Dynamic Trees by ferreusveritasTrees that grow.. Forests that spread.207402383.18 MB1.18.2October 26, 2016August 20, 2023BiomesCosmeticFarmingWorld Gen
Charm by svenhjolA vanilla+ mod inspired by Quark, adding lots of small things to the game.207092303.78 MB1.19.2April 6, 2019September 21, 2022Utility & QoL
Culinary Construct (Forge/Fabric/Quilt) by TheIllusiveC4Make custom sandwiches or bowls/stews out of your favorite food items! And maybe your not so favorite. Anything's possible!20657723505.60 KB1.20.1June 24, 2018June 18, 2023Food
ComputerCraft by DanTwoHundredComputers, Programming and Robotics in Minecraft206304091.46 MB1.8.9October 18, 2013September 11, 2017Technology
Doggy Talents by percivalalbTalents, new models, new AI, beds and more!205163871.03 MB1.18.2June 30, 2017February 24, 2023Adventure and RPGFoodMagicMobs
Kiwi 🥝 (Forge) by Snownee_Minecraft modding library20468481710.95 KB1.20.1September 25, 2018August 7, 2023API and Library
Guard Villagers by almightytallestredGuards that help with village pest control20399160193.87 KB1.19.4January 27, 2020August 11, 2023MobsWorld Gen
[ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands by MrCompostIntroducing the Betweenlands, a dark and hostile environment...20369916135.64 MB1.12.2March 27, 2016April 6, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsMobsStructures
Headcrumbs by TurkeyDevCelebrities heads as dungeon loot + heads for all the mobs you can think of!20368893305.50 KB1.12.2July 28, 2014December 6, 2018Cosmetic
Progressive Bosses by Insane96MCPMakes Wither and Ender Dragon harder the more you kill 'em20340198208.30 KB1.20.1March 4, 2018September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
It's the little things by ZlepperEnable changing of the minecraft icon, title, and adds other little options. Allows adding a dedicated server to the modpack20330043181.49 KB1.20.2July 16, 2015September 20, 2023Miscellaneous
Corpse by henkelmaxNever lose your items again!20213568218.50 KB1.20.2March 4, 2019September 23, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneousServer UtilityStorage
NEI Addons by bdewAddons for Not Enough Items for various mods2005632299.39 KB1.7.10August 8, 2013December 6, 2015AddonsForestryMap and Information
Level Up! Reloaded by BeetoGuyFeel like your experience is worth something199241071.03 MB1.12.2September 17, 2016September 30, 2020Adventure and RPG
Loading Screens by bloodnbonesgamingCustomizable loading screens1989585141.65 KB1.12.2April 12, 2019April 13, 2019Map and InformationMiscellaneous
Upgrade Aquatic by TeamAbnormalsA mod that improves the content in Update Aquatic.198203723.55 MB1.19.2July 10, 2019February 27, 2023MiscellaneousMobsOres and ResourcesRedstoneWorld Gen
Scaling Health by SilentChaos512Change player/mob health and more! Spiritual successor to Difficult Life.19817310489.04 KB1.16.5July 26, 2016July 27, 2023Adventure and RPGMobs
Custom NPCs by Noppes_Create your own npcs and liven up your world or create your own adventure. Includes quests, a dialog system and a ton of items and blocks.1981701211.88 MB1.16.5June 27, 2014May 14, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and Weapons
YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge) by YUNGNICKYOUNGA complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds19716806712.13 KB1.20.1April 4, 2021September 24, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
YABBA by LatvianModderYet Another Better Barrel Attempt19692647227.34 KB1.12.2December 15, 2016October 30, 2019Storage
Mod Menu by ProspectorAdds a mod menu to view the list of mods you have installed.19670356535.84 KB1.17.1December 10, 2018December 7, 2022Miscellaneous
The Beneath by ShinoowA Deep Dark alternative, highly configurable and evil.196031735.86 MB1.12.2December 5, 2016August 14, 2021DimensionsMobsOres and Resources
Ensorcellation by TeamCoFHEnchantments!19517110125.13 KB1.19.2October 27, 2019September 19, 2023MagicThermal Expansion
Lollipop by owmiiA library mod for owmii's mods.19506381667.51 KB1.16.5October 14, 2019March 8, 2021API and Library
BetterF3 by cominixoA mod that provides a highly customizable, more human-readable Debug HUD.194146551.69 MB1.20.1August 11, 2020July 12, 2023Map and Information
Valhelsia Structures by ValhelsiaTeamAdds new structures and dungeons to your world while being properly integrated.193627922.03 MB1.18.2October 11, 2019September 23, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge) by YUNGNICKYOUNGA complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons!19358190774.06 KB1.20.1August 1, 2021September 25, 2023Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
LootTweaker by DaomephstaA CraftTweaker addon that allows loot tables to be tweaked19334581108.69 KB1.12.2December 17, 2016October 28, 2021CraftTweaker
Compact Solars by ProgWML6Compact Solar mod1932994959.31 KB1.7.10March 22, 2015October 30, 2018EnergyIndustrial Craft
The Endergetic Expansion by TeamAbnormalsThis mod aims to expands upon The End by adding a variety of features to the barren landscape along with alien flora and fauna to make it livelier.1930381810.53 MB1.16.5April 3, 2018April 12, 2022Armor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesDimensionsMobsWorld Gen
Iceberg [Forge] by Grend_GA modding library that contains new events, helpers, and utilities to make modder's lives easier.19273272129.89 KB1.20.1August 24, 2021September 7, 2023API and Library
Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge (REI) by shedanielClean and Customizable. An easy way to browse recipes. Alternative to JEI Just Enough Items.192534052.19 MB1.20.2December 30, 2018September 28, 2023API and LibraryMap and Information
FTB Essentials (Forge) by FTBAdds many essential utility commands for servers1914370084.19 KB1.18.2October 1, 2020June 25, 2023Map and InformationPlayer TransportServer Utility
MineTogether by Official_CreeperHostA Minecraft mod that enhances community and server features, such as global chat, chunk pre-generation, auto server join from protocol uri (via FTBApp), friends lists, private chats and many more features linked to the MineTogether platform.1906026915.76 MB1.16.5May 9, 2017August 24, 2023Map and InformationMiscellaneousServer UtilityWorld Gen
Angel Ring To Bauble by PortablejimMake the Extra Utils Angel Ring1896803343.01 KB1.12.2December 31, 2016January 9, 2018AddonsArmor, Tools, and Weapons
Lazy DataFixerUpper(LazyDFU) [FORGE] by Corgi_TacoMakes the initialization of DataFixerUpper "lazy"1892479914.62 KB1.19.3March 23, 2021January 10, 2023Server Utility
Environmental Lunar Tech by ValkyrieofNightGenerate energy from the moon!!1886804162.35 KB1.12.2November 13, 2016March 24, 2019AddonsEnergyTechnology
Nature's Aura by EllpeckCollecting, using and replenishing the Aura naturally present in the world to create useful devices and unique mechanics188634711.37 MB1.20.1November 9, 2018September 24, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagicTechnology
Goblin Traders by MrCrayfishAdds goblins that you can find underground with unique and useful trades!18862825312.73 KB1.20.1February 20, 2020August 29, 2023Adventure and RPGWorld Gen
NetherEx by LogicTechCorpNetherEx is a Nether overhaul mod for Minecraft. It adds in new biomes, structures, mobs, and more!188040192.53 MB1.12.2July 27, 2016July 1, 2021BiomesCosmeticDimensionsMobsStructures
Shutup Experimental Settings! by Corgi_TacoRemoves the Experimental Settings prompt before world creation.187856284.64 KB1.19.2September 9, 2020April 19, 2022BiomesDimensionsMiscellaneousWorld Gen
JEITweaker by Jaredlll08Adds CraftTweaker support to Just Enough Items18779286152.88 KB1.18.2March 21, 2020August 16, 2023CosmeticCraftTweakerMap and Information
Archer's Paradox by TeamCoFHArrows! And archery stuff in general.18738546186.53 KB1.19.2December 2, 2019September 19, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsThermal Expansion
Just Enough Energistics (JEE) by TheRealp455w0rdAdds proper JEI integration for the AE2 Pattern Terminal1868121622.18 KB1.12.2January 7, 2019September 11, 2019Applied Energistics 2Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportMap and Information
AtomicStryker's Battle Towers by atomicstrykergrumpyBattle Towers18658342865.27 KB1.12.2February 17, 2015October 26, 2019Adventure and RPGStructures
Quark Oddities by VazkiiAn addon to Quark containing thoughtfully designed features for players to build around186543591.85 KB1.19.2August 18, 2018December 20, 2021CosmeticOres and Resources
Ruins (Structure Spawning System) by atomicstrykergrumpyA structure spawning system18624250280.76 KB1.15.2February 17, 2015June 12, 2020Adventure and RPGStructures
Balm (Forge Edition) by BlayTheNinthAbstraction Layer (but not really)™ for Blay's multiplatform mods18565287330.97 KB1.20.2September 27, 2021September 26, 2023API and Library
ItemPhysic Full by CreativeMD#enhancedphysics1852888757.71 KB1.20.1February 2, 2017August 22, 2023Cosmetic
Mining Gadgets by Direwolf20Because mining with lasers is cool18382067607.08 KB1.19.4November 17, 2019September 1, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology