Knowledge Sharer by RongmarioShares progression of your own (Thaumcraft only currently) to other players5.75 KB1.12.2April 8, 2019May 13, 2019MagicServer UtilityThaumcraft
Compact Help Command by Serilum🗜 Modifies the /help command to show all information, be colourful and have multiple pages.29.52 KB1.20.2August 16, 2021September 21, 2023CosmeticMap and InformationMiscellaneousServer Utility
Fireplace Lib (Forge) by The_FireplaceA library of common functionality used by my mods, in one place for easier maintenance and faster updates.327.42 KB1.19.2June 19, 2022November 16, 2022API and Library
Refined Relocation 2 by BlayTheNinthSorting Chests. Block Extenders. Hoppers.474.16 KB1.16.5July 6, 2016May 29, 2021Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorage
From The Depths by wuestmanProvides a way of summoning bosses to fight from any mod you have loaded.256.44 KB1.12.2February 10, 2018October 9, 2021Adventure and RPGMobs
Just Enough Painting Previews (JEPP) by MehVahdJukaarA JEI/REI addon that displays all available paintings35.07 KB1.20.1November 13, 2021July 19, 2023AddonsMap and Information
Teams by CommodoreThrawnAdding functional teams to minecraft, with pinging, item transfer, advancement sharing and more130.06 KB1.15.2August 10, 2019January 11, 2022CosmeticMap and InformationServer Utility
Bookworm by SoggyStacheAnimation/GUI tools5.23 MB1.17.1September 14, 2018September 25, 2021API and Library
Backpacked (Fabric) by MrCrayfishA vanilla style backpack mod with customisation, pickpocketing, Trinkets integration, and more!372.92 KB1.20.1September 2, 2022August 29, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGCosmeticEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorage
RoleplayCraft Mod by KreezxilGives new things820.55 KB1.12.2August 5, 2018December 23, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFoodOres and Resources
MovingWorld by darkevilmacA core mod to let modders have collections of blocks as entities.1.14 MB1.12.2May 14, 2015July 17, 2020API and LibraryEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportPlayer Transport
Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks by RynnavinxReintroduces vanilla-like smooth lighting to non-full blocks (e.g. dirt paths and how they have dark shading when directly next to a full block) when using Sodium.53.54 KB1.20.1December 11, 2021September 15, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Amethyst Core by fzzyhmstrsLibrary for constructing magic-themed mods in the style of Amethyst Imbuement.497.36 KB1.20.1July 4, 2022September 8, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGMagicUtility & QoL
Godly Vampirism by maxanierVampirism unleashed7.09 KB1.20.1January 30, 2021September 25, 2023MagicMiscellaneous
Epic Paladins by VeroxUniversenew powerful Armors and Tools with custom 3D-models, bosses and more...959.38 KB1.20.1June 19, 2022August 17, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobsStructures
Spiders Produce Webs by Serilum🕷 Spiders and cave spiders can periodically produce a cobweb/spiderweb when a player is close.51.22 KB1.20.2October 2, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
X-Enchant by ly_dooAdd some enchantment162.78 KB1.18.2January 2, 2021May 21, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Set World Spawn Point by Serilum🌎 Allows setting an exact custom spawn point for (newly) created worlds and spawn tweaks.33.87 KB1.20.2March 12, 2020September 21, 2023Map and InformationServer Utility
Giant Spawn by Serilum🧟♂️ Allows giants to spawn naturally with custom AI (based on zombies) and other tweaks.51.15 KB1.20.2October 14, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Ztones by _ForgeUser12514463Ztones adds modern/futuristic/fantasy style decorative building blocks.543.93 KB1.7.10September 18, 2014January 4, 2015Cosmetic
Infinity Water Bucket by CoolSimulationsAllows the Infinity enchantment for Water Buckets using an anvil, providing an infinite portable water source40.39 KB1.19.4November 28, 2020March 19, 2023Miscellaneous
'Slight' Gui Modifications by shedanielAllows 'slight' gui modifications7.31 MB1.20.1May 2, 2020June 17, 2023CosmeticMap and Information
WanderingFighters by witixinDon't provoke a Wandering Trader! They have training and weapons!48.12 KB1.20.1October 31, 2022June 22, 2023Adventure and RPG
