Cloud Storage by sbom_xelaSimple mass storage without the hassle of tech mods - plus a bunch of other fun, sky-themed stuff9357662.02 MB1.20April 7, 2022June 9, 2023MobsStorageUtility & QoL
AE2 Unofficial Extended Life by PrototypeTrousersA Fork of a Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..9347374.03 MB1.12.2January 20, 2022August 26, 2023AutomationEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorageUtility & QoL
Oreberries Replanted by MrbyscoOres that grow on Berry Bushes933308308.17 KB1.19.2March 7, 2021September 19, 2023FarmingOres and Resources
Reach Fix by meldexunFix for vanillas hit detection and the reach attribute not being used for entities.92952061.77 KB1.12.2December 13, 2021July 8, 2023Miscellaneous
Habitat by schnappdragon[FORGE] Mod that aims to enhance the Overworld by adding content to old biomes plus in the future, new biomes.924974840.77 KB1.20.1November 27, 2020August 26, 2023BiomesFoodMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Cave Enhancements by exdrill_10A mod that adds in new exciting features to the caves to expand upon 1.18!91815829.37 MB1.19.2March 24, 2022May 12, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesMobsWorld Gen
Accelerated Decay by ErrorMikeySpeeds up the leaf decaying process91673010.95 KB1.20.1November 8, 2022September 4, 2023Utility & QoL
Occultism KubeJS by kli_kliKubeJS plugin for Occultism.914744404.57 KB1.19.2September 8, 2021August 1, 2023Addons
Dreadsteel by DaddyUnionAn end game armor superior to Ice and Fire Dragonsteel910773244.49 KB1.20.1June 5, 2022August 6, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Death Backup by Serilum💾 Creates back-ups of player inventories before death, which can be loaded via commands.90845647.82 KB1.20.2October 6, 2020September 21, 2023MiscellaneousServer Utility
Frosted Friends by Furti_Two⛄ Create your own snowman !903101493.24 KB1.20.1December 23, 2019August 13, 2023CosmeticMCreatorMagicMobs
CompleteConfig by Lortseam_Configuration Library for Fabric Mods899641718.31 KB1.20.2May 5, 2020July 26, 2023API and Library
Unsafe World Random Access Detector (Fabric) by ishlandmcThis is a mod that detects unsafe off-thread world random access, helping to find causes of "Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads" crash.88474220.31 KB1.20.1February 4, 2023February 24, 2023Utility & QoL
Abundant Atmosphere by sheddmerstkA mod focused on exploration!881690636.10 KB1.19.2September 28, 2022June 20, 2023CosmeticWorld Gen
Auto Feeder Helmet [FORGE] by canitzpUpgrade all your loved helmets, so they feed you while you do nothing87939056.04 KB1.20.1April 15, 2018September 22, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFoodIndustrial CraftThermal Expansion
Immersive Aircraft [Fabric/Forge] by ConczinA set of vanilla style, customizable and upgradable aircraft, from biplanes to airships8791211.85 MB1.20.1August 29, 2022September 12, 2023Adventure and RPGPlayer TransportTechnology
Auxiliary Blocks by Iskall85_DevA mod that adds building blocks and variations of building blocks to your world!877775852.20 KB1.18.2November 25, 2022January 21, 2023Cosmetic
EzZoom by JTK222EzZoom is a mod that allows easy zooming inside minecraft, using a single button.8775399.79 KB1.16.5November 26, 2020December 2, 2020Map and InformationMiscellaneous
Neon Craft 2 Mod by PolyvalordColorful neon lights !877300781.47 KB1.18.2January 12, 2022March 31, 2022Cosmetic
BraincellAPI by BottomTextDannylibrary mod with dispersed functionalities875189835.74 KB1.18.2April 23, 2022June 6, 2022API and Library
Cagerium (Compact Mob Farms) by MehVahdJukaarSimple compact mob farms in the form of cages and terrariums87174197.43 KB1.18.2November 22, 2022August 11, 2023AutomationFarming
Beast Slayer by UnOriginal_1New threads and creatures into minecraft! (Previously known as Ancient Beasts)8716674.34 MB1.12.2August 21, 2021August 27, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobs
Portable Crafting Table by 00theblackwolf00This mod adds a Portable Crafting Table(a item) for crafting without the need to place anything87054715.16 KB1.20.2March 8, 2021September 25, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
Auto Smithing Table by 9636DevAdds the capability the auto-craft Smithing Table recipes with the use of Forge Energy (FE)865783400.26 KB1.18.2August 26, 2022January 25, 2023Automation
Delete Item by DoubleDoorDevConfig based Itemstack removal for Servers & Modpacks.8603788.37 KB1.19.4February 19, 2021June 9, 2023Server UtilityUtility & QoL
Claim Chunk by MacTsoAllow player to claim a chunk860020131.20 KB1.20.1July 23, 2020June 30, 2023Miscellaneous
