Reaper by terrariumearthReaping souls with a slam of steel286292123.99 KB1.19.2October 15, 2022November 20, 2022MagicTechnology
Responsive Shields by RevviloRemove that delay when blocking28571062.15 KB1.20.1December 16, 2021June 12, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsServer Utility
Mod Compat Fixes by settingdustFix issues for a couple mods that are present in modpacks.285482178.61 KB1.18.2April 7, 2023September 26, 2023Utility & QoL
AntiBlocksReChiseled by manmaedReadds the AntiBlocks from Chisel280423566.07 KB1.20.1December 1, 2022September 22, 2023Cosmetic
Suggestion Tweaker by VelizarPImproves the way suggestions are filtered and sorted when writing a command27922324.90 KB1.20.2April 19, 2022August 30, 2023CosmeticMap and InformationServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Woodcutter Compats by ethan_the_ethanA simple mod which adds additional wood types to charm and environmental's woodcutters2770711.09 MB1.16.5February 9, 2022February 15, 2022Utility & QoL
Windswept! by rose__________________A general expansion to snowy and forest areas of the game.2748377.93 MB1.19.2June 23, 2022March 28, 2023BiomesFoodMobsStructuresWorld Gen
Angel Block Renewed by LaidBackSloth42A block you can place midair to help build skybases etc2722571.24 MB1.20.2August 13, 2022August 8, 2023Miscellaneous
Flower Patch by MrbyscoAllows you to bunch together flowers into a single blockspace similar to pickles26958283.67 KB1.19.4July 8, 2022July 24, 2023Cosmetic
StackDeobfuscator by booky10Remaps logged stacktraces to readable mappings268745205.89 KB1.20.2March 22, 2023August 11, 2023API and LibraryServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Hexal by TaliaAn addon for Hex Casting adding miscellaneous patterns and a new way of casting while away.2641361.49 MB1.19.2February 9, 2023July 7, 2023Magic
Chunk Sending[Forge/Fabric] by someaddonOptimizes chunk packet delivery25896510.94 KB1.20.1February 26, 2023September 22, 2023Map and InformationServer Utility
Twilight Delight by laokuai233More Delicious Food in the Twilight Forest!2534868.55 MB1.16.5June 26, 2022July 9, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsFarmingFoodMCreator
Frame Void Patch (MC-59363) by fonnymunkeyPatches MC-59363, right+left clicking an item frame voiding the held item.252367936.17 KB1.12.2November 21, 2022November 20, 2022MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
RLCombat by fonnymunkeyAdds offhand attacking and other features, forked for RLCraft.252348100.33 KB1.12.2November 26, 2022January 30, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
PortalDupeBegone by fonnymunkeySimple mod to patch entities and drops duplicated by portals.25188711.20 KB1.12.2September 13, 2022September 12, 2022Server UtilityUtility & QoL
RLTweaker2 by meldexunBug fixes, performance improvements and small features developed for RLCraft251509591.48 KB1.12.2December 12, 2022April 11, 2023Miscellaneous
Creative Disk by Gaz_Adds a creative disk Refined Storage disk which contains all the items in game2512618.11 KB1.19.2September 22, 2022November 5, 2022AddonsStorage
Wearable Backpacks: RLCraft Edition by fonnymunkeyWearable, placeable, dyeable backpacks with Bauble support.250621491.50 KB1.12.2October 2, 2022December 18, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
RLArtifacts by fonnymunkeyAdds baubles, artifacts, and Mimics, oh my!248112671.15 KB1.12.2January 30, 2023April 4, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMobs
MaterialTweaker by fonnymunkeyPack utility to modify tool and armor material attributes and repair items.24655922.74 KB1.12.2September 24, 2022December 15, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL
Technobauble by bdewA mod that adds various baubles/curios240252161.47 KB1.20.1June 8, 2021July 28, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
MoreJS by LythoA Minecraft mod to extend KubeJS with additional events.239065159.64 KB1.19.2August 30, 2022September 18, 2023KubeJSMap and InformationServer UtilityStructuresUtility & QoL
FTB Pack Companion by FTBFTB Modpacks best friend!23507758.60 KB1.19.2October 26, 2022September 17, 2023Miscellaneous
Huge Structure Blocks [Fabric & Forge] by SamB440Structure blocks. But bigger. Up to 512 blocks!23062198.62 KB1.20.1April 20, 2021August 7, 2023Server UtilityStructures
Create Deco Fabric by talreyFabric port of the Create Deco Addon2298033.07 MB1.19.2December 17, 2022June 22, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Plenty Of Armors [Fabric] by aleganzaA plenty of new vanilla-faithful armors sets with custom effects applied.2202621.12 MB1.20.1August 18, 2022August 2, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Jade Addons (Fabric) by Snownee_Jade 🔍's additional mod supports for Fabric20562759.65 KB1.18.2August 6, 2022September 8, 2023AddonsMap and InformationUtility & QoL
More Mob Variants by nyuppoAdds new variants to existing mobs.199976184.04 KB1.20.1October 30, 2022July 7, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
Nutritional Balance by Danny_and_SonEnhances the food system to encourage you to eat a balanced diet with buffs and debuffs.198094280.88 KB1.18.2February 18, 2021September 23, 2023Adventure and RPGFood
WizardEx by divnectarWizards & PlayerEx compat mod!195568106.70 KB1.19.2February 28, 2023June 4, 2023Adventure and RPGMagic
Create: Extended Flywheels Fabric by RabbitminersA small mod to add on to Create by adding numerous new flywheels and bringing them new functionality1942541.88 MB1.19.2December 19, 2022December 18, 2022CosmeticPlayer Transport
LibZ by Globox_Zopen source library for a couple of globox_z mods1934662.00 MB1.20.1March 24, 2023August 20, 2023API and Library
Create Central Kitchen by DragonsPlusAutomatic Kitchen Work & Integration179505994.12 KB1.18.2February 2, 2023September 24, 2023AddonsTechnology
Twilight Decor by jodlodiAn unofficial compatibility mod for the Twilight Forest mod178983411.63 KB1.18.2October 12, 2021June 6, 2022AddonsCosmetic
Ars Armiger by VykladeLapietAn Ars Nouveau x Tetra compatibility mod176055100.45 KB1.19.2February 17, 2023March 1, 2023AddonsMagic
Adaptive Tooltips by XanderIsDevHighly configurable tooltip rendering, so you can always read them!174589150.15 KB1.20.2November 16, 2022September 28, 2023Utility & QoL
Show Me Your Skin! by enjaraiA mod to hide or customize armor rendering.165521371.85 KB1.19.4May 9, 2022April 24, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticUtility & QoL
Entity Model Features [CEM] [Fabric & Forge] by traben_0EMF is an, OptiFine format, Custom Entity Model replacement mod available for Fabric and Forge.162052454.94 KB1.20.1April 1, 2023June 21, 2023CosmeticMobsUtility & QoL
Cave Rats by TrueRealCursed_WarriorAdds 4 New Cave rats to the Game, One for Each Biome15954589.63 KB1.19.2April 2, 2022February 25, 2023FoodMobs
Shady Alchemist by TrueRealCursed_WarriorThe Alchemist can now have Special Trades to Make Profitable Items149279133.83 KB1.19.2February 25, 2023February 24, 2023Adventure and RPGFoodMagicMobs
Corruptional by TrueRealCursed_WarriorAdds Ability to Corrupt Animals to Use their Special Powers148965113.77 KB1.19.2February 14, 2023February 13, 2023Adventure and RPGFoodMagicMobs
Grenade Launcher by TrueRealCursed_WarriorAdds a Grenade Launcher to the Game, A Very Powerful and Helpful Weapon146729101.05 KB1.19.2February 16, 2023February 15, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Sky Structures by TrueRealCursed_WarriorAdds a bunch of new structures that spawn in the sky14403677.39 KB1.19.2March 1, 2023February 28, 2023Adventure and RPGStructures
RebindNarrator [Forge] by OcraftyoneRebind that pesky narrator keybind!13491726.15 KB1.16.5May 27, 2022July 30, 2022Utility & QoL
Create: Ender Transmission by Forsteri123Energy/Item/Fluid transmission with no space limit124987109.71 KB1.19.2December 15, 2022August 3, 2023AddonsTechnology
Blaze Mek by ErrorMikeyBlaze Mek is an extremely lightweight mod made purely to add an extra feature to MobGrindingUtilities1226544.42 KB1.19.2April 4, 2023April 11, 2023Addons
FTB Team Dimensions by FTBFTB Team Dimensions105272198.57 KB1.19.2March 29, 2023June 9, 2023World Gen
Flower Doubling by BlackDragonFireAllows duplicating Small Flowers with Bonemeal.9617814.59 KB1.19.4November 27, 2022June 15, 2023MCreatorMiscellaneous
FTB SkyBlock Addons by FTBFTB SkyBlock Addons is a mod designed to add helper content to any of our SkyBlock styled modpacks.87539241.58 KB1.19.2April 6, 2023August 20, 2023Technology