St'ructure Tools by ProjectETEssentially a Building Gadgets port to fabric.842.94 KB1.19October 15, 2021June 17, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
Rockhounding Mod: Chemistry by globbypotatoAssembly and maintain an industrial area in which several machines handle various types of ingredients for mid-late game purposes.3.63 MB1.12.2October 8, 2016September 2, 2023CosmeticEnergyOres and ResourcesProcessingTechnology
Dynamic Trees + by supermassimo0310More than just trees!376.79 KB1.19.2May 3, 2021September 8, 2023AddonsBiomesCosmeticFarmingWorld Gen
Finally Farmable Dyes by UnixkittyGrow vanilla flowers that produce essential dyes as crops.98.64 KB1.19.2April 30, 2020April 7, 2023CosmeticFarming
Mythical Origins by proman468Adds a collection of Origins based around popular mythical beasts. These Origins have a variety of powers, some good, some bad.32.99 KB1.20.1December 28, 2021September 1, 2023AddonsAdventure and RPGMagic
Magical Crops by Mark719Grow & Harvest all your resources!2.49 MB1.7.2March 24, 2015May 4, 2015FarmingMagicOres and Resources
Apollo's Additional Structures by ApolloAdds some new vanilla-esque ambient structures into your world!211.77 KB1.19.3July 5, 2022October 6, 2022StructuresWorld Gen
Forge Relocation - FMP Plugin by MrTJPPut parts inside frames? Preposterous!24.77 KB1.7.10June 27, 2015June 28, 2015Addons
Forge Relocation by MrTJPMove ALL the blocks!377.72 KB1.7.10June 27, 2015July 29, 2015API and LibraryTechnology
Tinted Campfires by CozaryNice campfires of different colors!547.91 KB1.20.1May 6, 2021September 1, 2023CosmeticOres and Resources
Enemy Expansion by InfernalStudiosAdding variety to combat encounters in Minecraft!2.89 MB1.18.2October 20, 2022September 21, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorMobs
Modern World Creation [Forge] by KeksuccinoA modern bedrock-like world creation menu.457.26 KB1.19.3May 22, 2021December 30, 2022Cosmetic
Biome Id Fixer (Forge) by desagasMaintain biome ids when adding, removing, updating, any biomes to the game.18.50 KB1.16.5January 20, 2021September 1, 2021API and LibraryAdventure and RPGBiomesMap and InformationWorld Gen
Fishing Ruler by NettakrimMeasure distances with the fishing rod and know if you can fish up treasure!14.90 KB1.20.1March 30, 2023June 12, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL
Engineers Workshop by EwyBoyA Modular Workshop - All In One Block!318.02 KB1.10.2December 10, 2016January 3, 2018EnergyProcessingStorage
Autovw's Burger Mod by AutovwDevA mod that adds in burgers and other types of food that extend the vanilla game!176.54 KB1.20.2May 18, 2021September 25, 2023Adventure and RPGFarmingFood
Modern Glass Doors by KyrptonaughtAdds prettier glass doors162.95 KB1.19.2July 8, 2019July 3, 2023Cosmetic
FTB Tweaks by Jaredlll08This is a very simple mod that introduces the concept of game modes. For want of a better description this allows you to set up multiple minetweaker profiles and switch between them on the fly (no server restart required) This gives you the ability to...5.43 KB1.11.2October 17, 2015May 22, 2017CraftTweaker
No Time Out No More by zKryleNever worry about users timing out in your server anymore!6.04 KB1.19.2October 8, 2022June 27, 2023Server UtilityUtility & QoL
[LEGACY] InvMove (Forge) by PieKing1215Adds the ability to walk around while in inventories.118.30 KB1.14.4June 21, 2020October 21, 2020MiscellaneousPlayer TransportUtility & QoL
Elytra Bombing [Forge] by mikhailtapioMake player a bomber when fall-flying10.44 KB1.20.1February 8, 2022July 19, 2023Adventure and RPG
Witherbold by Jusey1zAdds the Witherbold to the Nether!34.79 KB1.19.2March 13, 2022January 16, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMobs
Ancient Manuscripts by mc_goodchRebuild the long forgotten mystical tomes of ages past.316.84 KB1.20.1September 17, 2022September 23, 2023Adventure and RPGMagicUtility & QoL
Birds Nests by cleverpanda714Birds nests drop randomly from leaves and give you rewards!14.78 KB1.14.4August 30, 2016November 19, 2021Adventure and RPGCosmeticMiscellaneous
Create: Molten Vents by apothicono2A renewable source of create's orestones81.83 KB1.18.2February 9, 2023September 21, 2023AutomationOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
Leathered Boots by Crystal_Spider_Comfy and sturdy boots!67.46 KB1.19.3October 18, 2022January 1, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticUtility & QoL
Thaumcraft 6 Aspects for JEI by zabi94Search items by Aspect in TC614.88 KB1.12.2June 11, 2018July 3, 2018Map and InformationThaumcraft
Wandering Bags by Furti_Two🦙 Add new lootbags with powerful relics inside !1.75 MB1.20.1July 4, 2021August 13, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorMagicMobs
Patbox's Brewery by PatboxCreate alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks with cauldrons and barrels!1.73 MB1.20.2September 25, 2022September 20, 2023FoodProcessing
Infinite Music by frinn38Alway play the Minecraft ambiance songs69.26 KB1.19.3April 6, 2018December 11, 2022Utility & QoL
Botania Tweaks by quat1024Little patches to Botania. Small conveniences, difficulty adjustments, potted potatoes, features for modpacks, and more!262.94 KB1.12.2June 1, 2018October 24, 2020MiscellaneousServer Utility
Literal Ascension by jamieswhiteshirt_Intuitive solutions for vertical mobility1.19 MB1.11.2October 31, 2016September 28, 2019Miscellaneous
Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack by TexelsaurWood style addons for Storage Drawers using the Forestry mod188.73 KB1.7.10June 1, 2015February 6, 2016CosmeticForestry
Illager Plushies [Forge] by kleiders3010New decorative plushies obtained by ravaging some illagers! (Compatible with some illager adding mods!)131.99 KB1.19March 11, 2022June 7, 2022CosmeticWorld Gen
Better Block Sounds by OrdanaryModsUpdating old blocks with new, better block sounds.14.32 KB1.20.1June 3, 2022August 16, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
Supplementaries Squared by plantspookableThe extra content of Supplementaries that doesn't necessarily fit in the base mod!791.75 KB1.20.1March 16, 2023August 20, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Colored Bricks Mod by pinary_piAdds a brick variant for each vanilla Minecraft color.1.59 MB1.20.1February 2, 2021August 6, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Simple Sponge by JackyA fork of OpenBlocks Sponges with some extra sprinkles!97.73 KB1.20.1June 4, 2017September 3, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Redstone Lamps Plus by LettuceMuncherAdds Redstone Lamp Variants To Minecraft930.68 KB1.20.1July 29, 2021August 14, 2023Redstone
Nuclear Control 2 by xbony2Monitor your reactors!1013.79 KB1.7.10October 8, 2015May 22, 2022AddonsEnergyIndustrial CraftProcessingTechnology
Furnace Overhaul by TheCazadorSniperFaster and upgrade-able furnaces108.49 KB1.12.2March 13, 2017March 22, 2020ProcessingTechnology
True Darkness by GrondagTheBarbarianMoonless nights and enclosed spaces are truly dark. (Fabric and Forge)27.02 KB1.19.3August 24, 2019December 11, 2022Adventure and RPGCosmetic
Opulence by Pipsqueak737👑 Adds new decorative variants of expensive blocks like gold, diamond, and emerald!202.85 KB1.19.2November 2, 2022April 25, 2023CosmeticOres and Resources
VoxelMap by MamiyaOtaruMinimap and Worldmap. Have an overview of your surroundings, or view the entire world. Create waypoints.774.88 KB1.17October 27, 2014June 8, 2021CosmeticMap and Information
TugkanDeMan's Weaponry by tugkandemanAdds cool weapons to the game. Vanilla+ style497.21 KB1.20.1February 22, 2023August 2, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMCreatorUtility & QoL
Restored Earth by itayfederBringing home the lost Minecraft: Earth content!796.29 KB1.18.2September 3, 2021April 21, 2022Adventure and RPGBiomesCosmeticMobsWorld Gen
Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack by TexelsaurWood style addons for Storage Drawers using the Biomes O' Plenty mod106.65 KB1.7.10May 24, 2015January 16, 2016Cosmetic
Passthrough Signs by GirafiEnable the ability to right-click through wall signs, to interact with chests & other TileEntities10.57 KB1.20.1October 2, 2014June 10, 2023Miscellaneous
Lightman's Currency by Lightman314A simple currency/economy mod that allows you to safely trade in a multiplayer environment.2.32 MB1.19.2April 16, 2021September 21, 2023MiscellaneousRedstone