Keeping Inventory by Silly511Automatically enables keepInventory and disables mobGriefing on startup.3.02 KB1.12.2June 19, 2015December 14, 2017Server Utility
Enhanced Attack Indicator by MinenashUses the attack indicator for more than just melee attacks32.56 KBClientFebruary 13, 2021May 31, 2023Cosmetic
Screenshot to Clipboard (Forge) by comp500Screenshots taken are copied to the clipboard.16.09 KB1.20.1July 10, 2019February 9, 2022Miscellaneous
Villager Workers by talhanationAdds hireable villager workers that can farm, mine or even fish for you!761.13 KB1.19.2January 14, 2022April 16, 2023Adventure and RPGAutomationFarmingMobsStructures
Easy Shulker Boxes by FuzsSupercharge shulkes boxes, bundles and backpacks! Fully useable in your inventory with many intuitive interactions.448.79 KB1.20.1March 15, 2022July 1, 2023StorageUtility & QoL
Catalogue (Fabric) by MrCrayfishA beautiful mod list for Fabric API234.24 KB1.20.1September 2, 2022September 23, 2023API and LibraryMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Eureka! Airships! (Forge/Fabric) by rubydesicEureka! Build ships in Minecraft out of ordinary blocks, with physics.366.33 KB1.18.2August 3, 2022April 26, 2023Player Transport
Survival island by JasmineTry to survive in a world made up of islands!62.38 KB1.20.1February 25, 2020June 13, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsWorld Gen
ServerLevelType by modmuss50ServerLevelType3.02 KB1.12.2January 3, 2019January 4, 2019API and Library
Item Blacklist by DoubleDoorDevNow is not the time to use that.45.32 KB1.12.2October 22, 2015August 31, 2019Adventure and RPGServer Utility
Eidolon's Sanguine Arsenal by alexandr_0031Eidolon addon focused on combat and expansion257.30 KB1.16.5April 2, 2022July 11, 2022AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagic
Diet (Forge) by TheIllusiveC4A customizable food group-based nutrition and diet system.210.31 KB1.16.5February 5, 2021June 6, 2023Food
Diagonal Panes by magneticflux_Diagonal glass panes!41.18 KB1.19.2September 1, 2019October 11, 2022CosmeticUtility & QoL
Steve's Vanilla! [Fabric] by YoWabbitSimple vanilla updates, with fun mobs, blocks, and more!695.52 KB1.19.2March 17, 2022August 28, 2022FoodMobsWorld Gen
Just Enough Pattern Banners by LorexeAdd how to make banners in JEI26.56 KB1.12.2March 25, 2017July 24, 2017Addons
thorium by PotassiumMCthorium is a fabric mod that fixes 50+ small bugs and annoyances in Minecraft.704.40 KB1.19.3February 10, 2022December 10, 2022MiscellaneousServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Fertilization (Fabric Edition) by BlayTheNinthAdds additional variants of bone meal for all your fertilization needs.241.12 KB1.20.2July 20, 2021September 26, 2023FarmingMagic
Immersive FX by y4z0nDynamic Surroundings but better...36.14 MB1.18.2January 2, 2022November 4, 2022Adventure and RPGUtility & QoL
K-Turrets by Alexiy_OrlovAdds several turrets and combat drones to shoot down enemies1.06 MB1.16.5October 13, 2021September 23, 2023MobsTechnology
Odd Water Mobs by jocoseroDiscover new creatures from the ocean depths!8.01 MB1.16.5March 10, 2021January 12, 2022BiomesMobsWorld Gen
LevelHearts by FireController1847Completely overhaul the Minecraft health system and make it your own!51.85 KB1.20.1August 3, 2017July 2, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagic
McHorse's McLib by McHorseYTLibrary mod for McHorse's mods731.24 KB1.12.2October 13, 2018May 7, 2023API and Library
Universal Tweaks by ACGamingConsolidates various bugfixes and tweaks into a single solution for Minecraft MB1.12.2November 18, 2022August 14, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Mining Gadgets Fabric by thatguynamedalphaBecause mining with lasers is cool2.68 MB1.19.2May 18, 2022February 8, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
Better Spawner Control by Serilum✔️ Disables mob spawners whenever they are surrounded by 5 torches.37.61 KB1.20.2September 24, 2019September 21, 2023MobsServer Utility
Enchiridion by joshiejackCustom Books with pictures, recipes for modpack makers. As well as a library for storing and reading modded books.490.77 KB1.12.2March 22, 2014May 15, 2019API and LibraryMap and Information
ParCool! by alRex_UA Mod which enable players to do more Cool actions like Parkour597.23 KB1.20.1May 15, 2021September 27, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Tax Free Levels (Fabric/Forge) by FourmisainFlattens the ever-increasing anvil and enchantment costs and makes renaming items always cost 1 level14.05 KB1.20.2March 27, 2021September 21, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagic
Infinite Dungeons by mcrobertx22Spawn new dungeons to conquer.579.17 KB1.16.5November 26, 2021December 10, 2021Adventure and RPGStructures
Extra Generators by D4rkness_KingA technology mod that adds a variety of generators to your world.487.58 KB1.19.2April 25, 2021July 1, 2022Technology
Runic Dungeons by MrComputerGhostA Simple Dungeon Dimension.685.45 KB1.7.10January 17, 2015June 25, 2016Adventure and RPGDimensionsMobsStructures
ThutCore by Thutmose_IIIAPI used by Thut's Mods1.05 MB1.20.1September 20, 2014September 25, 2023API and Library
You've Goat to be Kidding Me! by plantspookableBlock breaking Ram Blocks, Thatch, Viking Helmet and Geeps!765.71 KB1.20.1January 9, 2023July 19, 2023CosmeticFoodMiscellaneousMobsRedstone
Trolldom by mickelusA magic mod with roguelike elements262.91 KB1.20.1August 7, 2022August 14, 2023Adventure and RPGMagicStructures
The King of the Villagers by ElvishNightVillagers now have a king.19.86 KB1.18.2April 26, 2020May 30, 2022MiscellaneousMobs
Pistorder by Fallen_BreathA mod that shows the block movement order of a piston137.37 KB1.20.2December 21, 2020June 6, 2023Redstone
SimpleLabels by insaneauLabels for the Deep Storage Unit, and more!24.38 KB1.7.10June 29, 2015March 7, 2017AddonsStorage
Block Swap by Corgi_TacoA simple mod to replace a given block with another.300.46 KB1.19.2April 8, 2021June 19, 2023BiomesOres and ResourcesServer UtilityWorld Gen
Waterlogged Redstone by The_MillmanIt adds things like repeater, comparator, buttons and lever that can be placed underwater.34.30 KB1.20.2April 7, 2021September 12, 2023Redstone
Tool Progression by tyra314Configurable harvest levels for tools and blocks94.22 KB1.12.2May 1, 2017April 8, 2021Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMap and Information
An Origins Addon - Libra by JaselUmenaBetter basic origins and extra ones!251.63 KB1.20.2May 3, 2021October 14, 2022AddonsAdventure and RPGCosmeticMagic
Dropt by codetaylorModify block drops based on player, gamestage, dimension, biome, held item, y-level, items dropped, fortune level, silktouch. Rules can be defined using ZenScript, JSON, or the DroptAPI.145.36 KB1.12.2January 7, 2018April 18, 2022BiomesDimensionsMiscellaneousOres and ResourcesServer Utility
Wasteland Reborn by Hennamann99The Classic Wasteland mod, reborn for 1.11.2 & KB1.12.2January 2, 2018December 18, 2021Adventure and RPGBiomesMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Borderless Window by nekerasForge mod which replaces the standard Minecraft fullscreen with a borderless fullscreen window43.00 KB1.20.1April 26, 2020June 8, 2023Cosmetic
Quit by mikhailtapioConfirm before quitting12.93 KB1.19.2October 3, 2022August 25, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Lodestone by egshelsA collection of code used throughout projects under the Lodestar team.500.48 KB1.19.2April 24, 2022July 10, 2023API and Library
WR-CBE-Universal by Chicken_BonesThe combined WR-CBE mod344.59 KB1.7.10April 7, 2015April 6, 2015Technology
GoProne by AlpvaxA simple forge mod to allow players to crawl through 1-block gaps203.16 KB1.19.4July 17, 2019July 20, 2023Miscellaneous
Player Plates (Obsidian Plates) [Forge] by Gaz_Adds Extra Pressure plates30.39 KB1.19.2January 17, 2019October 24, 2022Redstone
Universal Enchants by FuzsBetter enchantments! Use them on all tools and weapons. Infinity crossbow, or looting trident anyone?263.09 KB1.18.2March 14, 2022August 15, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL