Fireplace Lib (Forge) by The_FireplaceA library of common functionality used by my mods, in one place for easier maintenance and faster updates.327.42 KB1.19.2June 19, 2022November 16, 2022API and Library
Refined Relocation 2 by BlayTheNinthSorting Chests. Block Extenders. Hoppers.474.16 KB1.16.5July 6, 2016May 29, 2021Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorage
From The Depths by wuestmanProvides a way of summoning bosses to fight from any mod you have loaded.256.44 KB1.12.2February 10, 2018October 9, 2021Adventure and RPGMobs
Just Enough Painting Previews (JEPP) by MehVahdJukaarA JEI/REI addon that displays all available paintings35.07 KB1.20.1November 13, 2021July 19, 2023AddonsMap and Information
AEble by 指考上交大電機say goodbye to the aether accessories .35.43 KB1.12.2February 8, 2019February 3, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMiscellaneous
ErebusFix by NoobanidusA quick Mixin-based fix to prevent HWYLA/TOP crashes with Preserved Blocks.878.74 KB1.12.2August 6, 2020August 5, 2020Miscellaneous
Particle Rain by PigCartreplaces rain with a particle effect588.49 KB1.20.2November 23, 2020July 7, 2023Cosmetic
Super Ores by abused_masterMore Ores!108.34 KB1.18.2December 13, 2015September 11, 2022Ores and ResourcesProcessing
Packages by quat1024Opinionated item storage. Successor to Worse Barrels.207.74 KB1.20.1May 16, 2020July 19, 2023RedstoneStorage
Gentle Harvest by _ForgeUser7513261Automatically replants crops.4.55 KB1.12.2March 21, 2016July 22, 2017FarmingFood
Advanced Finders by EnderLankyA bunch of new finders that make the mining process much more interesting and time-saving135.46 KB1.20.1February 17, 2017September 23, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsOres and Resources
Grass Seeds by Serilum🌱 Allows players to use normal seeds to transform dirt into (tall) grass.44.37 KB1.20.2October 7, 2019September 21, 2023Farming
Epic Paladins by VeroxUniversenew powerful Armors and Tools with custom 3D-models, bosses and more...959.38 KB1.20.1June 19, 2022August 17, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobsStructures
Spiders Produce Webs by Serilum🕷 Spiders and cave spiders can periodically produce a cobweb/spiderweb when a player is close.51.22 KB1.20.2October 2, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Invisible Frames by sfort__Makes Item frames with items invisible, works on armor stands aswell30.96 KB1.20.1September 7, 2020June 10, 2023Cosmetic
Speedy Hoppers by Dark_ArcanaLike vanilla hoppers, but faster! 3 tiers available42.71 KB1.16.5April 24, 2019March 2, 2022Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportServer UtilityStorageTechnology
Giant Spawn by Serilum🧟♂️ Allows giants to spawn naturally with custom AI (based on zombies) and other tweaks.51.15 KB1.20.2October 14, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Ztones by _ForgeUser12514463Ztones adds modern/futuristic/fantasy style decorative building blocks.543.93 KB1.7.10September 18, 2014January 4, 2015Cosmetic
The Wild Update 1.19 [FORGE] by ZainJx81The 1.19 Wild Update Mod with Warden, Mangrove Swamp, Frogs, Deep Dark blocks, features..!8.46 MB1.18.2October 16, 2021April 10, 2022Adventure and RPGBiomesEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportMobsWorld Gen
Grizzly bear Mod - Fabric by Aqua_ticsAdds Grizzly bears to the minecraft!462.60 KB1.20.1June 16, 2021July 1, 2023CosmeticMobs
Orechid Endium by TheRealp455w0rdA Botania addon that adds an End-variant of the Orechid functional flower30.47 KB1.12.2January 23, 2019January 25, 2019AddonsCraftTweakerMagic
Loot Bundles by LobsterJonnFind or craft bundle containing random items27.59 KB1.20.1September 26, 2022June 8, 2023Adventure and RPGUtility & QoL
Continents by StarmuteExplore the seas to find realistic continents & islands. Works with most mods!56.84 KB1.20.2September 29, 2022September 23, 2023World Gen
WorldEdit CUI (Fabric) by me4502A graphical user interface for WorldEdit.629.86 KB1.20.2August 13, 2020September 23, 2023AddonsServer Utility
Modular Magic by frinn38A Modular Machinery addon238.56 KB1.12.2June 14, 2019May 2, 2020AddonsBlood MagicMagicThaumcraft
Gambling Style by FuzsOverhauled villager trading gui for far better usability and a lot of convenient extras.85.15 KB1.12.2May 7, 2019April 4, 2022Utility & QoL
Realistic Explosion Physics by xBigEllxA realistic overhaul of Minecraft's explosion mechanics.8.57 KB1.19.3March 4, 2021September 11, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMiscellaneous
Primal Tech by vadis365Primitive Technology and Gear for Early Game Expansion665.38 KB1.12.2March 22, 2018October 3, 2019Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
True Prime Piece Nani No Anime Edition by BobolomeusThis is the Nani No Anime Version of the Prime Piece Mod that includes Beta Content the day it is programmed, you will be able to test WIP content before it is pushed to the main Project. There will be Updates to the devilfruits, New Structures, Features.52.30 MB1.16.5January 11, 2023May 11, 2023Adventure and RPGMCreator
Dynamic Trees - The Aether Legacy by supermassimo0310Compatibility Mod between Dynamic trees and The Aether Legacy83.71 KB1.12.2June 3, 2020June 1, 2022AddonsBiomesCosmeticDimensionsWorld Gen
CplPibald's Tweaks by cplpibaldPiTweaks brings faster cooking, superpowered anvils, uncapped player food and saturation, and more vanilla tweaks27.54 KB1.16.5October 10, 2017August 23, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticServer Utility
Smoother Bedrock by haykamMakes all bedrock layers flat.14.90 KB1.18.2August 22, 2020February 18, 2022World Gen
Tool's Complement by TeamCoFHMore tool types and modded metal support.364.90 KB1.19.2December 5, 2021September 19, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsThermal Expansion
Cinderscapes Reforged by trinsdarPort of Cinderscapes to forge.13.82 MB1.18.2September 6, 2021June 9, 2023BiomesWorld Gen
Better Furnaces Reforged by WilyicaroA remake of the mod BetterFurnaces, with even faster furnaces469.01 KB1.20.1July 14, 2020September 27, 2023EnergyProcessingStorageTechnology
Exact Spawn by Gaz_Spawns the player at the exact world spawn12.20 KB1.12.2October 1, 2018February 16, 2019Map and InformationMiscellaneousServer Utility
Custom Mob Spawner by DrZharkyrequired utilitiy to cotrol Mo' Creatures Spawning705.34 KB1.12.2April 6, 2015January 12, 2020MobsServer Utility
Simply Hot Springs by connor135246A mod that simply adds Hot Springs.127.66 KB1.18.2September 9, 2020May 19, 2023MiscellaneousWorld Gen
Lychee (Forge) by Snownee_Define in-world crafting & interactions using JSON recipes. item interaction, burning, touching fluid, anvil, crushing, lightning, exploding...662.55 KB1.19.2January 14, 2022September 23, 2023Utility & QoL
Golden Hoppers by haykamAdds a filterable hopper to Minecraft.40.27 KB1.18.2February 1, 2021June 16, 2022Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
Heroic Armory by skeddlesHundreds of rare and useful weapons from video games, movies and more!429.71 KB1.12.2August 28, 2018October 9, 2018Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Redstone Bits by ShnupbupsAdds a few new Redstone utilities to Minecraft373.02 KB1.20.1May 6, 2019June 6, 2023AutomationRedstoneUtility & QoL
Witching Gadgets by BluSunrizeAdding even more magic to Minecraft! :D4.02 MB1.7.10March 2, 2015October 11, 2015AddonsAdventure and RPGMagicThaumcraft
Screenshot Viewer by LGatodu47View your screenshots in game!88.72 KB1.20.1October 26, 2022August 23, 2023Utility & QoL
Dave's Building Extended by Medic_Main_DaveA building mod, containing Blocks for Create 0.5 Trains, Sound and Particle Generators and Factory Blocks.2.88 MB1.18.2January 17, 2022August 13, 2023CosmeticMCreatorRedstone
Modern Weapons Pack for Flan's Mod by FlansGamesAdds a large number of Modern guns and vehicles28.84 MB1.12.2March 14, 2019April 2, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsPlayer Transport
MAmbience by andre111_Adding ambient sounds to Minecraft43.47 MB1.19.4March 17, 2019March 14, 2023Cosmetic
Guardians Galore by chirpycricket__Adds summonable mobs to guard your base! These tamable animals force nearby hostile mobs to despawn.1.09 MB1.20.1May 16, 2021July 23, 2023CosmeticMagicMobs
Matter Overdrive: 1.7 Edition by SimeonradivoevMatter Overdrive is a mod that features Item Replication, Phasers and Tricorders, inspired by Star Trek.15.18 MB1.7.10April 19, 2015August 17, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergyPlayer TransportProcessingTechnology