Pack Crash Info by BloodWorkXGamingAdds Information about the modpack when crashing.6.46 KB1.12.2September 28, 2018September 27, 2018Miscellaneous
EMI by EmilyPloszajFeatureful and accessible modern item and recipe viewer930.86 KB1.19.3February 16, 2022September 18, 2023API and LibraryMap and Information
Curios Quark Oddities Backpack by 6LeoYAdd Curios support for Quark Oddities Backpack31.18 KB1.19.2February 10, 2021August 22, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition by NuchazAdds support for Biomes O' Plenty woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run.40.06 KB1.11.2March 6, 2015May 28, 2017AddonsCosmeticStorage
Adabranium by Brandcraft_This mod adds powerful fictional materials: Vibranium & Adamantium264.51 KB1.20.1February 6, 2020August 6, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsOres and Resources
SevPatches by RobertDropTableSmall patch mod fixing issues in SevTech892.67 KB1.12.2May 9, 2020October 8, 2021Miscellaneous
Archeology Mod by CapsLockeyArcheology System from Minecraft Live 2020459.39 KB1.19.3October 24, 2021February 17, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMiscellaneousStructures
Power Adapters by DarkhaxDevAdds new power adapter block to convert power.36.67 KB1.12.2February 18, 2018October 1, 2018BuildcraftEnergyTechnology
Pack It Up! by fzzyhmstrsA simple backpack mod aimed to provide interesting progression options and simple upgradeability. Choose from a variety of themed packs that hold a ton of certain specific items!143.55 KB1.20.1December 12, 2022June 19, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsStorageUtility & QoL
Tiny Item Animations by TrivaxyAdds cute inventory animations when picking up items18.06 KB1.20.2January 13, 2023June 20, 2023Cosmetic
Toad Terror by CicodaAdds a Toad Sentinel boss, as well as a new companion to fight for you!472.10 KB1.16.5June 28, 2020January 9, 2021Adventure and RPGMobsStructures
Datapack Portals by KyrptonaughtCreate custom portals using CustomPortalApi with datapacks237.23 KB1.20.1November 28, 2020June 15, 2023API and LibraryDimensionsPlayer TransportServer Utility
Weapon Throw by dainxtThrow your Axes or Swords!74.16 KB1.18.2September 16, 2020May 7, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Just Enough Dimensions by masadyRegister custom dimensions to the game and/or use per-world gamerules, time, weather etc.259.11 KB1.12.2November 28, 2016June 19, 2022Dimensions
Mob Plaques by FuzsNeat, tiny attribute displays for all mobs with great customization!75.42 KB1.20.1October 6, 2022June 27, 2023Map and InformationUtility & QoL
MenuMobs by SpiesAmiceGimmick mod for Minecraft that renders the current player and a random mob on the in-game menus.73.17 KB1.12.2June 8, 2016December 30, 2017Cosmetic
Stacker by Andrew6rantChange the stack size of all items!55.67 KB1.19.4August 14, 2021May 30, 2023API and LibraryMiscellaneousStorageUtility & QoL
Midnight Rifting Machine by existingeeveeTo and from the midnight with ease30.28 KB1.12.2September 27, 2019September 26, 2019AddonsAdventure and RPGMagic
Aquatic Torches by realmayusTorches made from glowing squids that can be used underwater!18.26 KB1.19.4January 2, 2022March 31, 2023CosmeticMagicMobsTechnology
Simply Arrows by DarkhaxDevAdds new arrows. What do you expect.33.92 KB1.12.2January 26, 2018October 5, 2018Armor, Tools, and Weapons
DarkMining - Better Block Drops by GamerPotionGet even more drops when mining blocks18.17 KB1.20.1December 12, 2022June 15, 2023Adventure and RPGBuildcraftOres and ResourcesServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Progression Tweaks by TurkeyDevEarly game items and fun89.41 KB1.12.2January 3, 2018March 18, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticTechnology
ExtendedExchange by FTBExtendedExchange addon mod that adds Transmutation Table MK2 and other things663.16 KB1.18.2September 26, 2022November 23, 2022Addons
Hardcore Revival by BlayTheNinthHelp your friends back up after they die (if you can make it in time)215.73 KB1.20.2August 8, 2017September 26, 2023Adventure and RPG
Two Players One Horse by Beethoven92This mod allows two players to mount together on the same horse, epic!269.86 KB1.16.5December 31, 2020March 24, 2021Adventure and RPGMobsServer Utility
Music Player by HyCraftHDPlay music from many sources like youtube, soundcloud or radio livestreams34.44 MB1.20.1May 24, 2018August 25, 2023Miscellaneous
DarkRTP - RTP Random Teleport by GamerPotionA Random Teleport mod allowing you to teleport to random locations8.36 KB1.20.1September 17, 2022June 7, 2023Adventure and RPGServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Fat Cat by vadis365Adds a Fat Cat Industrialist Mob.40.22 KB1.12.2March 23, 2018March 22, 2018Adventure and RPGMobs
Village Employment by EnderPrestonEver wanted to work in a village? Well, now you can!597.21 KB1.17.1May 17, 2021March 13, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
ZenLoot by RobertDropTableEdit loot tables at runtime through zenscript33.07 KB1.12.2October 26, 2020October 25, 2020CraftTweaker
Engineer's Tools by wilechaoteAdds manual handheld tools for the Engineer.345.96 KB1.16.5April 18, 2019January 22, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsProcessing
Cavern II by kegare0127Have a nice cave life!12.23 MB1.12.2January 18, 2018June 19, 2020Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsDimensionsMobsOres and Resources
Brewin' And Chewin' by lumpazlFermenting addon for Farmer's Delight358.29 KB1.19.2June 28, 2022March 31, 2023Food
ExtraBotany by ExtraMeteorPAn Addon that expands your Botania experience and adds to more fun3.38 MB1.16.5July 25, 2018August 8, 2022AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagic
HarvestCraft Tweaker by tfarecnimadds crafttweaker support to harvestcraft18.13 KB1.12.2June 30, 2020August 24, 2020CraftTweaker
Mundane Redstone Ore by ShyNiekeReplacing Vanilla Redstone ore with non-shiny redstone since 20174.14 KB1.20.1August 7, 2017June 9, 2023CosmeticOres and ResourcesRedstone
More Bees by TencaoAdds More Bees to Forestry235.24 KB1.12.2August 24, 2016June 19, 2018FarmingForestryOres and Resources
Ore Prospectors by LothrazarProspect ore in the area; highly configurable19.89 KB1.12.2August 21, 2017July 10, 2018Ores and ResourcesTechnology
Limited Spawners (Fabric) by StrikerRockerAdds a limit for no of mobs a mob spawners can spawn.8.79 KB1.20.1December 17, 2020June 22, 2023Miscellaneous
Road Runner by Bamboo97Define Road Blocks that alter the Movement_Speed10.10 KB1.12.2August 22, 2017August 23, 2017MiscellaneousPlayer Transport
Create Support for Open Parties and Claims by xaero96Adds Fabric Create mod support to Open Parties and Claims59.06 KB1.20.1July 25, 2022June 25, 2023AddonsServer Utility
Mystical Gears by RCXcrafterAdds more gear options to mystical mechanics and some tweaks765.45 KB1.12.2March 22, 2019February 15, 2021AddonsEnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportMagicThaumcraft
Fabric Enchantments by safrodevAn enchantment overhual mod for Fabric162.79 KB1.20.2June 27, 2021September 23, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagic
Mother Silverfish by baileyholl2Adds a large Silverfish boss for modpacks68.73 KB1.18.2October 28, 2022November 17, 2022Adventure and RPGMobs
Ma Enchants by Maciej916Over 25 new enchants and curses!141.64 KB1.19.3November 10, 2019December 9, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagic
SkyLib by SkylorBeckA library for all mods made by Skylor Beck190.29 KB1.18.2August 7, 2021September 19, 2022API and Library
PrimalChests by Jaredlll08Adds intermediate chests that cannot hold as much as a normal chests54.47 KB1.12.2August 21, 2017March 18, 2018CosmeticStorage
Sit (Fabric) by bl4ckscor3Allows you to sit on slabs and stairs.67.01 KB1.20.2July 19, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmetic