Italian Delight (A Farmer's Delight Add-on) by walta_whitAdds Pizzas and more485.68 KB1.19.2September 4, 2022April 7, 2023AddonsFarmingFoodMCreator
GildedArmor by MaroonShadedAdds gilded amor, which makes piglins peaceful while you're using another armor.43.58 KB1.19.2July 16, 2020September 10, 2023Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Packed Up (Backpacks) by SuperMartijn642Packed Up allows you to pack up all your things into new amazing Backpacks!224.52 KB1.20.2February 8, 2020September 21, 2023Storage
SoggyMustache's Transportation Mod by SoggyStacheVehicles1.04 MB1.10March 15, 2016September 27, 2018Player TransportTechnology
Lord Craft by Cobbs_3A new age of research based Magic3.81 MB1.16.5January 10, 2017January 11, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicProcessing
Eternal Singularity by KingWealthyturtleA Mod that Adds an Eternal Singularity! (That Works as a Singularity Binder)130.83 KB1.12.2November 1, 2016April 5, 2020Addons
Smoke Suppression by supersaiyansubtletyClient mod to suppress campfire smoke when certain blocks are below the campfire.71.49 KB1.20.1January 27, 2021June 14, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Factory Tech by ProfLucarioA tech mod centered around automation2.53 MB1.12.2September 26, 2017June 22, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticProcessingTechnology
Avaritia Endless by yuoft0Endless greed · fake826.05 KB1.16.5May 18, 2022February 14, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFood
Steve's Vanilla by ktotoUkThis modification is still in the beta development stage, but at the moment one mob has already been added and it has really been worked out.187.71 KB1.19.2September 26, 2021November 27, 2022FarmingFoodMagicMobsWorld Gen
Harvestables by TechnicianLPHarvest your crops with ease5.32 KB1.12.2May 20, 2017September 20, 2017FarmingFood
Erdbeerbaer's GUI Library by ErdbeerbaerLPAn easy to use library for GUIs3.11 MB1.16.5July 27, 2019December 23, 2022API and Library
Eidolon's Hexblades by Alexth99Eidolon addon that adds magic weapons, magic gadgets and some compats with other mods.700.44 KB1.16.5September 17, 2021February 11, 2022AddonsAdventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicStructures
Enchancement by MoriyaShiineA mod that completely overhauls the vanilla enchanting system979.79 KB1.20.1March 26, 2022August 19, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicUtility & QoL
Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded [Fabric] by Kreezxilsilence server wide death sounds of the wither and endragon, silence dimension wide sounds of thunder, rain, and tnt. also other sounds.21.10 KB1.18.2December 17, 2021June 5, 2022Miscellaneous
Furnish by wouink_Lovely and Useful Furniture for Minecraft2.66 MB1.19.2November 14, 2021April 27, 2023Cosmetic
Sound Events by ParkerMc01Adds more sound events for mod pack creators to use35.14 KB1.12.2April 5, 2019April 18, 2019Miscellaneous
The Guild by fulmineo64Quests, expeditions and adventures await you!1.12 MB1.18.2September 9, 2021April 30, 2022Adventure and RPGStructures
The Legend of Herobrine (Forge 1.16.5, Fabric 1.19.4) by AlexMacLeanAdds Herobrine to Minecraft with an emphasis on adventure and exploration.4.20 MB1.16.5December 25, 2019August 12, 2021Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobsStructures
Jousting by stepcrosAdds lances and jousting mechanics61.71 KB1.20.1January 10, 2021September 6, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Shift n Scroll on Mac (Forge Only) by desagasIt lets Mac use Shift and Scroll together, finally!7.28 KB1.16.5January 9, 2021January 10, 2021API and LibraryMiscellaneous
Gilded Games Util by TheAetherTeamUtility mod used in the mods by Gilded Games such as the Aether II.1.61 MB1.7.10February 25, 2015January 1, 2016API and Library
SimpleLogic Gates by asiekierkaSimple redstone gates.131.11 KB1.12.2March 1, 2018July 20, 2019Redstone
Bonfires by Wehavecookies56Easy to use teleportation between any where and across dimensions370.47 KB1.20.1December 18, 2016July 8, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicPlayer TransportServer Utility
