Informational Accessories by DarkhaxDevTrinkets to help you better understand your world.83.96 KB1.12.2September 15, 2017December 3, 2018Map and InformationServer Utility
SevTweaks by artdude543Adds tweaks/mod compact when CrT does not support it.52.01 KB1.12.2May 16, 2018September 4, 2020Miscellaneous
Archimedes' Ships by _ForgeUser6815172Craft and create your own ship... And sail it across the seven seas!239.73 KB1.7.10March 19, 2014July 6, 2014Ores and ResourcesPlayer Transport
DarkTides - Breathe Underwater by GamerPotionEquip a Diamond Shovel in offhand and gain Water Breathing, Fast Swimming and Night Vision5.79 KB1.20.1September 26, 2022June 7, 2023Adventure and RPGServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Block Runner [Forge & Fabric] by FuzsEncourages path building by making you run faster on certain blocks such as path blocks.68.18 KB1.18.2February 3, 2021August 11, 2023Utility & QoL
Lods of Emone by BordListianAdds consumable coin items that give you FTB Money currency.12.14 KB1.12.2February 24, 2020February 23, 2020AddonsMiscellaneous
Classic Bars by tfarecnimChanges the Status Icons to Status Bars59.47 KB1.19.2March 18, 2019March 9, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMap and Information
Wizardry Golems by windaneszAn Electroblob's Wizardry add-on, featuring Extra Golems381.36 KB1.12.2November 25, 2020January 27, 2023MagicMobs
Mini Utilities by OneLemonyBoiiA Mod inspired by XU1 and XU2751.92 KB1.20.1March 21, 2021July 11, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorageWorld Gen
The Graveyard Biomes (FORGE) by finallion_13Spooky and scary new biomes - an independent extension to The Graveyard mod.273.63 KB1.19.3February 28, 2022January 2, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesOres and Resources
DarkSpins - XP Casino by GamerPotionPlay the XP Casino and win rare prizes!7.28 KB1.20.1September 27, 2022July 15, 2023Adventure and RPGServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Bone Zone by DarkhaxDevSpice up your world with macabre decorations based on bones.527.02 KB1.20.1October 20, 2022August 25, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
WorldGen Block Replacer by The_FireplaceReplace blocks with other blocks during worldgen.45.12 KB1.12.2February 12, 2018May 27, 2022Server UtilityWorld Gen
Decoration Delight: Refurbished by InfernoSakaiA FORGE mod intended to add decoration to Farmer's Delight. This includes Counters, Trash Bins, and more! (Works with JEI)4.71 MB1.19.2October 10, 2022August 8, 2023FoodMCreatorStorageUtility & QoL
Blossom by yurisuikaFruit blossoms from trees!54.35 KB1.20.1February 1, 2022June 13, 2023FoodMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Not Enough Energistics by vfyjxf_Better JEI/NEI integration for AppliedEnergistics2236.57 KB1.12.2August 15, 2021August 8, 2023Applied Energistics 2Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportMap and Information
Infinity Craft by leytileraMarvels Infinity Stones in Minecraft362.93 KB1.12.2January 16, 2018April 29, 2020MagicMiscellaneous
DarkFlight - Simple Jetpack by GamerPotionGain Levitation Flight like a Jetpack by equipping a Diamond Shovel in offhand6.33 KB1.20.1October 14, 2022June 7, 2023Adventure and RPGMagicServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Biome Staff by TheRealp455w0rdA mod inspired by Biome Wand from MC 1.7.1047.73 KB1.12.2August 4, 2018August 3, 2018Armor, Tools, and Weapons
FTB Team Islands (Forge) by FTBTeam Islands adds a new world type which is a void world with a hub in center and islands spawning around it95.00 KB1.16.5January 2, 2018February 21, 2022DimensionsPlayer TransportServer UtilityStructures
Masonry by ShadowCreate new decorative blocks using the Stonecutter!870.05 KB1.16.5January 3, 2019September 11, 2020Cosmetic
Mo' Guns by Bomb787An addon that adds various weapons for Mr. Crayfish's Gun Mod1.78 MB1.18.2September 24, 2021January 6, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Ender Mail by ChaosyrEmploy Endermen to deliver packages for you anywhere in the world.140.62 KB1.20.1April 10, 2020June 23, 2023Adventure and RPGMap and InformationServer UtilityStorageTechnology
DarkCap - Cap Your XP! by GamerPotionCaps the maximum experience level you can get in game7.76 KB1.20.1October 7, 2022June 7, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Buildcraft Compat by Forge_User_75087269BuildCraft Compat is a BuildCraft addon designed to add cross-mod compatibility with other mods.258.10 KB1.7.10July 25, 2015November 26, 2021Buildcraft
Resourceful Lootbags by ThatGravyBoatBags that have loot287.46 KB1.20.1October 9, 2022June 14, 2023Server Utility
Bobby by Johni0702Allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance setting.786.42 KB1.20.2September 21, 2020September 25, 2023Cosmetic
Advanced Solar Panels by ChocoheadAdds additional upgraded forms of the IC2 Solar Panel309.41 KB1.12.2October 24, 2016December 24, 2018AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergyIndustrial CraftTechnology
Moyai by MehVahdJukaarAdds naturally spawning Moyai to your game 🗿417.93 KB1.20.1February 7, 2022August 21, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneousWorld Gen
Reborn Core (Fork NBT fix) by crisCKYa reborncore fork2.18 MB1.12.2June 21, 2021June 21, 2021API and Library
Satako library by Alexiy_OrlovA library used in several Alexiy's mods98.56 KB1.20.1November 16, 2017September 19, 2023API and LibraryServer Utility
Thaumcraft Research Patcher by TheCodex6824A Thaumcraft addon that allows adding and editing research201.70 KB1.12.2January 15, 2021July 5, 2021AddonsServer UtilityThaumcraft
The Fifth World by nictogenA genetics mod that lets you create your own superpowers286.94 KB1.12.2January 18, 2019October 29, 2019Adventure and RPGGenetics
Freecam (Fabric/Forge) by hashalitesA simple, standalone freecam mod.1.02 MB1.20.1December 14, 2021July 13, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Piercing Paxels by AmyMialeeDynamic Upgradable Multi-tools!250.14 KB1.19.2August 6, 2022January 6, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnologyUtility & QoL
FastBench for Fabric by tfarecnimCrafting table optimizations20.23 KB1.18.1February 25, 2020December 24, 2021Server Utility
Cammie's Wearable Backpacks by CammieThe way backpacks should have always been.183.05 KB1.19.3February 4, 2021March 2, 2023MiscellaneousStorage
Origins: Umbrellas by Fusion_FluxA umbrella mod for Origins45.68 KB1.19.2March 5, 2021September 30, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Clay Bucket by abecdericAdds a clay bucket for early game.32.30 KB1.15.2March 6, 2016March 21, 2020Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
Tree Chopper by MrDuchyTree Chopper121.81 KB1.12.2August 24, 2016October 20, 2017FarmingProcessingTechnology
Gravity Gun by ohaiiChunAdds the Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2 into Minecraft915.82 KB1.12.2March 31, 2015October 3, 2019Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
Gearifiers by fzzyhmstrsRPG Affixes for all your gear! Find gear with modifiers like Sharp, protective, legendary, useless, and many more. Re-roll modifiers in an altar to try and find ones you like!225.36 KB1.20.1February 11, 2023June 20, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Portable Crafting by gr8pefishAdds a handy little portable crafting table with nifty features!55.90 KB1.12.2January 11, 2016January 23, 2018Armor, Tools, and WeaponsProcessingTechnology
Bedrock B Gone by KarjahMakes the bedrock layer flat and prettier!16.08 KB1.12.2December 13, 2016September 19, 2019BiomesCosmeticDimensionsOres and Resources
DarkMenu - DarkRPG Menu (RPG Theme) by GamerPotionMain Menu From DarkRPG Pack4.23 MB1.20.1February 4, 2023June 22, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMagicServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Mixin Conflict Helper by XanderIsDevUser-friendly errors for Mixin conflicts.167.67 KB1.20.1July 10, 2022August 18, 2022Utility & QoL
Doodads [Fabric] by ArcanePigeonAdds tons of items, trinkets, blocks, and more.220.77 KB1.19.2July 25, 2022August 8, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL
Pyromancer by nikgub_Vanila+ mod that adds a spark to the Minecraft1.64 MB1.19.2April 14, 2021August 22, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesMagicMobs
Packed Inventory by Kir_AntipovInventory management has never been so easy.670.83 KB1.19.1July 8, 2022August 3, 2022API and LibraryStorageUtility & QoL