Metal Chests by T145_irlThe better alternative to Iron Chests225.90 KB1.12.2March 15, 2018July 29, 2019CosmeticStorageThaumcraftThermal Expansion
MineColonies for ComputerCraft by uecasmIntegration addon providing CC peripheral for MineColonies169.29 KB1.20.1February 10, 2021June 27, 2023API and LibraryAddonsAdventure and RPGAutomation
Stray Spawn by Serilum☠ Adds a chance for strays to spawn naturally everywhere in place of a skeleton.33.00 KB1.20.2October 16, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Just Enough Recipe Integrations by smileycorpAdds JEI Supports to Mods Without It115.58 KB1.12.2June 24, 2022May 31, 2023AddonsMap and Information
Timber Frames by RasaNovumBuild walls out of various timber frames and bring your medieval builds to the next level.776.03 KB1.18.2April 5, 2022August 8, 2022Cosmetic
Mob Catcher by tfarecnimAdds an item to capture mobs with and a launcher to catch them from afar31.97 KB1.19.2June 14, 2019November 11, 2022StorageTechnology
MineTraps by XxRexRaptorxXThis mods adds several new traps to the game!169.78 KB1.20.2January 16, 2019June 23, 2023Adventure and RPGMiscellaneous
Fragile Blocks by SeriousCreeperApplies gravity and fractures blocks depending on tool harvest level21.21 KB1.12.2January 7, 2019June 2, 2020Miscellaneous
Neon Craft Mod by PolyvalordA lot of neon lights !316.89 KB1.16.2August 3, 2020September 5, 2020Cosmetic
Seed Drop by EwyBoyMake anything drop from breaking grass, configure with JSON or Commands28.13 KB1.20.1July 12, 2016June 17, 2023FarmingServer Utility
Copy-Paste by joshiejackKeep contents of a folder in sync with your worlds, datapacks included!6.79 KB1.16.5March 5, 2017August 14, 2020Server Utility
Rough Mobs Revamped by p1ut0nium_94A continuation of Rough Mobs 2 with additional features378.19 KB1.12.2January 31, 2020February 1, 2022Adventure and RPGMobsServer Utility
Torcherino by sci4meTorch that speeds up tile entities.117.42 KB1.20.1October 7, 2015August 25, 2023ProcessingTechnology
Zombie Horse Spawn by Serilum🧟♂🐴 Allows zombie horses to spawn with a zombie riding it and other tweaks.47.54 KB1.20.1October 5, 2019September 20, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Sound Reloader by TheWhoAreYouPersonAllows you to reload the default sound device without reloading all resources!6.22 KB1.12.2November 25, 2016December 6, 2017Miscellaneous
Phenomena Structures by mckeksikskAdds lots of new dungeons and loot!193.43 KB1.20.1January 19, 2021July 27, 2023Adventure and RPGServer UtilityStructures
Parry This! by theishiopianA combat expansion mod adding new mechanics and weapons in the "vanilla" style.487.44 KB1.18.2May 8, 2021July 30, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Ambience (Music Mod) by VazkiiA music mod that lets you add your favorite soundtracks to Minecraft164.77 KB1.12.2November 21, 2015October 14, 2017Miscellaneous
Apple Crates by AbsolemJackdawstore and sell items in Apple Crates !187.68 KB1.19.2June 5, 2022November 8, 2022CosmeticStorage
Pewter by EjektaflexAdds magical new Tinkers' Construct materials, traits, and modifiers from other popular mods!1.26 MB1.12.2May 14, 2018December 24, 2018AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsTinker's Construct
Beenfo by GiselbaerBee info - how many bees and how much honey is in a nest/hive?106.43 KB1.20.1January 4, 2020June 27, 2023CosmeticMap and Information
Magitek Mechs by DigiDigi_Craft and pilot FF6-style Magitek Armor484.79 KB1.20October 5, 2021June 9, 2023Player Transport
Better Structure Block by wyn_priceA mod that removes the 32 limit on structure blocks46.88 KB1.12.2July 12, 2017March 6, 2018API and LibraryServer UtilityStructures
Combat Enchantments[Fabric] by dsfhdshdjtsbA fabric mod that adds several combat focused enchantments for weapons and armor126.23 KB1.20.1August 20, 2021June 13, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagic
Flan (Fabric) by flemmli97Serverside Claiming Mod743.41 KB1.20.1August 25, 2020August 6, 2023Server Utility
Experience Rings by MrComputerGhostSimple Experience Rings Mod24.14 KB1.11March 20, 2016December 24, 2016Miscellaneous
Kelp Fertilizer by Serilum🌿 Kelp seaweed naturally filters sea water for rich nutrients. Kelp works like bone meal.28.15 KB1.20.2March 16, 2020September 21, 2023FarmingOres and Resources
Blackwing's Better Combat Addon by blackwing_canaryA addon for the Better Combat mod151.71 KB1.20.1August 28, 2022September 25, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreator
WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3 by hexosseThis mod provides a client-side user interface for the WorldEdit plugin allowing you to see your selected region in-game in real time849.46 KB1.16.5May 2, 2020March 12, 2022Map and Information
Diggus Maximus by KyrptonaughtLightweight vein mining for Fabric 1.14+221.76 KB1.20.1September 16, 2019June 19, 2023MiscellaneousOres and Resources
UNU Parts Pack [MTS] by Dr_prof_LuigiA parts library for MTS content packs27.74 MB1.16.5September 4, 2018September 25, 2023API and LibraryAddonsPlayer TransportTechnology
Spartan Weaponry: Ice and Fire by kreloxczMedieval weapons made of Ice and Fire's mythical materials. Addon mod for Spartan Weaponry.1.01 MB1.16.5April 6, 2022October 6, 2022AddonsArmor, Tools, and Weapons
ContainerFix by TschippContainerFix fixes a common issue with Containers not closing properly13.01 KB1.13.2March 16, 2018April 20, 2019Miscellaneous
BinniePatcher by ChocoheadRun Binnie's Mods with Forestry 4119.33 KB1.7.10February 27, 2016May 17, 2016Forestry
AsmodeusCore by BlesseNtumbleAsmodeusCore4.03 MB1.12.2September 16, 2018July 24, 2023API and LibraryGalacticraft
SilkSpawners by LordDeatHunterGet spawners with silk touch.11.91 KB1.20.1October 2, 2020June 21, 2023Miscellaneous
Mutant More by alexandersfunandgamesThe new and improved Mutant More mod for Minecraft versions 1.19.2 and above!17.88 MB1.19.2February 26, 2023March 19, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsGeneticsMobs
Chat Colors by thanksihadtosignupforthisAllows the use of colours/formatting in chat, item names, and everywhere else that allows you to type.9.84 KB1.20.1December 28, 2021June 17, 2023Utility & QoL
Wasaila by MrbyscoWasaila (What Agricraft Stats Am I Looking At) adds back Waila support for Agricraft7.54 KB1.16.5February 4, 2019July 7, 2021CosmeticMap and Information
Vanilla Hammers [Forge] by MelanXThis mod adds Hammers to Minecraft57.79 KB1.18.2January 20, 2020June 12, 2022Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Detail Armor Bar [Forge] by RedLimeShow more details of armors in Armor bar! (Ported to Forge!)52.09 KB1.19.2August 26, 2021August 5, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMiscellaneous
Zen Utils by youyihjA Craftweaker Addon (Command, CoT expansion, FTBQ Events, Reload Events and so on)291.53 KB1.12.2August 9, 2020September 16, 2023AddonsCraftTweaker
Rockhounding Mod: Core by globbypotatoLibrary containing the common classes and APIs shared by all the Rockhounding modules. It will be required to load any of the modules.131.18 KB1.12.2July 4, 2017September 2, 2023API and Library
Ore Config by noahc3A Minecraft Forge mod to disable existing ore generation features and add your own.24.71 KB1.16.5December 30, 2020December 16, 2021Ores and ResourcesWorld Gen
Evil Wandering Trader by ParalogossAdd a trader who can steal your goods if you make him angry456.65 KB1.16.5May 21, 2021June 6, 2021Adventure and RPGMobs
Create: The Factory Must Grow by Dr_Mango_TeaHeavy engineering for the Create mod1.72 MB1.19.2October 25, 2022August 20, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
More Music Discs [Fabric/Forge] by 1_block_microwaveAdds more music discs120.02 MB1.20.2April 14, 2021September 22, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Steve's Carts 2 by _ForgeUser7319596Introducing modular carts to Minecraft. Let your carts mine, farm, get powered by sunlight, shoot mobs, craft items and much more.2.41 MB1.7.10March 17, 2015March 16, 2015Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportFarmingPlayer TransportTechnology
Spice of Life: Sweet Potato Edition by tarinoitaThis mod grants players benefits for maintaining a diverse diet.223.24 KB1.19.2July 11, 2022October 15, 2022Food
OpenPeripheralCore by OpenModsSimple ComputerCraft and OpenComputers integration layer415.89 KB1.7.10March 23, 2015February 25, 2017API and Library