No Worldgen 5 You by DarkhaxDevA simple mod that allows worldgen to be disabled.597878216.49 KB1.12.2August 17, 2017October 1, 2018Server UtilityStructures
Pane In The Glass by MongoTheElderEdge aligned glass panes5977240815.42 KB1.18.2April 9, 2020November 24, 2022Cosmetic
Smooth Boot (Fabric) by UltimateBoomerTweak Java thread settings and prevent Minecraft from lagging your computer when loading up.597663886.57 KB1.19.4October 27, 2020March 15, 2023API and LibraryServer Utility
Cuneiform by azmalentYet another modding library5976375117.20 KB1.18.2November 11, 2020February 1, 2023API and LibraryServer Utility
Inventory Essentials by BlayTheNinthBasic inventory tweaks. Lightweight and compatible.5976299132.30 KB1.20.2March 21, 2020September 26, 2023Utility & QoL
Dragon Murder by Shadows_of_FireA mod that auto-kills the ender dragon upon world creation.59675883.31 KB1.12.2May 3, 2019May 2, 2019Mobs
Better Mount HUD by Lortseam_Improves the ingame HUD while riding a mount595247421.08 KB1.20.2April 24, 2021June 7, 2023Miscellaneous
Applied Mekanistics by ramidzkhThe official Mekanism support addon for AE25939135173.28 KB1.19.2January 29, 2022September 2, 2023Applied Energistics 2AutomationProcessingTechnology
Villager Names (Fabric) by YumatanGamesThis mod will give your villagers randomly generated names, making villages more alive and immersive.59293941.60 MB1.20.1October 29, 2020September 3, 2023Adventure and RPGMiscellaneous
Easy Villagers by henkelmaxNever get annoyed by villagers again!5925573357.58 KB1.20.2August 6, 2020September 21, 2023CosmeticFarmingTechnology
YUNG's Better Dungeons (Fabric) by YUNGNICKYOUNGA complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons!5917838922.31 KB1.20.1September 8, 2021September 25, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
Aether: Lost Content by ModdingLegacyA mod that brings back a lot of scrapped, unused, and even concepted content, from Aether I, and Aether Legacy.59158064.76 MB1.19.4April 2, 2019April 30, 2023AddonsMobsStructuresWorld Gen
AE2 Extras by tfarecnimAdds some extra stuff to AE25915184156.77 KB1.18.2November 19, 2020November 4, 2022Applied Energistics 2EnergyStorage
Frozen Up by ninnih_A small mod for forge and fabric expanding upon the cold biomes of Minecraft.59148911.82 MB1.19.2December 23, 2020January 25, 2023CosmeticFarmingFoodMobs
Smooth Boot (Forge) by UltimateBoomerTweak Java thread settings and prevent Minecraft from lagging your computer when loading up.591069682.76 KB1.16.5November 19, 2020March 1, 2021MiscellaneousServer Utility
PolyLib by Official_CreeperHostA Minecraft lib used for all of CreeperHosts mods5910400709.67 KB1.20.1February 5, 2022June 13, 2023API and LibraryMiscellaneous
Balanced Enchanting by tfarecnimMakes enchanting and using the anvil at high levels cost the same number of points59051076.97 KB1.19.2July 31, 2020November 27, 2022Miscellaneous
Get It Together, Drops! by bl4ckscor3Adds tags and configuration options for defining how dropped items should combine.59048677.68 KB1.20.1October 3, 2020June 9, 2023Server Utility
Prism [Forge] by Grend_GA library all about color! Provides lots of color-related functionality for dependent mods.590019250.98 KB1.20.1June 29, 2022July 17, 2023API and LibraryCosmeticMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Fabric) by TheGrimseyUnderground Villages. Love villages? Wonder why none settled underground in a sort of inhabited Stronghold? Well, you can stop wondering because now they do.5886068269.80 KB1.19.4March 21, 2021January 7, 2023StructuresWorld Gen
Advancements Debug by thetechnici4nPrevent stack overflows when reading a player's advancements587747510.86 KB1.19.3November 24, 2020June 9, 2021Miscellaneous
Straw Golem by Fradige95A new straw golem that can harvest crops for you!586274433.26 KB1.12.2August 22, 2018July 11, 2019FarmingMobs
Lazier AE2 by RelentlessMake your life with Applied Energistics 2 a little easier. A port of LazyAE2.5857420259.36 KB1.16.5June 2, 2021February 16, 2023AddonsApplied Energistics 2AutomationProcessingTechnology
Fx Control! by McJtyControl Player Effects under various conditions5841154120.64 KB1.19.3February 6, 2019April 27, 2023Server Utility
AntiGhost by GiselbaerRemove Ghost blocks / request the server to resend blocks around the player583080546.06 KB1.20.1July 29, 2017June 27, 2023Map and Information
DiscordCraft by dierke9Discord Rich Presence for Minecraft5824291626.97 KB1.12.2January 6, 2019November 20, 2019Miscellaneous