Alcocraft: Beer & Stuff by hadrus91Brew and drink beer and other alcohol211.44 KB1.19June 1, 2022June 27, 2022Adventure and RPGCosmeticFood
Status Effect Timer by mag_icusOverlay a timer on the Vanilla status effect HUD icons (fabric mod)17.56 KB1.19May 21, 2021June 13, 2022Map and InformationMiscellaneous
NotEnoughKeys by dmodoomsiriusUpdated version of NotEnoughKeys28.78 KB1.7.10October 1, 2014January 30, 2016Miscellaneous
Loot Bag Mod by Trhod177Adds a bag that when used gives you 10 random items and blocks from the game26.51 KB1.18.2December 28, 2019March 18, 2022Adventure and RPGMagicMiscellaneous
Clear Despawn [Forge] by StrikerRockerMakes dropped items flash when they're about to despawn.18.76 KB1.19.4December 9, 2018July 17, 2023Utility & QoL
Floocraft by FredTargaryenTeleport like Harry Potter.316.96 KB1.16.5February 12, 2015October 18, 2021MagicPlayer Transport
JinGames Years C by NagyBenjamin97Select an age and get old.59.76 KB1.7.10June 25, 2021June 24, 2021Cosmetic
Splash Logo Color Fix by modmuss50Fixes the color of the mojang logo when a background color is used.9.84 KB1.12.2August 4, 2019August 3, 2019Cosmetic
Harvest Reader by Jaredlll08Adds an item to display information about Harvest Festival crops!9.05 KB1.10.2June 11, 2017June 10, 2017AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingMap and Information
Custom Spawns [Fabric] by b3spectacledConfigurable mob spawn caps and persistence.58.09 KB1.19.4October 29, 2020March 14, 2023Mobs
FPS Monitor by EwyBoyDisplay FPS, Ping and Memory in a lightweight and configurable HUD for both Fabric & Forge121.34 KB1.20.1November 20, 2021June 9, 2023Map and InformationUtility & QoL
Wynntils by Scyu_Enhance your Wynncraft gameplay with Wynntils!3.00 MB1.12.2September 22, 2018September 28, 2023Adventure and RPGMap and InformationMiscellaneous
Clear Water by PricelessKoalaHave Clarity! No more fog underwater!23.86 KB1.20.1January 25, 2018September 8, 2023Miscellaneous
Companion 🐕 (Forge) by Snownee_Mechanics to avoid losing your pets, but don't break the vanilla feel32.08 KB1.20.1December 24, 2021July 8, 2023Utility & QoL
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Fabric) by ohaiiChunDogs should not be left sitting. They should be allowed to lie down. This lets 'em.30.71 KB1.20.1February 6, 2023June 30, 2023Cosmetic
Warden Tools by trique06Adds new armors, items and loots for ancient cities.134.08 KB1.20.1June 20, 2022September 5, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFoodOres and ResourcesStructures
Crop Dusting by MrAmericanMikeFart on your crops/saplings to make them grow - Fart Fertilizer167.78 KB1.12.2December 26, 2016November 23, 2017Miscellaneous
Miskatonic Mysteries by cybercat5555That is not dead which can eternal lie... until now3.15 MB1.19.2April 18, 2021May 5, 2023Adventure and RPGMagicMobsStructures
Resource Reloader by LatvianModderSimple mod that adds commands to reload specific different resources13.02 KB1.12.2September 29, 2018September 30, 2018Miscellaneous
Nether Agriculture by NetherDon_New food in the nether815.60 KB1.16.5July 16, 2021August 11, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticFoodWorld Gen
Terraformed Api Reforged by trinsdarPort of the terraformerm api from terraformersmc mods to forge152.87 KB1.18.2September 6, 2021June 9, 2023API and Library
An Origins Addon - Apocalypse by JaselUmenaTired of simple origins? Well, do I have something for you...1.27 MB1.19.2August 27, 2021January 17, 2023AddonsAdventure and RPGMagicPlayer Transport
Grimoire of Tetra by Vox4l-- Currently undergoing rework, as Syrikal has returned to working on Tetranomicon --186.25 KB1.18.2March 25, 2022December 26, 2022AddonsAdventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
Can't Sleep Clowns Will Eat Me by CommobleA forge mod that causes nearby mobs to be temporarily highlighted when they prevent players from attempting to sleep10.28 KB1.20.1December 24, 2020June 16, 2023MobsServer Utility
Zombie Variants [Forge] by kleiders3010Expand your world with this easily configurable zombies mod!226.65 KB1.18.2July 25, 2022July 24, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesMobsWorld Gen