Better Conduit Placement by Serilum✔️ Place conduits in front, makes placing conduit prismarine blocks easier and other tweaks.58.86 KB1.20.2March 13, 2020September 21, 2023MiscellaneousStructures
SleepingOverhaul by CosmicDanAUReplaces the vanilla "skip-to-day" function of sleep with a cool and immersive time-lapse sleep (speeds up time), among other configurable sleep enhancements.41.55 KB1.12.2July 2, 2018December 5, 2018Miscellaneous
Create Gears by kotakotik22Adds shaftless blocks to Create, like gears!60.73 KB1.16.5June 26, 2021December 2, 2021CosmeticTechnology
Numismatic Overhaul by gliscowoTerraria-style currency in Minecraft484.11 KB1.20.1January 16, 2022August 19, 2023Adventure and RPGServer Utility
Regions Unexplored (forge/fabric) by UHQ_GAMESMinecraft Overworld Overhaul Mod5.43 MB1.20.1August 13, 2022September 9, 2023BiomesCosmeticWorld Gen
Comfortable Nether by TheRealZonko[Reincarnation Update has arrived] A 2nd Nether Update where you can live independently in the Nether17.80 MB1.16.5April 19, 2021July 6, 2022BiomesDimensionsFoodMCreatorMobs
Shiny Horses Forge - Enchantable Horse Armor by tinytransfemEnchant horse armor and gallop over the freezing ocean!928.60 KB1.20.1September 11, 2022September 17, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL
CustomNPC+ by KAMKEELCustomNPC+ is an expansion from the original CustomNPCs to backport features from newer versions while also adding features of its own.12.32 MB1.7.10May 11, 2021June 22, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Sulfur And Potassium - More Gunpowder by BR4NDER5A vanilla friendly way to craft more Gunpowder59.46 KB1.19.3June 7, 2018December 11, 2022Ores and ResourcesWorld Gen
Extra Sponges by UltrusBotAdds more sponges you can craft with various materials.54.33 KB1.20.2March 15, 2021June 8, 2023Miscellaneous
Extract Poison by Serilum🐍 Extract poison from cave spiders, pufferfish and bees with an empty glass bottle.47.08 KB1.20.2September 30, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Goblins Community! by pixelgeist666Goblin villages, Wild Goblins, and Goblin society!315.00 KB1.19.2December 20, 2021December 28, 2022Adventure and RPGFoodMobsStructuresUtility & QoL
LDoH Tweaks by smileycorpCustom Tweaks for the Last Days of Humanity Modpack1.04 MB1.12.2June 1, 2021September 22, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMobs
Extra CPUs by RelentlessA mod to give you more Crafting Storages for Applied Energistics 2.43.08 KB1.12.2September 14, 2020October 2, 2021AddonsApplied Energistics 2Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorageTechnology
Customizable Player Models by tom54541Customize your minecraft avatar!2.11 MB1.20.2January 25, 2021September 25, 2023Cosmetic
Iron Bows (FORGE) by popcornman200Iron, Golden, Diamond, Emerald and Netherite Bows.408.86 KB1.19.4June 7, 2022August 3, 2023Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Hardcore Wither by thor12022The Wither's difficulty adapts to the players83.11 KB1.7.10October 27, 2015November 18, 2016Adventure and RPGMobsTinker's Construct
Chat Toggle by MayaqqMakes /ftbteams msg auto prefix in front of your messages (customizable and toggolable)30.82 KB1.20.1December 15, 2022August 18, 2023Server UtilityUtility & QoL
Chirpy's Wildlife by chirpycricket__Adds extra animals and insects to Minecraft!7.03 MB1.20.1January 17, 2022July 23, 2023CosmeticMobs
Tensura Mod -That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime by MinhEragonTensura is a fantasy-themed mod that is based on the series "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime".25.87 MB1.16.5April 6, 2020September 27, 2021Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorMagicWorld Gen
Collection of Singiro by Aiko__SuzukiImport Medieval Origins to Forge & some more354.63 KB1.19.4December 14, 2021June 5, 2023AddonsAdventure and RPG
AuraControl by TheCodex6824Control the Aura generation by biome for a customized Thaumcraft experience181.20 KB1.12.2July 21, 2020July 24, 2020API and LibraryThaumcraftWorld Gen
Forgotten Recipes - Sculk Sensor, Crying Obsidian, Leather and Powder Snow Recipe by AffehundAdding missing recipes from the Caves & Cliffs Update and Wild Update33.29 KB1.20.1June 21, 2021August 19, 2023MiscellaneousServer UtilityUtility & QoL