Loot Bundles by LobsterJonnFind or craft bundle containing random items27.59 KB1.20.1September 26, 2022June 8, 2023Adventure and RPGUtility & QoL
Continents by StarmuteExplore the seas to find realistic continents & islands. Works with most mods!56.84 KB1.20.2September 29, 2022September 23, 2023World Gen
WorldEdit CUI (Fabric) by me4502A graphical user interface for WorldEdit.629.86 KB1.20.2August 13, 2020September 23, 2023AddonsServer Utility
Modular Magic by frinn38A Modular Machinery addon238.56 KB1.12.2June 14, 2019May 2, 2020AddonsBlood MagicMagicThaumcraft
SwordCraftOnline - Coming Soon 1.19.2 by SrKentaIt is a mod inspired by the Anime "Sword Art Online", which re-creates some weapons of the Anime.1.20 MB1.16.5March 28, 2018April 2, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorMobsOres and Resources
Stoneworks [Forge & Fabric] by FuzsVanilla stone types in plenty of variations for all your building needs.2.32 MB1.18.2April 20, 2023August 11, 2023Cosmetic
All Loot Drops by Serilum👝 Living entities drop all their possible loot in a configurable amount, looting enchant supported.45.07 KB1.20.1June 20, 2019June 12, 2023MobsServer Utility
Storage Cabinet by AshIndigoA simple storage cabinet131.16 KB1.18.2October 15, 2018March 29, 2023Storage
YDM's Scorpions by YourDailyModderxThis mod adds scorpions to the game.121.82 KB1.20.1February 9, 2022August 30, 2023MobsWorld Gen
Smoother Bedrock by haykamMakes all bedrock layers flat.14.90 KB1.18.2August 22, 2020February 18, 2022World Gen
Tool's Complement by TeamCoFHMore tool types and modded metal support.364.90 KB1.19.2December 5, 2021September 19, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsThermal Expansion
Cinderscapes Reforged by trinsdarPort of Cinderscapes to forge.13.82 MB1.18.2September 6, 2021June 9, 2023BiomesWorld Gen
Better Furnaces Reforged by WilyicaroA remake of the mod BetterFurnaces, with even faster furnaces469.01 KB1.20.1July 14, 2020September 27, 2023EnergyProcessingStorageTechnology
Immersive Combat (Better Combat Rebirth) by burgggyAn updated version of Better Combat Rebirth that adds compatibility for Spartan Weaponry & Quality Tools1.14 MB1.12.2October 25, 2021July 29, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Overweight Farming by agentmhkskgOverweight Farming is a small mod that aims to depthen and expand on minecraft's farming.371.12 KB1.20.1March 10, 2022September 12, 2023BiomesCosmeticFood
Lychee (Forge) by Snownee_Define in-world crafting & interactions using JSON recipes. item interaction, burning, touching fluid, anvil, crushing, lightning, exploding...662.55 KB1.19.2January 14, 2022September 23, 2023Utility & QoL
Golden Hoppers by haykamAdds a filterable hopper to Minecraft.40.27 KB1.18.2February 1, 2021June 16, 2022Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
Heroic Armory by skeddlesHundreds of rare and useful weapons from video games, movies and more!429.71 KB1.12.2August 28, 2018October 9, 2018Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Redstone Bits by ShnupbupsAdds a few new Redstone utilities to Minecraft373.02 KB1.20.1May 6, 2019June 6, 2023AutomationRedstoneUtility & QoL
Witching Gadgets by BluSunrizeAdding even more magic to Minecraft! :D4.02 MB1.7.10March 2, 2015October 11, 2015AddonsAdventure and RPGMagicThaumcraft
Screenshot Viewer by LGatodu47View your screenshots in game!88.72 KB1.20.1October 26, 2022August 23, 2023Utility & QoL
Dave's Building Extended by Medic_Main_DaveA building mod, containing Blocks for Create 0.5 Trains, Sound and Particle Generators and Factory Blocks.2.88 MB1.18.2January 17, 2022August 13, 2023CosmeticMCreatorRedstone
Modern Weapons Pack for Flan's Mod by FlansGamesAdds a large number of Modern guns and vehicles28.84 MB1.12.2March 14, 2019April 2, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsPlayer Transport
MAmbience by andre111_Adding ambient sounds to Minecraft43.47 MB1.19.4March 17, 2019March 14, 2023Cosmetic
Guardians Galore by chirpycricket__Adds summonable mobs to guard your base! These tamable animals force nearby hostile mobs to despawn.1.09 MB1.20.1May 16, 2021July 23, 2023CosmeticMagicMobs
Matter Overdrive: 1.7 Edition by SimeonradivoevMatter Overdrive is a mod that features Item Replication, Phasers and Tricorders, inspired by Star Trek.15.18 MB1.7.10April 19, 2015August 17, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergyPlayer TransportProcessingTechnology