Energy Meter by RelentlessEasily measure your energy rates.4452851119.83 KB1.19.2September 29, 2021October 16, 2022EnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportTechnology
Creative Wireless Transmitter by UltramegaaaAdds an Wireless Transmitter that has Infinite Range and works across dimension4450796108.81 KB1.20.1March 2, 2021July 3, 2023AddonsTechnology
Project Red - Transmission by MrTJPTransmission module for the Project Red series4450395439.41 KB1.16.5May 5, 2021July 22, 2023Redstone
Skyblock Builder by MelanXLet you create a custom skyblock island via config4448212288.61 KB1.19.2February 14, 2021September 20, 2023DimensionsMap and Information
Applied Botanics Addon by ramidzkhmana through ae2, what could go wrong4445956241.38 KB1.19.2April 14, 2022September 27, 2023Applied Energistics 2Magic
Ancient Spellcraft by windaneszTons of new spells, artefacts and other goodies for Electroblob's Wizardry44415275.57 MB1.12.2January 11, 2020April 21, 2023MagicMobs
More Babies (Forge & Fabric) by mammut53mAdds more baby mobs! Baby Blaze, Creeper, Enderman, Shulker and many more...4433150872.07 KB1.19.3March 6, 2022December 21, 2022CosmeticMobs
Universal Grid by UltramegaaaAdds a Universal Grid for Refined Storage443303642.50 KB1.20.1October 12, 2021July 3, 2023AddonsEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorageTechnology
Eden Ring by paulevsSci-Fi dimension mod with some unique things443109019.41 MB1.19.2November 13, 2021August 21, 2022BiomesCosmeticDimensions
Krypton Reforged by TeamDeusVultUnofficial Forge Port of the server networking performance mod "Krypton"4425222201.91 KB1.20.1November 23, 2021June 23, 2023Server UtilityUtility & QoL
Snowy Spirit by MehVahdJukaarSleds, winter/ christmas themed blocks and villagers ai44250884.80 MB1.20.1January 10, 2022September 2, 2023CosmeticPlayer Transport
Delightful by brnbrdConfigurable Farmer's Delight addon with compat features and immersive new foods.4389833780.61 KB1.19.2June 27, 2022May 17, 2023AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingFoodWorld Gen
Immersive Portals by qouteallSee through portals and teleport seamlessly43844942.80 MB1.20.1July 26, 2019September 23, 2023DimensionsMiscellaneousPlayer Transport
libIPN by mirinimiGui/Config Libarary for Inventory Profiles Next and related mods4380334676.98 KB1.20.1September 24, 2022August 19, 2023API and LibraryUtility & QoL
MC Dungeons Armors by chronos_sacariaBringing the armors of Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft43711901.04 MB1.20.1December 6, 2020July 30, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Forge) by YUNGNICKYOUNGA complete redesign of Minecraft's ocean monuments!43554631008.89 KB1.20.1October 16, 2022September 25, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
Mythic Mounts by chirpycricket__Befriend legendary creatures to accompany you across the world!43532404.16 MB1.20.1August 19, 2021September 18, 2023MobsPlayer Transport
OAuth by SintiniumAdds the ability to login and authenticate to Microsoft, Mojang, or Legacy accounts!4342913168.67 KB1.20August 9, 2021June 8, 2023Miscellaneous
Bountiful (Fabric) by EjektaflexAdds bounty boards, giving rewards for collecting different blocks and items.4340862517.43 KB1.20.1August 29, 2021July 17, 2023Adventure and RPGServer UtilityWorld Gen
JamLib by jamalam360A library used by JamCoreModding's mods434024565.68 KB1.20.2May 15, 2022September 27, 2023API and Library
Entity Collision FPS Fix by Corgi_TacoClient Side mod that optimizes entity's on the render thread. Fixes KB1.19.2May 28, 2022June 12, 2022MobsUtility & QoL
Upgraded Netherite : Items by Rolfmao25Adds some items like apples and totems to the Upgraded Netherite mod.4325436135.81 KB1.19.4January 12, 2022July 31, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFoodMiscellaneous
Expanded Storage by MessyEllieSimilar to Iron Chests except allows chests to merge along all 3 axis.4321030763.41 KB1.19.4March 21, 2019August 9, 2023Storage
Untamed Wilds by raytrace82A mod that aims to make the Minecraft world a bit more alive43034642.76 MB1.20.1March 15, 2021September 23, 2023Adventure and RPGFoodMobsWorld Gen
Double Slabs by CJMinecraft01Adds improvements to all slabs created in vanilla and modded4297017273.48 KB1.16.5November 2, 2019July 12, 2022Cosmetic
Omnis by sammysemicolonOmnis is a mod that aims to add loot to all corners to the game.42932441.28 MB1.19.2March 31, 2021August 2, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMagic
Better Animations Collection by FuzsChanging the in-game models to allow for better animations and subtle effects.4293184184.97 KB1.20.1June 10, 2019June 27, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
Passable Foliage 🌳 (Forge) by Snownee_Remove collision from leaves427419829.41 KB1.20.1April 30, 2020August 7, 2023Utility & QoL
Additional Lights by mgen256All 8 types, 2 types fire, Over 200 variations.4271014517.97 KB1.20.2May 22, 2020June 18, 2023Cosmetic
Galosphere by orcinus73This mod aims to improve the underground by adding new cave biomes, mobs, ores... etc426903911.50 MB1.20.1June 6, 2022July 29, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesMobsOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
Loot Games by Time_ConquerorPlay minigames to obtain the loot!42644931.58 MB1.16.5July 23, 2019June 28, 2022Adventure and RPGMagicStructures
Config Menus for Forge by FuzsThe way to go for mod configs to be configured directly in-game on the Forge mod loader. Nice, quick and easy!4264401240.55 KB1.18.2November 3, 2021March 2, 2022API and LibraryServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Litematica by masadyA modern schematic mod written for Fabric (and LiteLoader on 1.12.x), with extra features for Creative mode work4262830888.64 KB1.20.1December 13, 2018July 4, 2023CosmeticMap and InformationStructures
Better Fps - Render Distance[Forge] by someaddonBetter fps for 1.16+ minecraft, improved render distances424896916.59 KB1.20.1December 1, 2021September 22, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Saturn by AbdElAziz333A performance mod designed to optimize Minecraft's memory usage424113622.13 KB1.19.3September 9, 2022April 29, 2023MiscellaneousServer Utility
Re-chiseled by SuperMartijn642Rechiseled allows you to chisel blocks into various decorative blocks with connected textures!42337252.35 MB1.12.2December 21, 2021July 8, 2023Cosmetic
Mouse Wheelie (Fabric) by SiphalorA "small" clientside mod featuring item scrolling, inventory sorting, item refilling and more!42288111.13 MB1.20.1March 16, 2019August 7, 2023Miscellaneous
Kambrik by EjektaflexA Kotlin Library Framework4225986317.92 KB1.20.1March 11, 2021July 19, 2023API and Library
Improved Mobs (Forge) by flemmli97Harder mobs for increased difficulty4215134289.63 KB1.20.1November 27, 2017September 10, 2023Mobs
Time Core by Time_ConquerorLibrary which adds Bedrock Animation loading, can generate models and blockstates on fly and more!4213898605.27 KB1.19.2July 21, 2019September 16, 2023API and Library
Wings by pau101Adds an assortment of avian and insectoid wings for aerial travel4211105261.24 KB1.16.5September 8, 2018March 5, 2022Armor, Tools, and Weapons
[FABRIC/QUILT] Disable Custom Worlds Advice by NaraMinecraft asking you if you want to load a custom world is annoying. Let's fix it!420319037.74 KB1.20.1August 13, 2020June 30, 2023BiomesDimensionsMiscellaneousUtility & QoLWorld Gen
Village Spawn Point by Serilum🏙 Sets the spawn point in a new world to the center of a village.419840844.70 KB1.20.2October 10, 2019September 20, 2023Adventure and RPGWorld Gen
Zoomify by XanderIsDevA zoom mod with infinite customizability.4197115976.45 KB1.20.1January 30, 2022August 29, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
Ex Nihilo: Sequentia by NovaMachinaCreate resources from thin air! Well, kind need a tree first.41940821.50 MB1.19.2August 4, 2020August 30, 2023Ores and ResourcesProcessingTechnology
TenshiLib (Forge) by flemmli97Core and Library mod for my other projects4169307454.34 KB1.20.1January 22, 2019August 7, 2023API and Library
Underground Biomes by KreezxilAdds 24 different types of stone41603581.27 MB1.12.2May 4, 2018June 14, 2022BiomesCosmeticOres and ResourcesStructures
Towers of the Wild: Reloaded by yuesha_ycFixed version of Idrae's Towers of the Wild for 1.16.54159920153.46 KB1.16.5October 11, 2021October 10, 2021Adventure and RPGCosmeticStructuresWorld Gen
Kobolds! by Jusey1zAdds a new underground civilization of tiny lizard people!41587072.34 MB1.20.1May 22, 2021September 15, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMobsStructuresWorld Gen
MEGA Cells by 62831853ME Greater Accumulation: For when kilobytes just won't do.4155417284.29 KB1.20.1May 9, 2022September 25, 2023Applied Energistics 2AutomationProcessingStorage