Biome Music[Forge/Fabric] by someaddonchange delay between music, more varied music, fix modded biomes not playing music19.97 KB1.20.1March 22, 2023September 23, 2023BiomesCosmetic
dan's Crafting Tweaks by CleanroomMCA Continuation of Crafting Tweaks for KB1.12.2June 15, 2022June 28, 2022Miscellaneous
Garden Stuff by TexelsaurMake your gardens and landscaping beautiful with multi-part plants, decorative planters, and more.758.54 KB1.7.10November 30, 2014February 11, 2018Cosmetic
Animal Origins - Infinite Origins by Naox_95A mod that adds tons of new animal based origins to the origin mod!76.75 KB1.19.2March 22, 2022June 12, 2022AddonsAdventure and RPGGeneticsMiscellaneousMobs
TombManyGraves 2 API by M4thG33kAn API for Tomb Many Graves 210.64 KB1.12.2May 19, 2018May 18, 2018API and Library
Dyeable Fishing Lines (Forge) by Fusion_FluxA Mod That Lets You Dye Fishing Rod Lines19.43 KB1.18.2March 29, 2022March 28, 2022CosmeticUtility & QoL
Audio Death by PortablejimPlays a user-defined music file on death178.96 KB1.12.2October 25, 2014February 17, 2019Cosmetic
Ores Above Diamonds by SquidswordFully customizable Amethyst and Black Opal ores which are 3x and 9x rarer than diamonds!193.86 KB1.19.2November 12, 2019August 3, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
PBOSB - Projectiles Bounce Off Slime Blocks by CAS_ual_TYMakes all projectiles (eg. Arrows, Tridents, ...) bounce off slime blocks.12.77 KB1.20.1July 11, 2022June 19, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL
Future Versions by Lester8222Adds item, blocks, and features from future versions of Minecraft to older ones.9.55 MB1.12.2November 27, 2018October 23, 2020Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticFoodMiscellaneous
Cartographer by thevortexFoxTopiaMore than just treasure maps21.06 KB1.16.5January 21, 2021March 13, 2021Map and Information
Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Mods by KaworruAutomatic and realtime server bundling (one mod pack for client/server) and mod clean up for better performance and less crashes.75.22 KB1.20.1March 31, 2022July 22, 2023Server UtilityUtility & QoL
FTB Sluice by FTBTiered resource processing in a sluice400.03 KB1.16.5September 16, 2021December 5, 2021AutomationFarmingOres and ResourcesTechnology
Simply Improved Terrain [Forge] by kdotjpgRewrites terrain generation components to improve their visual results.987.93 KB1.16April 17, 2021April 1, 2023World Gen
Loading Screen Tips by UltrusBotAdds tips to the loading screen, which can be customized!91.31 KB1.20.2September 16, 2021September 27, 2023Miscellaneous
Realistic Bees by Serilum🐝 Tiny bees, or big! Bigger group spawns and increased hive space.44.12 KB1.20.2October 1, 2020September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMiscellaneousMobs
Nature Arise by davidgmc18add new biomes, improve vanilla biomes and vanilla style additions1.09 MB1.20.2July 3, 2022September 21, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesFoodWorld Gen
Nature Expansion by Ddx11__🌷 Improves the Minecraft vegetation adding plants and foods337.42 KB1.19.2May 12, 2021November 12, 2022BiomesFoodMCreator
Light Level Overlay Reloaded by oldjunyiA mod visualizes the light level on top of blocks.120.73 KB1.14.4January 2, 2015August 5, 2019Map and Information
Emblems [Forge & Fabric] by Dplayendnew item who makes neutral the piglin38.18 KB1.17.1December 12, 2021June 2, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Hornets by vadis365Adds some Hornets to your world149.88 KB1.16.5November 11, 2020November 21, 2020Mobs
Idō (Deprecated) by bagu_chan500Brings 1.13 and 1.14 movement like swimming and crawling into KB1.12.2May 20, 2019October 29, 2020Miscellaneous
Structured Crafting by kroeserCraft stuff in your world, automatically.44.95 KB1.20.1July 25, 2015July 1, 2023Miscellaneous
Balanced Crates by LettuceMuncherNifty storage blocks that make good decorations.1.19 MB1.19.2July 8, 2022August 29, 2023RedstoneStorage
Bio Library by Mrthomas20121Library mod used by Mrthomas20121 Mods.11.74 KB1.20.1June 17, 2020June 8, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsTinker's Construct
More Beautiful Plates by Kreezxil200+ Pressure Plates based on Vanilla Blocks.576.59 KB1.20.1September 1, 2017September 20, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Unofficial Wild Update Recreation by Bones404An unofficial recreation of the upcoming 1.19 Wild Update for 1.17 and 1.16 Java1.11 MB1.17.1October 19, 2021November 7, 2021BiomesMobsOres and ResourcesStructuresWorld Gen
Plants by Shadows_of_FireExperience the natural world; of reality, and fiction.563.29 KB1.12.2January 14, 2017April 8, 2019Adventure and RPGCosmeticCraftTweakerFarmingFood
Advanced XRay (Fabric Edition) by ErrorMikeyA simple but advanced XRay mod that allows you to find all of your most loved blocks. Now for Fabric as well!147.42 KB1.20.2February 8, 2021September 23, 2023CosmeticMap and InformationMiscellaneous
Stables by f1ashfyreAdds a new stables structure with a trader.52.80 KB1.16.5November 26, 2020February 27, 2021Adventure and RPGStructures
Thermal Tinkering by samboy063Cross-Compatibility mod for Thermal Expansion and Tinkers' Construct8.67 KB1.12.2October 2, 2016March 5, 2019MiscellaneousThermal ExpansionTinker's Construct
Vending Machine by MacTsoA fun balanced, vending machine with random or fixed items.88.70 KB1.20.1June 27, 2020August 25, 2023Adventure and RPGMap and Information
Mob Compack by BottomTextCf28Mobs for BOP, BYG, Cinderscapes, and more! (BYG and others come later)180.81 KB1.20.1January 28, 2022July 21, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsMobs
Equivalent Integrations by pkmnfrkAn addon for ProjectE that brings greater automation239.14 KB1.12.2July 17, 2018May 1, 2019AddonsEnergyMagicStorage
Crafting Dead by nexusnodeGuns, zombies, blood and combat6.22 MB1.18.2November 4, 2020September 28, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMobs
Hey Berry! SHUT UP by LobsterJonnVillagers will no longer take damage from berry bushes and berry bush thorns are no longer armor piercing7.32 KB1.20.1June 17, 2022September 20, 2023Utility & QoL
IC2 Classic by sfPlayer1The official classic remix of IC2.15.48 MB1.19.2March 17, 2016September 9, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingOres and ResourcesProcessingTechnology
Compact Machines - Fabric by thatguynamedalphaMinecraft Mod. Adds one simple game mechanic: Small rooms inside of blocks.2.35 MB1.18.2July 22, 2022August 14, 2022ProcessingStorageTechnology
Get Ya' Tanks Here by DarkhaxDevAdds fluid tanks of various materials.56.22 KB1.12.2January 3, 2015October 15, 2019CosmeticCraftTweakerEnergy, Fluid, and Item Transport
Fire Spread Tweaks by Serilum🔥 Disables the default firespread and makes fire go out after a configurable delay.33.40 KB1.20.2February 13, 2021September 21, 2023MiscellaneousServer Utility
Hopo Better Ruined Portals by hoponopono1111Improve how the portals look in your world324.96 KB1.20.1June 11, 2022June 30, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
Colds: Lurker (FORGE) by Coldspell_GamesAdds a creepy and challenging hostile entity to the game!60.25 KB1.16.5September 15, 2020March 13, 2021Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMobs
AzureLib by AzureDoomCBased off Geckolib but now just for my own needs.662.96 KB1.20.1January 24, 2023September 25, 2023API and Library
Create++ [Forge] by StormDragon_64A Create addon that adds and changes recipes to improve my modpack, Create+. New blocks and more are planned for the future.9.81 KB1.18.2March 3, 2023March 3, 2023AddonsTechnologyUtility & QoL
GravelMiner by BlayTheNinthAutomatically (insta-)mines falling gravel blocks that get in your way while mining.74.15 KB1.20.2May 5, 2016September 26, 2023Utility & QoL
Wooden Armors (+ Stone Armor) by exlinegamesadds wooden armor sets, and stone now too!253.13 KB1.20.1January 10, 2021August 3, 2023Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Ultimate Transport for Minecraft (Automated trains, planes, and more!) by jonafanhoThe easiest transit mod you will ever need in Minecraft to build your dream city.57.40 MB1.19.3May 2, 2017April 23, 2023CosmeticPlayer TransportTechnology
Eternal Winter by ichtttA mod that enables snow in every biome10.07 KB1.20.1August 6, 2017August 17, 2023BiomesMiscellaneous
Player Health Indicators by andrew_10__Displays a health bar above players12.96 KB1.20.1March 11, 2022June 12, 2023Utility & QoL
Ex Nihilo by Erasmus_CrowleyThe Skyblock Companion Mod421.37 KB1.7.10June 24, 2014July 14, 2016Technology