The Lost Cities by McJtyThe Lost Cities is a world generation mod372138371.04 MB1.18.2June 3, 2017August 9, 2023Adventure and RPGDimensions
Morph-o-Tool by VazkiiThe Wrench to end all Wrenches.3709936931.10 KB1.19.2May 21, 2016November 19, 2022BuildcraftForestryIndustrial CraftTechnologyThermal Expansion
MineColonies by RaycomsGrow your Own Massive Colony with Automation, Defense Structures, Raids and more3689370071.78 MB1.19.2May 27, 2016September 28, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsAutomationStorageStructures
Spartan Shields by ObliviousSpartanNeeding more Shields in Minecraft? You've come to the right place!36820688420.78 KB1.12.2October 15, 2016December 14, 2021Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Project Red - Core by MrTJPCore module for the Project Red series36759814711.55 KB1.16.5March 20, 2015July 22, 2023API and LibraryAutomationRedstone
Translocators 1.8.+ by covers1624A fancy way to move stuff.36663975455.87 KB1.16.5July 19, 2016July 11, 2021Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorageTechnology
Polymorph (Forge) by TheIllusiveC4No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more than one is available.36645973246.69 KB1.19.2June 9, 2020November 26, 2022Miscellaneous
RFTools Dimensions by McJtyThis is an addon mod for RFTools which handles creation of dimensions365019161.65 MB1.18.2January 19, 2016June 19, 2023DimensionsEnergyTechnology
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition by lordcazsiusA mod based around food that rewards the player instead of punishing them for discovering new foods!36300664101.57 KB1.20.1September 10, 2017July 17, 2023FarmingFoodServer Utility
MPUtils by GenDeathrowModPack Utilities making Developer lives simpler by making player experience better36246646244.79 KB1.12.2May 10, 2016March 8, 2019CosmeticMap and InformationServer Utility
Phosphor (Forge) by jellysquid3_Performance improvements for Minecraft's lighting engine3578671244.30 KB1.15.2March 27, 2019April 2, 2020MiscellaneousServer UtilityWorld Gen
Buildcraft by Covert_JaguarExtending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!356281321.14 MB1.5.2July 18, 2013February 11, 2023EnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportOres and ResourcesTechnology
Rustic by cadaverous_queenA Medieval Expansion Mod355078351.34 MB1.12.2December 30, 2016November 9, 2020CosmeticCraftTweakerFarmingFoodStorage
Recurrent Complex by IvorforceAdds a ton more structure generation, dungeons, and randomized loot - Fully customizable352466415.48 MB1.12.2August 8, 2014July 13, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGServer UtilityStructures
Waila by profmobiusWaila (What Am I Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly ingame.35201776530.02 KB1.11.2January 30, 2014May 9, 2017Map and Information
Mowzie's Mobs by bobmowziePowerful overworld enemies and more!3493940112.97 MB1.18.2August 31, 2016December 6, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobsStructures
FTB Teams (Forge) by FTBLibrary for mods that can utilize team progression34895912214.89 KB1.19.2August 25, 2020July 2, 2023API and Library
Snad by TheRoBritFinally, sand that actually makes sugarcane grow faster.3478900723.05 KB1.18.2January 31, 2016April 15, 2022FoodMagicMiscellaneous
Project Red - Integration by MrTJPIntegration module for the Project Red series346074872.86 MB1.16.5March 31, 2015July 22, 2023Redstone
FerriteCore (Forge) by malte0811Memory usage optimizations34304278119.91 KB1.20.1December 18, 2020June 7, 2023Miscellaneous
Inventory Sorter by cpwSimple inventory sorting tweaks3425613650.93 KB1.20.1January 10, 2016July 19, 2023Miscellaneous
Ding (Forge) by ohaiiChunPlays a configurable sound when Minecraft loads and reaches the Main Menu, connects to a server or finishes reloading resources.3414136318.69 KB1.20.1June 5, 2015June 30, 2023Map and Information
Moonlight Lib by MehVahdJukaarForge and Fabric lightweight library with utilities such as custom Villagers AI, custom Map Markers, First and third person item animations, dynamic assets and registration & more340867361.04 MB1.20.1July 2, 2021September 28, 2023API and Library
Portal Gun by ohaiiChunThis mod adds the Portal Gun, as well as several other portal-related aspects, to Minecraft!340838721.64 MB1.12.2April 1, 2015March 5, 2019Armor, Tools, and WeaponsPlayer TransportTechnology
TOP Addons by DrManganeseAdds mod support to The One Probe by McJty34031233237.89 KB1.12.2July 6, 2016February 23, 2023AddonsMap and Information
Gendustry by bdewAdds industrial apiaries, advanced genetic manipulation and mutation (Forestry addon)339369231.83 MB1.7.10December 11, 2013January 1, 2018AddonsForestryGeneticsProcessingTechnology
Macaw's Doors by sketch_macawAdds vanila doors with every wood color and new unique doors!337880181.14 MB1.20.1April 25, 2020July 16, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Macaw's Windows by sketch_macawAdds lots of Windows, Mosaic Glass, Blinds, Shutters, Curtains and more..!335829581.09 MB1.20.1February 19, 2020September 12, 2023Cosmetic
Flat Colored Blocks - For Forge by AlgorithmX2Vast quantities of colored blocks, that's all.33393906639.60 KB1.19.2December 6, 2015May 20, 2023Cosmetic
Farmer's Delight by vectorwingA lightweight expansion to farming and cooking!328886622.76 MB1.20.1July 28, 2020August 2, 2023CosmeticFarmingFood
Rhino by LatvianModderA fork of Mozilla's Rhino library, modified for use in mods327295461.71 MB1.20.1October 29, 2020September 2, 2023API and LibraryKubeJS
Blueprint by TeamAbnormalsLibrary for all Abnormals mods32688306968.99 KB1.19.2May 10, 2020September 11, 2023API and Library
Project Red - Illumination by MrTJPIllumination module for the Project Red series32682905695.08 KB1.16.5March 31, 2015July 22, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Aroma1997s Dimensional World by Aroma1997One world for mining3256861978.84 KB1.12.2June 25, 2013July 5, 2020BiomesDimensionsServer UtilityTechnology
YUNG's API (Forge) by YUNGNICKYOUNGA library mod for some of YUNG's Minecraft mods32101167338.28 KB1.20.1November 23, 2020September 25, 2023API and Library
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized by desht_08Doing cool stuff with pressurized air3195053810.22 MB1.20.1November 13, 2017September 27, 2023Technology
NotEnoughItems by Chicken_BonesRecipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more31863742501.11 KB1.7.10July 9, 2014May 22, 2016API and LibraryMap and InformationServer Utility
Steve's Carts Reborn by modmuss50Continuation of the original custom minecart mod317783792.36 MB1.12.2November 10, 2016November 29, 2019Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportFarmingPlayer TransportTechnology
Railcraft by Covert_JaguarRedefine your rails!317627125.28 MB1.12.2February 3, 2013June 29, 2022EnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportOres and ResourcesPlayer TransportTechnology
Alex's Mobs by sbom_xela85+ New mobs with stylistic quality above the default game.3160557324.60 MB1.20.1December 7, 2020September 9, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingMobsPlayer Transport
Decorative Blocks by stohunSome new blocks to build with31556510457.62 KB1.18.2February 12, 2020September 2, 2022Cosmetic
Macaw's Roofs by sketch_macawBuild roofs with actual roofs instead of stairs!314961421.74 MB1.20.1November 19, 2019September 14, 2023Cosmetic
Wither Skeleton Tweaks by Shadows_of_FireGeneral improvements to wither skeletons3118988528.64 KB1.20.1December 26, 2016August 18, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Better Questing by FunwayguyA new and improved questing mod for Minecraft pack creators311718571.36 MB1.12.2December 15, 2015May 6, 2020API and LibraryAdventure and RPG
Titanium by Buuz135Library for Horizon Studio30903291606.00 KB1.20.1February 13, 2018August 18, 2023API and Library
ContentTweaker by Jaredlll08Allows you to add Items and Blocks30684843513.11 KB1.16.5October 16, 2015September 26, 2023CraftTweakerServer Utility
Solar Flux Reborn by ZeitheronA reborn of Solar Flux mod30579581271.92 KB1.20.1July 2, 2016September 5, 2023Thermal Expansion
JEI Bees by bdewAdds JEI recipes that show breeding and products from Forestry bees, trees and butterflies.30528896114.73 KB1.12.2August 5, 2016February 13, 2022ForestryMap and Information
Better Questing - Standard Expansion by FunwayguyStandard tasks, rewards, importers and themes for BetterQuesting30471205377.66 KB1.7.10December 15, 2015May 6, 2020AddonsAdventure and RPG
OreLib by OreCruncherSupport library for OreCruncher's mods30252639333.72 KB1.12.2November 27, 2018November 1, 2019API and Library