Mo' Spells (Electroblob's Wizardry) by windaneszMo' Spells is an Electroblob's Wizardry spell pack, adding integration for the Mowzie's Mobs mod!856903646.92 KB1.12.2August 31, 2021December 21, 2022Adventure and RPGMagicMobs
Majrusz's Accessories by Majrusz17Mod that adds new special accessories to make certain aspects of the game more enjoyable.854925175.73 KB1.18.2June 15, 2021August 16, 2023Adventure and RPG
Brewevolution 🍺 by warlonmhiteBrewing & distilling mechanics + RP tavern keeping - 🍺 BEER / ALCOHOL MOD with drunk effect - brew your beer and distill tons of alcohol8512731.09 MB1.17.1August 21, 2021December 19, 2021Adventure and RPGFarmingFoodOres and Resources
Easy Emerald Tools & More [FABRIC] by kwpughBalanced gear of emerald, ruby, obsidian, amethyst, copper, and steel846874331.19 KB1.19.3April 15, 2020December 1, 2022Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Rubidium Extra by dimadencepPort of Sodium Extra to work with Rubidium on FML846068309.73 KB1.19.2August 3, 2022September 24, 2023Miscellaneous
YDM's MobHealthBar by YourDailyModderxHealth Bar above mobs83969496.51 KB1.20.1December 24, 2021August 5, 2023Cosmetic
Structure Essentials[Forge/Fabric] by someaddonfaster locate command, advance error logging, nearby structure checks and more83916127.73 KB1.20.1March 1, 2023September 22, 2023Map and InformationServer UtilityStructures
MidnightControls by MotschenAdds controller support and enhanced controls overall.833774549.03 KB1.20.1May 8, 2022June 9, 2023API and LibraryCosmeticEducationUtility & QoL
Sophisticated Backpacks Vault Hunters Edition by P3pp3rF1yVisual and functional addon to Sophisticated Backpacks that's themed for Vault Hunters83208865.37 KB1.18.2November 3, 2022January 1, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsStorage
Medieval Paintings by The_Great_ZINAdds new Medieval-Fantasy style Paintings to the game!827827885.49 KB1.20.1February 28, 2022June 21, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMagicMap and Information
Here be no Dragons! by kb1000Disable the "experimental world settings" warning screen8270156.38 KB1.20.1December 18, 2020December 22, 2020Miscellaneous
StackablePotions [Forge] by Cursed1nfernoAllows vanilla potions to stack.81870110.44 KB1.19.4March 27, 2022July 14, 2023Server Utility
Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Items by KaworruItem clustering (fallen blocks, experience orbs, ...) and garbage cleanup.81728770.20 KB1.20.1December 29, 2021July 14, 2023Server UtilityUtility & QoL
Create: Steam 'n' Rails by mattentoshAdding depth to Create's rail network & steam system8172136.39 MB1.20.1October 13, 2022September 26, 2023MobsPlayer TransportProcessingTechnology
Shield Expansion by InfernalStudiosAdds tiers and parrying to shields for more interesting combat!817018187.91 KB1.20.1February 26, 2022August 3, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Rough Tweaks Revamped by selfdeprecativeXA mod that adds an extra layer of difficulty to minecraft's health system81686832.56 KB1.19.4October 27, 2020September 10, 2023Miscellaneous
[Meadow] Let's do Cheese! by satisfyLA small mod Vanilla+ Mod that aims to improve the meadow biome and adds a new way to create food. It also brings back a few animals from Minecraft:Earth and gives and make them actually useful.8089624.57 MB1.19.2February 3, 2023March 31, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticFoodWorld Gen
Vanilla Cookbook by platinmoralleExpands Minecraft's food while staying close to vanilla807451346.53 KB1.19.2August 16, 2020August 3, 2023CosmeticFood
Better Fishing Rods by TrueRealCursed_WarriorMakes Fishing a Millions times more Fun! With Many Additions like A Leveling System806357105.40 KB1.19.4August 5, 2021September 27, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Enercell by codetaylorThe Enercell is a block with an energy buffer that can be used to charge energy items in its inventory80335278.60 KB1.18.2November 15, 2022November 16, 2022Energy
Structory: Towers by botanydevAdds immersive, biome-themed towers to the world, for Fabric/Forge/Quilt.803267472.73 KB1.20.2December 31, 2022September 23, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMobsStructures
Resource Pack Overrides [Forge & Fabric] by FuzsEnsures important resource packs stay always active and helps clean up the pack selection screen.80326373.82 KB1.20.1March 1, 2023August 4, 2023API and Library
Boat Item View (Forge) by 50ap5ud5See your held items when in a moving boat!80085126.37 KB1.20.2May 15, 2021June 15, 2023Adventure and RPGMap and InformationUtility & QoL
Monster Plus by Nitespringnew biome-specific and flavour enemies to improve the explorative experience796869250.09 KB1.20.1September 14, 2022June 26, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobs