ClickThrough by GiselbaerClick chests/containers through signs and item frames79672093.44 KB1.20.1August 29, 2020June 29, 2023Cosmetic
Project Expansion by Donovan_DMCAn unofficial expansion of ProjectE, providing an emc display, more ways to passively generate emc, and more.792201954.62 KB1.19.2February 11, 2022February 4, 2023AddonsMagic
Configured (Fabric) by MrCrayfishA configuration library with automaticaly generated in-game menus!791445521.76 KB1.19.3September 2, 2022March 16, 2023API and LibraryMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Unstructured [Fabric/Forge] by CristelknightAdds more dungeons/structures to MC!781649458.06 KB1.19.4February 1, 2022March 17, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsStructuresWorld Gen
Macaw's Bridges - Oh The Biomes You'll Go by Samlegamer_A compatibility between Macaw's Bridges and the different woods and stones of Oh The Biomes You'll Go7781161.55 MB1.19.3October 11, 2021June 24, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Hourglass by DuckyCrayfishBeds accelerate the passage of time smoothly until daytime. Custom day and night lengths.778060229.35 KB1.19.3August 4, 2021August 14, 2022MiscellaneousServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Glasscutter by MrCrayfishAllows you to cut glass into stairs, slabs, and more!777017674.84 KB1.16.5April 19, 2020June 2, 2021Cosmetic
Display Case by ChappiePieDecorative block for beautiful storage of one item77665150.48 KB1.20.1August 19, 2021August 8, 2023CosmeticStorage
Nether Ores Plus+ by TrueRealCursed_WarriorAdds 3 New Varients of Ores to the Nether, Netherrack, Basalt and Blackstone with each having different amount of drops772634196.70 KB1.19.4November 24, 2018September 27, 2023Ores and Resources
Magical Jewelry by Andi_ErfurtSmall Curio mod that adds magic Rings, Amulets and Bracelets766883148.00 KB1.20.1May 17, 2020July 6, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagic
Create Enchantment Industry by DragonsPlusAutomatic Enchanting, with Create.762945450.97 KB1.18.2October 15, 2022September 23, 2023AddonsTechnology
Coxinha Utilities by Luligabi12An addon for Kibe Utilities, adding even more random and always unoriginal things.761625684.59 KB1.19.4February 5, 2022July 4, 2023AddonsMiscellaneous
Modifiers by Cursed1nfernoMod that adds Terraria-style modifiers to equipment.75779666.82 KB1.16.5October 11, 2019July 10, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Revamped Phantoms by lukebemishMakes phantoms far more dangerous75698062.78 KB1.18.2February 1, 2022March 14, 2022Adventure and RPGMobs
Create : Misc & Things by to0pa_fr🔧 Add useful and fun things to Create755740990.57 KB1.20.1July 28, 2022September 2, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorTechnology
Mimic Mod by RedrixTTVA mod that adds the chest mimic75429779.42 KB1.19.2April 25, 2021November 23, 2022Adventure and RPGMobsStorageStructuresWorld Gen
Serene Shrubbery by RyukusuCreate lush gardens with new flowers and plants!746244349.05 KB1.18.2April 18, 2021March 21, 2023BiomesCosmeticMCreatorOres and Resources
Climb Ladders Fast [Fabric/Forge] by spoornClimb ladders faster74516460.23 KB1.20.1March 19, 2021July 1, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
CensoredASM by RongmarioHuge optimizations that are targeted at 1.12.2. Censored once again by CurseForge.7448421.57 MB1.12.2March 22, 2021September 25, 2023API and LibraryMiscellaneousServer UtilityUtility & QoL
DawnCraft Mobs by bstylia14A collection of animated creatures with unique attacks and abilities.7442309.67 MB1.18.2February 27, 2023August 30, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMobsWorld Gen
DawnCraft Tweaks by smileycorpCustom tweaks for the DawnCraft modpack740764501.31 KB1.18.2June 29, 2022July 11, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (Fabric) by YUNGNICKYOUNGA complete redesign of Minecraft's Nether fortresses!735149743.40 KB1.20.1January 25, 2023September 29, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
Sculked by Ethan_4dA deep dark expansion mod adding onto deepslate and sculk733142836.01 KB1.19.2November 22, 2022March 18, 2023BiomesMCreatorOres and ResourcesUtility & QoL
Gardens of the Dead by ochotonidaAdds new spooky biomes to the Nether73269111.32 MB1.20.1October 1, 2022July 14, 2023BiomesCosmetic
Kube Utils by ErrorMikeyAdds helper utilities and new features to KubeJS in a clean, concise and consistent API design72188823.95 KB1.19.2September 22, 2022July 24, 2023API and Library
Difficult Raids [FORGE] by CalculusMasterA mod that increases the difficulty of raids!718997390.18 KB1.18.2March 26, 2022July 21, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Festive Delight by to0pa_fr✨Farmer's Delight add-on for Festive Events715039158.63 KB1.19.2November 25, 2022November 26, 2022CosmeticFarmingFood
Frozen Delight (A Farmer's Delight Add-on) by nocubeytAdds Farmer's Delight and Frozen Up compatability. Vanilla style.71373168.11 KB1.19.2April 11, 2022June 9, 2023AddonsFarmingFoodMCreatorUtility & QoL
Piglin Proliferation by almightytallestredA mod that expands on piglins!712288950.49 KB1.20.1August 9, 2022June 16, 2023Mobs
Controlled Random by NaturaSpellAn addon for RandomLib. It adds random entries that change their content depending on certain conditions.71074415.13 KB1.16.5January 20, 2022March 26, 2022Addons
Life Steal Enchantment by TrueRealCursed_WarriorLife Steal done Right, Adds a Simple Life Steal Enchantment71019333.25 KB1.19.2July 27, 2021November 19, 2022Magic
Pickable Health Orbs by alexandr_0031Ever wanted RPG styled configurable pickups? Here they are!70589256.15 KB1.18.2December 10, 2021December 10, 2022Adventure and RPGMagicUtility & QoL
Visuality: Reforged by DragonsPlusLittle visual improvements by adding a bunch of new particles.705863211.06 KB1.19.2November 16, 2022August 5, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
VanitySlots by NyakoritaVanity armor that covers your normal armor!70513460.66 KB1.20.1January 19, 2022June 18, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticUtility & QoL
The Lost Castle [Fabric] by jack_bagelA gigantic castle that once was the home of a long forgotten civilization703630702.39 KB1.20.1October 10, 2022June 28, 2023Adventure and RPGStructures
Reputation by The_ComputerizerFaction based reputation mod699985283.88 KB1.18.2February 11, 2022September 19, 2023Adventure and RPG
Furnace Recycle by Serilum🔨 All metal-containing items are recyclable in a furnace and return raw materials.69982323.30 KB1.20.2November 29, 2021September 21, 2023MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Professions Integrations by thethonk[FABRIC] mod that adds compatibility between Professions and other mods.698920140.63 KB1.18.2October 3, 2022January 20, 2023Adventure and RPG
Aphid Additions by sharffffffA mod that adds a bit more life to the End6988301.16 MB1.19.2May 25, 2022March 5, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMobsStructures
Wabi-Sabi Structures [FABRIC] by WillFord27A collection of unique, quality structures based on the Japanese concept of "Wabi-Sabi"698670957.10 KB1.19.4September 30, 2022December 11, 2022StructuresWorld Gen
Sun and Moon Celestial Configuration by InfernalStudiosChange the size of the Sun and Moon!698630121.11 KB1.16.5August 6, 2022August 19, 2022Cosmetic
scattered weapons by ismaA 1.18.2 and 1.16.5 weapons and armor mod.697497818.23 KB1.16.5April 29, 2022June 14, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Modern Dynamics by thetechnici4nModern item and fluid pipe mod for Fabric.696630634.09 KB1.20.1December 5, 2021September 19, 2023AutomationEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportTechnology
Quest Giver by saphienyakoA mod that allows modpack makers to add questlines695689528.22 KB1.18.2April 27, 2022June 13, 2023Adventure and RPG
Book Fishing by TrueRealCursed_WarriorAdds a lot More Enchanted Books to Fishing69540843.28 KB1.19.2August 6, 2021November 19, 2022Adventure and RPG
Pirate Hats by homohomikA small adding pirate-themed headwear69495935.37 KB1.16.5June 1, 2021May 31, 2021Cosmetic
Epicfight - Dual GreatSword by reascerAllow you to dualwield greatsword in epicfight mod.6936321.09 MB1.18.2August 2, 2022September 6, 2022AddonsAdventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Villager Comfort by ghenghen_A lightweight vanilla+ mod that discourages building cramped trading halls, by giving villagers a comfort stat69339829.87 KB1.18.2October 21, 2022November 1, 2022Adventure and RPGMobsUtility & QoL
Presence Not Required by SocolioProgress for some blocks & entities in unloaded chunks.69074853.92 KB1.18.2March 25, 2022April 24, 2022Server UtilityUtility & QoL
TalkBubbles by Globox_ZAdds bubbles above your head69013318.19 KB1.20.1September 28, 2021July 20, 2023Cosmetic