Dark Mode Everywhere (Fabric) by HeyAmAK9Have dark GUIs everywhere with the power of shaders.561.84 KB1.20.1November 2, 2022August 21, 2023Cosmetic
Doctor Who - Weeping Angels by Suff99Adds the terrifying Weeping Angels! Don't Blink!4.25 MB1.20.1March 31, 2018June 19, 2023Adventure and RPGMagicMobsOres and ResourcesStructures
Lazy AE2 by phantamanta44yet another AE2 addon with magic boxes389.07 KB1.12.2May 22, 2019March 28, 2021Applied Energistics 2ProcessingTechnology
Night Lights by joosh_7889A mod that adds a variety of new light sources to Minecraft!418.18 KB1.20.1July 27, 2022July 25, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Simple Achievements by tterrag1098Customizable "checklist" style achievements121.60 KB1.7.10May 31, 2015February 4, 2017Adventure and RPGCosmetic
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks by bonusboniIguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct.417.41 KB1.7.10August 10, 2014March 19, 2016Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTinker's Construct
Radiant Gear (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) by TheIllusiveC4A compatibility bridge between Curios API or Trinkets API and dynamic light mods such as Dynamic Lights and Lucent.39.86 KB1.20.1March 30, 2022August 2, 2023Utility & QoL
AntiXray (Fabric) by drexhdLightweight fabric mod that allows server owners to combat xrayers111.47 KB1.20.2August 6, 2021September 25, 2023MiscellaneousServer Utility
Anchor by moonflowerteam🎵 An expansion on Minecraft's classic music.45.52 MB1.19.2January 3, 2022July 16, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Dave's Potioneering by SoterDaveDave’s Potioneering is a mod that makes changes to how potions and alchemy work with the goal of making the brewing and use of potions much more enjoyable.603.40 KB1.20.1July 4, 2022September 25, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicUtility & QoL
Calculator by sonar_sonicA Unique Crafting Mechanism with RF/TESLA Generators, Portable Crafting, Unbreakable Tools, Trees etc1.36 MB1.12.2October 24, 2014December 22, 2019Armor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergyFarmingFoodTechnology
Faux Custom Entity Data by Jaredlll08This API provides the framework and necessary patches for storing custom and persistent data onto entities.15.80 KB1.20.2February 1, 2022September 23, 2023API and LibraryMap and Information
Wilder World by Zink_Zink_ZinkMaking Minecraft's world even wilder!426.36 KB1.19November 30, 2021June 20, 2023BiomesMobsOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
Campfire Spawn and Tweaks by Serilum🔥 Respawn interdimensionally with short fire resistance inside a preferred campfire with altered block mechanics. Place unlit, lighting it will create a home camp spawn point. Remove waterlogging.49.32 KB1.20.2March 2, 2021September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMagicServer Utility
Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 by amedwardsMinecraft Combat: Advanced1.13 MB1.8.9June 22, 2013August 21, 2016API and LibraryAdventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
What The Bucket by DarkhaxDevFixes some bucket items not leaving an empty bucket behind when used as a recipe ingredient.9.37 KB1.20.1June 15, 2022August 20, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsProcessingServer UtilityUtility & QoL
ReBlured by CheaterpaulAdds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds357.91 KB1.19.4June 28, 2022August 10, 2023Cosmetic
No Default Auto-Jump by Dark_ArcanaDisable auto-jump on first pack load without any fuss3.75 KB1.18.2September 16, 2019March 1, 2022MiscellaneousServer Utility
Nimble (Forge) by Snownee_Perspective animation | Auto third person | Elytra camera roll25.28 KB1.20.1January 20, 2019September 6, 2023Utility & QoL
Avaritiaddons by WanionCaneA Mod that tries to expand the meaning of Infinity!247.81 KB1.12.2August 15, 2016September 8, 2023AddonsStorage
JEI Utilities by vfyjxf_Added more enhancements to JEI94.90 KB1.12.2April 23, 2022July 6, 2023AddonsUtility & QoL
Croparia v4 by Dalarion01This mod adds new items and blocks to cultive resources1.03 MB1.20.1August 24, 2016September 8, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingMagic
It's Raining Food! by insaneauEver wondered why you couldn't eat rain? Me neither.34.67 KB1.7.10January 12, 2015November 23, 2016Food
Ceiling Torch by bl4ckscor3Makes torches placeable on the ceiling.116.91 KB1.20.1July 8, 2019August 26, 2023CosmeticTechnology
Colorful Subtitles by haykamChanges the color of subtitles based on their sound category.14.49 KB1.19.3August 10, 2021January 2, 2023Map and Information
Tetratic Combat by Eldritch_King24A compat mod for Better Combat and Tetra24.52 KB1.19.2August 29, 2022June 12, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and Weapons
RadOtgPresets by Doctor_MageA duo of open terrain generator preset mods created for the modpack Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons.26.75 MB1.12.2January 6, 2023August 26, 2023BiomesThaumcraftWorld Gen
Portable Tables by thatguynamedalphaAdds portable work bench's to minecraft!132.66 KB1.20.1November 6, 2021July 5, 2023
HerdsPanic by Globox_ZHerds just start to panic when a member panics23.72 KB1.20.1December 19, 2020July 20, 2023Miscellaneous
SilentGear Compat by dragoni_7Adding SilentGear compatability for several mods and new unique materials!581.80 KB1.19.2October 31, 2022July 18, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Rally Health by MrbyscoAdding Bloodborne's Rally system to Minecraft.17.15 KB1.20.1March 17, 2018June 23, 2023Adventure and RPG
TheObsidianBoat by UnRealDinnerboneAdds and Obsidian Boat388.46 KBForgeAugust 2, 2021August 18, 2023Miscellaneous
Advanced Reborn by pitan76Tech Reborn's addon575.66 KB1.20October 31, 2021June 13, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergyTechnology
Sierra's Flowers by sria72Adds a few new flowers to spice up your floral experience!172.30 KB1.20.1October 8, 2022August 4, 2023CosmeticMCreatorUtility & QoLWorld Gen
Grindstone Sharper Tools by Serilum⚔ The grindstone (wet stone) can temporarily increase the damage of tools used on it.50.86 KB1.20.2October 10, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals Forge by tfarecnimAE2 addon that adds wireless terminals280.68 KB1.16.5May 17, 2021February 2, 2022Applied Energistics 2Technology
Create Chromatic Return by phicctvCreative Motors, Glow Sabers and Tool Forging meet your Create Mod world!427.83 KB1.19.2July 14, 2021May 29, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsAutomationEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportFarming
Hwyla Addon Horse Info by Pancham138Provide horse speed and jump information in tooltip9.14 KB1.19.3June 16, 2020June 17, 2022Map and InformationMobs
FastWorkbench Minus Replacement by tfarecnimFastWorkbench optimizations without the usage of registry replacement20.13 KB1.16.5July 7, 2020April 13, 2021Server Utility
TofuCraftReload by sz0999312TofuCraft in 1.19.x~17.49 MB1.20.1March 16, 2019September 29, 2023CosmeticFood
Radium Reforged by Asek3Unofficial Fork of CaffeineMC's "Lithium", made to work with FML499.60 KB1.19.2January 18, 2022September 24, 2023MiscellaneousServer Utility
bendy-lib by KosmXA FabricMC library allowing the player to "bend" their parts and animate the player49.56 KB1.20.1May 14, 2022May 23, 2023API and Library
Equipment Tooltips by SilentChaos512Stat icons for quickly comparing tools, weapons, and armor64.05 KB1.15.2May 15, 2018June 13, 2020Map and Information
Biome Spawn Point by Serilum🌲 Allows specifying which biome players will spawn in on new world creation.46.47 KB1.20.2October 30, 2022September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesServer Utility
Memory Settings[Forge/Fabric] by someaddonStartup warning to configure the proper amount of ram/memory for java, prevents micro stuttering/freezing problems.20.04 KB1.20.1September 12, 2021September 22, 2023Map and InformationServer Utility
Corail Woodcutter Extension by Corail_31Corail Woodcutter Extension to support additional mods (BYG)254.08 KB1.19.2June 22, 2021August 27, 2022AddonsCosmeticProcessing
Caveopolis Mod by benbenlawA mod that adds stone torches, crafting table a bunch of colored stone blocks884.29 KB1.20.1July 2, 2022June 14, 2023CosmeticWorld Gen
OnlinePictureFrame by CreativeMDadd pictures directly from the internet to the game77.59 KB1.12.2January 23, 2017August 31, 2020Cosmetic