ApexCore by ApexMdrLibrary Mod required by all of ApexStudios' mods543.23 KB1.20.1November 28, 2021August 12, 2023API and LibraryServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Additional Bars [FABRIC] by Gamma1772Adds additional bars to the game that go along with Iron Bars!414.14 KB1.19.3December 28, 2020January 17, 2023AddonsCosmetic
BackSlot by Globox_ZKeep your weapon always ready148.56 KB1.20.1August 17, 2020September 13, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Treecapitator by bspkrsAllows players to chop down trees by breaking a single log.96.94 KB1.8June 15, 2013May 5, 2015AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingOres and Resources
MalisisBlocks by OrdinastieVanishing and mixed blocks.152.89 KB1.12.2November 11, 2015January 31, 2018Cosmetic
Shret Nether by shreksrighttesticle1Adds some content to Nether548.30 KB1.16.5July 23, 2021December 5, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsDimensionsMobsOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
World Stripper by EwyBoyStrips away blocks to reveal the underground world gen. A must have tool for all devs. dev ore map strip world77.43 KB1.20.1September 2, 2016June 9, 2023Ores and ResourcesServer UtilityStructures
Adventure Backpack by DarkonaSpecial Backpacks for Minecraft3.19 MB1.7.10October 22, 2014November 21, 2015Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
Nock Enough Arrows by itayfederExpanding archery, one arrow at the time!399.81 KB1.19.2July 11, 2022December 9, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicUtility & QoL
Serene Seasons Fix by Or_OSA patch for Serene Seasons10.61 KB1.20.1July 27, 2022July 15, 2023AddonsUtility & QoL
Better Azalea by SameDifferentAdds Azalea wood, new moss, and improves the lush caves!146.79 KB1.18.2August 19, 2021March 16, 2022BiomesCosmeticOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
Origins: Classes (Forge) by DragonsPlusAn unofficial Forge port for Origins: Classes183.22 KB1.19.2April 12, 2022August 18, 2022AddonsAdventure and RPG
Tinker's Delight by chirptheboyA Tinkers Construct addon with new weapons, materials, and modifiers.314.70 KB1.16.5June 3, 2021December 7, 2021AddonsTinker's Construct
No Additional Repair Cost - Anvil by srrendiRemoves additional repair costs of items repaired or enchanted in an anvil3.31 KB1.19.4August 7, 2022April 2, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL
Storage Tech by LithimzTVAdd custom disks for Refined Storage571.94 KB1.16.4August 8, 2017December 22, 2020AddonsStorageTechnology
Unexperienced by smileycorpRemoves XP orbs for lag or realism19.17 KB1.20.1December 5, 2021June 10, 2023Adventure and RPGMobsServer Utility
Trolls Community! by pixelgeist666Troll Tents, with Troll Villagers!130.90 KB1.19.2December 22, 2021December 28, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsFoodMobsUtility & QoL
Enhanced Farming by MrbyscoEnhanced Farming is a revival of the old 1.6.2 mod "Better Farming" by iBlackShadow.1013.81 KB1.19.2January 10, 2018July 21, 2023FarmingFoodWorld Gen
Better Invisibility by Purplicious_Cow_True Invisibility: Hide particle effects, armor, weapons, and from mobs20.27 KB1.19.2August 12, 2018October 8, 2022Adventure and RPGCosmeticMagic
Sign Button by gigaherzA combination of a sign, and a button.59.21 KB1.20.1September 14, 2017August 28, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Magical Forest by DenisMasterHerobrine[Forge/Fabric] This mod brings back Magical Forest biome from Thaumcraft into your modded world!48.33 KB1.19.2May 15, 2020July 29, 2022Adventure and RPGBiomesMagic
MoarSigns by GoryMoonAdds a lot of signs1.63 MB1.12.2May 1, 2014December 16, 2018API and LibraryCosmetic
Thatched by lilypureeTraditional thatched village structures & Decorative Blocks thatch support for other mods120.82 KB1.19.2August 19, 2020August 18, 2022StructuresWorld Gen
Creeper Firework by DragonsPlusCreepers explode harmlessly and beautifully41.40 KB1.20.1December 19, 2021June 12, 2023MiscellaneousMobs
Mo' Villager (Redstone + Nether Traders) by BelgieYTVillagers that trades Redstone Items + Nether Items92.71 KB1.20.1January 10, 2022June 24, 2023MobsOres and ResourcesRedstone
Voice Chat Interaction by henkelmaxVoice chat skulk sensor activation and warden detection370.01 KB1.20.2October 12, 2022September 21, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Towers Of The Wild by idrae_Adds Breath Of The Wild-like towers to make exploring a bit more fun!153.50 KB1.16.4May 28, 2020November 5, 2020Adventure and RPGCosmeticStructuresWorld Gen