Tom's Simple Storage Mod (Fabric) by tom54541Simple vanilla style storage mod for Fabric58199171.41 MB1.20.2July 20, 2020September 21, 2023StorageTechnology
More Villagers [Fabric] by SameDifferentAdds new villager jobs, with unique trades, workstations, and advancements!58192211.21 MB1.19.3May 25, 2021May 29, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Bygone Nether by izofarAdds new biome-specific structures and mobs to the nether dimension58164577.29 MB1.20.1February 4, 2022September 10, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMobsStructures
Extra Golems by skyjay1Adds dozens of golems to the minecraft universe!58085801.20 MB1.19.2July 29, 2015May 8, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMobs
Charmonium by svenhjolAmbient sounds and additional music - vanilla-style!579698042.35 MB1.19.2April 25, 2020September 17, 2022Cosmetic
StoneBlock Utilities by ロ_ロSimple utilities for StoneBlock pack.5792790122.06 KB1.12.2November 25, 2017May 3, 2019Technology
Every Compat (Wood Good) by MehVahdJukaarUniversal Wood Compat: Quark, Twilight Forest, Twigs, Another Furniture, Farmers Delight, Macaw's, Valhelsia, Architects Palette, Deco Blocks, Crayfish FM57893311.69 MB1.20.1May 28, 2022September 20, 2023API and LibraryMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Mystical Agriculture Tiered Crystals by ElectrolyteAdds Tiered Crystals to Mystical Agriculture.578008929.14 KB1.20.1July 24, 2018July 10, 2023AddonsFarming
Adorn (Forge) by JuicebusAdds furniture and many other decoration blocks.57697063.93 MB1.20.1January 22, 2021June 18, 2023Cosmetic
Loot Capacitor Tooltips by tfarecnimAdds tooltips to the loot capacitors to show their effectiveness57693009.31 KB1.12.2March 2, 2019March 13, 2019AddonsCosmeticMap and Information
Friends&Foes (Fabric) by faboslavAdds outvoted and forgotten mobs from the mob votes in a believable vanilla plus style. ( Copper Golem, Glare, Moobloom, Iceologer, Barnacle, Wildfire, Illusioner, Rascal, Tuff Golem )57653912.46 MB1.20.1November 30, 2021August 18, 2023Adventure and RPGMobsStructuresWorld Gen
KleeSlabs (Fabric Edition) by BlayTheNinthBreak only the half of a double slab that you're looking at.5757269278.69 KB1.20.2November 16, 2021September 26, 2023Utility & QoL
ThonkUtil by Jab125A library for some of my mods5756631260.53 KB1.18.2October 14, 2021November 1, 2022API and Library
Biome Makeover by LemonszzBiome Makeover is a mod that takes vanilla's biomes and gives them a fresh coat of paint.57548936.61 MB1.20.1October 10, 2020July 12, 2023BiomesMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Special AI by FatherToastAdds new AI patterns to creatures to make your game more interesting and challenging.5752823464.88 KB1.16.5September 14, 2014October 22, 2021Adventure and RPGMobs
HT's TreeChop by hammertaterKill trees chop-by-chop instead of block-by-block.5747895322.96 KB1.19.4November 21, 2020August 23, 2023Miscellaneous
CIT Resewn by SHsuperCMRe-implements MCPatcher's CIT (custom item textures from optifine resource packs)5741946385.40 KB1.20.1August 28, 2021June 9, 2023Map and InformationMiscellaneous
Functional Storage by Buuz135Your classic storage drawers but with more upgrades!5734542614.23 KB1.19.2December 13, 2021September 15, 2023Storage
Paragliders by TictimBotW style Paraglider5725733575.08 KB1.20.1February 28, 2018August 29, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsPlayer TransportStructures
Bag of Yurting by CommobleAdds an upgradable bag that can store and unload your favorite yurts572527064.32 KB1.20.1May 5, 2020August 16, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicStorage
The Bumblezone (Forge) by telepathicgruntAn unBEElievable dimension full of bees to BEEfriend!571391625.27 MB1.20.1February 12, 2020September 28, 2023BiomesDimensionsWorld Gen
Game Menu Mod Option [Forge] by morimori0317MOD settings to the game menu as before 1.12.2571041675.62 KB1.20.2November 29, 2019July 21, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
LaserIO by Direwolf20Route Items, Fluids, and Energy around your world - with Lasers!57060031.19 MB1.20.1May 23, 2022September 27, 2023AutomationEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportTechnology
No Night Vision Flashing by TeamCoFHHate Night Vision flashing when it has less than 10 seconds remaining? We do too, so this mod removes it - no more flashing!567617112.08 KB1.19.2April 10, 2018November 25, 2022MiscellaneousThermal Expansion